Author Topic: the newf who knew he could....  (Read 3600 times)

Offline Fumble

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the newf who knew he could....
« on: April 16, 2006, 03:52:32 am »
i have a question.. esp to all my bpo friends out there whose newfs are larger than them.  fumble now out weighs me.. and in the past two weeks it seems like his "teenageness" has taken over.. especially when it comes to listening!  and one thing he figured out, is that when he sees another dog, nothing else!  just dogs, that he can pull me across the ground.. and this usually happens at the beach, so just imagine the sand issue here!!
anyone have any tips on how to get him not to pull/drag me?  he has a pinch collar that he wears for walks, but it doesn't seem to be helping!  my poor hands look like rug burn from holding on so tight! oh and i feel so bad for the other little puppies that are pardon to this!  we just saw a very sweet looking lil jack russell and fumble nearly scared him to death!  help bpo!! 

PS.  i'll be posting new pictures of the lil (well actually very large) rascal this afternoon!
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


Offline AC

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2006, 04:00:37 am »
Angus is the same way, especially as we get closer to the dogpark. He can't contain himself and with the regular collar on I can barely hold him, I only out-weigh him by 10 pounds. The only solution that I have is the gentle leader, I've been using it since he was 6 months old, no power required to hold him, just got to be careful he doesn't take off and in a full run and have his head snap back. Also, when he wants to go somewhere and he starts pulling I stop and won't take another step forward until he sits and waits for me. I have even turned around on the way to the dogpark when he would not walk  nice and back in the van we went and started all over again. He eventually gets it, that's if he pulls to get somewhere he doesn't get there.
Good luck with Fumble.

Offline nostaw

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2006, 05:25:24 am »
My two used to be the same and still occasionally they become deaf, it always seems to be a balance between doing as you are told and is it more interesting than doing as you are told.

setting off for a walk is always a struggle until the excitement dies down, usually about 50 yards, after that the amount of pulling subsides until the "interesting factor" comes into play. The best method Ive found is to control the dog by holding the lead in my left hand at a comfortable height and having a loop of loose lead to where I hold the lead in my right. I then use the heel command and control slight pulling with my left hand and if they start to set off I have an additional bit of lead that can slip through my hand and gives me time to jerk on the collar and shout heel or leave, whichever is appropriate. This works quite well most of the time but there are still times when you have to dig your heels in.

The other alternate is to increase your amount of food you eat until you outweigh the dog once more!! - that one I think I'll investigate myself ;D

Andy Bell & Hovis
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Offline longshadowfarms

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2006, 05:40:07 am »
Reminds me that I probably ought to go order some Gentle Leaders.  I used one on a foster dog last year and sent it home with her.  Eider is pretty good most of the time but occasionally gets excited and even though he only weighs about 70 lb, he's still got 4 feet with which to pull.  He's a little powerhouse!  We're supposed to be getting 2 LGDs this week and my understanding is that the male has that Pyr hearing issue going on - can hear a whisper, can't hear instructions.  He apparently gets pretty excited about being on the leash.  No word on the female as no one's ever tried to walk her.  I'm thinking that walking 3 dogs could be interesting...  Better go place that order...

Offline macybean

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2006, 05:58:27 am »
Riley doesn't outweigh me yet, but he and Sadie together do. I use gentle leaders on both of them. Riley actually walks very well (right beside me, pays attention to my speed/direction), but when he sees a person-i.e. potential love-he's ready to go. Sadie, on the other hand, is only 58 pounds but can drag me if she sees a cat, squirrel, or bird. She definitely has some prey instinct, though she never does anything to them. She caught up with a baby bird once and just bounced around with her butt up trying to entice it to play with her. Poor bird probably didn't know what the h*ll to think. LOL

Offline chaos270

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2006, 10:02:22 am »
Definitely go with the GL Kali outweighs me and can even drag my brother who's bigger than her off his feet if he isn't paying attention.  Kali is a lot more manageable with it.  If you were a bit closer I'd offer to let you try Kali's on him.  I think he'll do fine with it because Kali didn't even care the first time I put it on her just watch out he doesn't rub it off and maybe have a leash on a regular collar too in case he gets really stupid so he won't hurt himself.  Good luck and keep us updated. 

Another thing to try is the dog whisperer technique of being the first out the door and through any opening and don't let him get in front of you at all.  Plus you have to have the attitude of a mom...pull out that mom voice of what I say goes no ifs ands or buts about it.
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
Gabby ~ Holsteiner mare
Fire ~ Appendix Quarter Horse/Belgian gelding
Lilah and Hannah ~ Kali's kitties

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2006, 03:13:34 pm »
When I first brought Barkley home, he weighed more than I did (at the time...sadly no longer true and not because he's lost  My first trip into obedience class was him pulling me in, over a snowbank and on my face, into the class.  The leader said "we'll work on your entrance".

We got a gentle leader right away as well.  He was full grown and didn't seem to have had any leash training whatsoever.  We used the gentle leader for about a month, until he was used to not pulling on the lead.  Then we took that off ... gradually reducing until we could walk him off the lead.  Now he'll take about a 10 foot radius but we only have to say "hip" and he returns to us immediately. 

