Author Topic: My world lately...  (Read 2843 times)

Gypsy Jazmine

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My world lately...
« on: March 16, 2006, 11:47:21 pm »
My world?....Hectic & heartbreaking lately...My youngest cat baby "Little Bitty Henry the 8th has a serious mouth issue...He has red, swollen, & inflamed gums...We've been through 4 different rounds of antibiotics... 2 different kinds...We've had a negative on feline HIV/Luekemia THANK GOD!!...& we are now trying Prednisone...I f that doesn't work all that is left is taking him to a specialist to pull all of his teeth & there is no gauruntee that will take care of the problem...It is very costly & even the vet said he wouldn't go that route so the only other option if the Prednisone doesn't work is letting him live in pain or lovingly sending him to The Bridge...Needl ess to say my heart is heavy with the possibilities for my baby...Another beloved cat baby Miss Fritzi is still suffering bowel problems & we can't seem to get to the bottom of that either....I've put a bottle of carpet cleaner on each floor of our house & we've been several trips to the vet with no answers...& lastly, my 7 yr. old skin kid who has always been headstrong has taken her attitude to a whole new level...She has left me in tears of frustration & heartache for the past 2 days...& then there the usual trials & tribulations of having 16 fur babies to care for & 2 skin kids & a hubby that is gone 5 days a week...I know I am whining but I am at my breaking point...I know God never gives you more than you can handle but, right now, I wish he didn't trust me so much...Thanks for listening. :-* :'(
« Last Edit: March 17, 2006, 12:07:13 am by Gypsy Jazmine »


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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2006, 01:08:24 am »
I am so sorry to read about your kitties  :( I will keep them both in my prayers. And I have been there with kids also. My oldest one, 9 yrs, has made me cry myself to sleep some nights. It got to the point when I asked my husband, her step father, if she even loved me cause at times it feels like she doesnt. Hang in there, and if you ever wanna or need to chat, you know where to find me  :) Keep yuor head up high, we all know you are a very strong person!!


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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2006, 01:55:51 am »
Oh, Chelle!

Honey, I know its hard! My 12 year old gives me fits sometimes! You'll get through it cuz you're an awesome, strong woman with lotsa love. Besides, the point is to make a strong, awesome woman like yourself, and that's lots of work, and in the process, they don't always love you for it. Does that make sense?
 Hey, something I thought about with your cat with the mouth issues..we had a cat with similar issues. It was a food allergy! When we put her on a novel protein/grain food (venison and green pea) it cleared right up! Have you tried anything like that? We thought her face was going to rot off! We were in despair! But, the switch to a novel protein and grain really did the trick. That was 5 years ago, and she's still going strong. Just a suggestion...i ts worth a shot.
 Don't worry. You'll make it through. We're all here for ya. You're doing a good job. Never beat yourself up. You're taking on alot, and doing the absolute best that you can. BIG HUGS CHELLE!!!!!

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2006, 06:55:22 am »
Oh, Chelle!

Honey, I know its hard! My 12 year old gives me fits sometimes! You'll get through it cuz you're an awesome, strong woman with lotsa love. Besides, the point is to make a strong, awesome woman like yourself, and that's lots of work, and in the process, they don't always love you for it. Does that make sense?
 Hey, something I thought about with your cat with the mouth issues..we had a cat with similar issues. It was a food allergy! When we put her on a novel protein/grain food (venison and green pea) it cleared right up! Have you tried anything like that? We thought her face was going to rot off! We were in despair! But, the switch to a novel protein and grain really did the trick. That was 5 years ago, and she's still going strong. Just a suggestion...i ts worth a shot.
 Don't worry. You'll make it through. We're all here for ya. You're doing a good job. Never beat yourself up. You're taking on alot, and doing the absolute best that you can. BIG HUGS CHELLE!!!!!
Thanks guys!...I really needed that!...I know I am really stressd when I wake up like this morning &, even fter a good night's sleep, things don't feel or look alot better...I let Randy sleep in as he has to leave today already...Usua lly he doesn't have to leave until Saturday...But after the kids go to school I am going back to bed to nurse my "wounds"...Anyway, I will call my vet about the food allergy possibility but Henry has always been on the same food since he was born & he turned 2 last Oct...I always gave him the same food as the other cats just with some canned kitten food when he was younger...It took me forever to find a food that all of my cats could tolerate but it would be alot easier to find soemthing else than the alternative... Ty!...Well, I am off to wake up the kids...You guys have a good day & ty both again! :)


