Author Topic: I need some help  (Read 2012 times)


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I need some help
« on: June 12, 2006, 08:17:01 pm »
Ok here's the deal... my evil mojo doggie Ramsey bit my hand tonight.  It's not too bad but it did draw blood and it hurts like h$%%.  Anyway, I looked and his rabies expired in April and I'm freaking out!  I can't get ahold of my 24 hour emergency vet. LOL Sounds stupid I know but I had to leave a voicemail and they haven't gotten back to me.  So here's my question... What the heck do I do?  Of course the Dr.s office isn't open, my hand is all swollen, hurts and is throbby.  I guess I'm just not thinking to straight at the moment, my daughter was right there when it happended and all I keep thinking is that it could have been her face he bit, I'm a wreck, and now I think I have rabies.  ::) I need someone to tell me what to do?  lol  Thanks in advance!


Offline Saint and Mal mom

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Re: I need some help
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 08:24:29 pm »
Calm down!!! Just because the rabies vaccine is expired, it doesn't mean the dog has rabies. Like Liz said, unless your dog has been around a rabid animal, you are not in danger. But for now, ice your hand for a whole day! Disinfect it with peroxide, put neosporin on it, and bandage it. If it doesn't start looking better within a couple of days, definitely get it checked out though. Feel better soon!

Zoey- Alaskan Malamute, 4 years
Dolly, CGC- Saint Bernard, 4 years
Foster mom to Clarence- Basset Hound, 5 years

"To be loved by...any animal should fill us with awe-for we have not deserved it."


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Re: I need some help
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 08:41:20 pm »
HAHAAAA!!  I just re-read my "story" and I sound psycho!  ;D LOL  The only reason I was worried about rabies is because we have lots of timber in our backyard with demonic raccoons and things, but now that I think about it if raccoon got ahold of Ramsey there would be nothing left of him I'm sure.  Anyway, I'm calmed down now.  I talked to the humane society and they told me to quarentine for 10 days then put him down, because this type of thing has happened before with him biting.  Like I said he's evil!!! Thanks for posting so soon, I really appreciate it. 

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: I need some help
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2006, 09:18:40 pm »
You'll need to double check this but I believe there hasn't been a case of rabies in Iowa or maybe it's our part of Iowa in many many years...You probably won't be frothing at the mouth anytime soon. :D


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Re: I need some help
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2006, 07:37:11 am »
OUCH Andi!! I hope you feel better today.


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Re: I need some help
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2006, 12:21:37 pm »
Awwwww Andi!  I knew Ramsey was the devil but this totally suxes!  And you don't sound like a psycho, just a bit like Tweak lol. 

Seriously though, I'm sure you'll be fine on the rabies issue.  I'd watch closely for any type of infection and it should heal up easily.  How swollen is it?  Have you been to the doctor?  Is it any worse than last night? 

Okay ... I'll quit moming you for now, but keep us posted on how you're doing!!!

Hahahahaa!  Well Momma Jenn, I think I'm gonna be ok. lol  The swelling has gone down finally and I just have 3 puncture wounds on two of my fingers.  It sure doesn't look like much but dang did it HURT!! I think one of my fingernails is gonna die cause he caught me right on the bottom of my middle fingernail and that's the only thing causing pain now.  So in the next couple weeks when I decide to flip someone the bird I'll probably have a nice black nail to show off. HAHAHAHAA! 

The vet's don't think rabies is an issue, but they do agree with me that maybe it's time to put him down.  We've been dealing with his aggression issues since he was 6 months and he's now 3 and it's getting worse the older he gets.  He's been attacking Koby lately every chance he gets and Koby's scared to death of him.  I know, I know a 150+ Dane afraid of a 7lbs Maltese, but hey, I'm afraid of the little demon too.  Now I just have to convince Tony putting Ramsey down is the right thing to do.  I feel so mean talking like that, but I'd feel so relieved if I knew he couldn't harm my daughter or me again. Decisions, Decisions...  :-\

Tweek signing off  :)


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Re: I need some help
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2006, 10:03:59 pm »
I did not even see this until Jenn brought it to my attention.  I am so sorry you are going through this.  I know that I love my puppers dearly, but if I thought the dog was going to harm my kiddo... then the dog would have to go.  That's just how it is at my house.  I know it can't be an easy decision to make though.  I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.