We also have the practice of being first ... first up the stairs, out the door, etc.  This came about more for a safety reason to stop Sheba from cutting the legs out from under me when I was going up stairs in the house .... I didn't realize it was a dog whisperer thing.  Cool!
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2006, 06:17:09 pm »
Recruit Stacy the two of you together still weigh more than little big man. The Fumbs needs to respect his Mamma, I would say if the pinch collar isn't working for you, you need to try the gentle leader. It works great for Erin with Kali as she mentioned above.

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2006, 01:24:21 am »
If he is very food oriented, at least for treats.  When you have something you want him to do use a treat, always.  It truly does not matter if a dog sits for you because he loves you, is afraid of you, or wants a cookie.  What you want is the result, and if a treat thrown in a crate gets him in the crate, I would do it.  He is still learning, and eventually will do these things because you tell him.  He will remember only that doing what he is told is fun and a good thing.  Lots of praise too. 
When he is being unruly, put him in a crate.  Before you do it, tell him in a low slow voice "I do not like it when you do this", pick up his favorite treat or toy and throw it in his crate. Do not stare him in the eyes, look at the ground, a star is an invitation to fight.  Then ignore him while he is in the crate and when he gets out for 10 minutes. Then ask him to do something, down, sit, whatever, give him another small treat and pet him and tell him "this is how I like you".  Work on basic house routine.  If he comes to you and wants you to pet him - say "If you want me to pet you you will have to sit"  If he does, lots of wonderful petting, and Good Dog.  If he doesn't get up from your chair and walk away.  He will figure out very quickly that he must do what you ask to get attention.  No big attention, unless he does something for you first. Going out the door, you go first, him last.  Work on stay, it's very important.  Start with three seconds, then build up.  Another good way to exert control is down.  Get him to lay down next to you.  You can even sit on the floor with him, the down should be built up from three minutes to 30 minutes over a couple of weeks.  You can pet him, even give him treats, he just has to remain down.  Sometimes a leash is necessary.  If he misbehaves, "I don't like...." and in the crate.
If you are having problems with jumping, turn you back to him and fold your arms, this also works well if he is grabbing your hand.  He is just asking for attention, it is not agression, just dumb puppy stuff.  Again turn you back fold you arms and walk away.  After a few seconds go up to him and ask him to sit.  Walk in to him, so he has no choice but to sit.  Then lots of petting, he probably loves to have his ears rubbed best, just a few seconds of it, then "That's enough, go lay down"  Do as little as you can to excite him.  No running in the house.  If he likes to retrieve, do it outside in a controlled condition.  Never chase him or let him chase you or anyone else.   Lots of chew toys is a good idea, empty milk jugs, uncooked beef bones, whatever.
You should probably have him on a prong collar as well.  Walking with him will also help establish you as the leader of the pack (that is what all this is about)!  Do not let him pull against the prong collar, in fact never let him pull.  Newfs were bred to pull and when you let him he is the happiest dog in the world, he is doing what comes naturally.  Short jerks on the prong, if he won't stop, you stop.  Tell him to walk with you, and do not take another step until he comes to your side.  Again treats, and show him where you want him to be, right next to you.
the above is what a breeder friend of mine does, i have used these methods plus other methods, your first rule is to go to several classes, around other dogs and distractions and work on ATTENTION training, without his attention, you wont have his respect.
it all comes down to working thru his problems in public areas around distractions the correct way, mine go thru several obedience classes thru their whole lifetime.
I do not use any of the new collars or halters, instead i work on their eye contact and attention with lots of about turns, treats, and praise, going to the right trainer and classes makes all the difference in the world.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2006, 01:32:49 am by sarnewfie »
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

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Offline Winslow 151

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2006, 02:42:30 am »

Dawn likes the GL  :D I use this type of leash. I find that the front loop lets me control Winslow's head, and keep it up so he can't dig in and get a good pulling stance. The shorter the leash the less space for Fumble to hunker down and get to pulling. You can let him roam wiht the long lead but the second loop is easy to grab quickly when you want to "Recover that Fumble"  ;)


  6' Black Loops2 Double Handle Nylon Lead
Price: $12.79

Description from PetPeoplesPlac e: This double handle lead is designed to be two leashes in one. The loop closest to the collar acts as a traffic lead for maximum control in tight for threatening situations. The six foot length and 1 inch width makes this the ideal leash for the large dog. Perfect for walking large or powerful dogs and ensures peace of mind in threatening situations. Unconditionall y guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad

Offline Fumble

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Re: the newf who knew he could....
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2006, 02:42:30 am »
Thanks for all the responses! Stacy did buy a GL today, and lets just say Fumble was less than pleased with this thing around his mouth. He spent maybe 5 minutes trying to paw it off! but he went outside and walked around with it okay. We also took him to the beach for a walk today, and there were a few distractions around. We used the prong collar because Stacy is getting some use out of her new camera :) I worked on walking with him, when he started to pull i shortened his leash and stopped, telling him to stay. We stayed there until he relaxed and walked with me instead of for me! :) So lets hope between the two we can get this under control.
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"