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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2006, 08:05:56 am »
I'm sorry to hear about your kitties. I agree with Nicole it could be an allergy. My daughter and I are so much a like we already but heads a lot. She's only two and a half. I know I'm in for a long ride with her. I'm only a phone call away if you want to chat. Hang in there!

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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2006, 08:43:12 am »
OH, Chelle, I know how hard these bumps in the road are!!  I have to share a story that a good friend told me years ago.  She said she thinks the secret to life is the SH*T Flick theory...

Everybody is born with a pile of sh*t in front of them.  When you go out to work and you have a flat tire, you've been flicked with sh*t.   Same thing when you are cooking and you are missing the key ingredient; another flick.  Sometimes, though, you get great huge handfuls...lik e now for you.  The good part about that is that you learn to wipe your face, get up and get going.  When a kid is born in to a rotten situation, and turns out great and has a great life,  his/her pile was probably used up early.  When someone had a marvelous life, and then in the end, they are sick, no one loves them and they are broke; their pile was dumped on them.  It's as good an explanation of life as I've ever read and somehow, it feels better knowing that your pile is diminishing.  It does get better....

We're here for you!  Hugs!!! ;)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2006, 11:39:58 am »
OH, Chelle, I know how hard these bumps in the road are!!  I have to share a story that a good friend told me years ago.  She said she thinks the secret to life is the SH*T Flick theory...

Everybody is born with a pile of sh*t in front of them.  When you go out to work and you have a flat tire, you've been flicked with sh*t.   Same thing when you are cooking and you are missing the key ingredient; another flick.  Sometimes, though, you get great huge handfuls...lik e now for you.  The good part about that is that you learn to wipe your face, get up and get going.  When a kid is born in to a rotten situation, and turns out great and has a great life,  his/her pile was probably used up early.  When someone had a marvelous life, and then in the end, they are sick, no one loves them and they are broke; their pile was dumped on them.  It's as good an explanation of life as I've ever read and somehow, it feels better knowing that your pile is diminishing.  It does get better....

We're here for you!  Hugs!!! ;)
Thanks...I guess I never quite thought of it like! ;D ...My pile must be close to gone then...YYYIIIP PPPEEEEEEEEEEE EEEE! :D ...Seriosly though, somehow that story does really help. :)


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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2006, 11:45:08 am »

As far as the food allergies go, our kitty had been on the same food for a few years, too. I guess that's sort of the thing. They can develop the allergy, even if they'd never had it before. Its worth looking into. It just sounds so similar to what we went through with our little Drew.

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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2006, 03:29:22 pm »
Im so sorry you are having suck a hard time. We are all here to listen and none of us think you are whining!
I love the SH*T Flick theory... That is soooo true and I think your pile is dwindling!!!! Good luck with your kitties and I hope you can figure out and fix the problem.
As for your skin kid ,well I have a 15 year old daughter and a 12 year old daughter and the oldest one has given me many tears and grey hair!!!! It will get better. The next thing you know they are all grown up. Keep your chin up!
My thoughts are with you!

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: My world lately...
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2006, 04:09:34 pm »
Thanks alot everyone! :) ...As far as my daughter goes I am feeling better about things...I called the school counslor today & she said because Missy never acts like that at school (she gets perfect citiznship grades) she can't refer me to any of their resources through the school but that she will talk to Missy & work with me on helping her...I've done alot of soul searching & I can see that my stress level is affecting her so I am going to try to relax more...God knows I need to anyway! :-\ :) & the cat issue...I am going to look into possible allergies for Henry after his round of Prednisone...M y other cat with tummy issues is actually doing better than she was at one time & we haven't had na accident on the carpet for 2 days...Hopeful ly that continues!