Author Topic: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!  (Read 4667 times)

Gypsy Jazmine

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K...I was really undecided on taking Sammy & Pippin to the new dogpark nearby because of soem of the things I've heard & my vet's comment "dog parks keep vets in business"...Today I took Sam & Pippin during the day so it wouldn't be crowded & they did WONDERFULLY!!!!...They interacted with the other dogs nicely & there were no problems...One guy did bring his little Boston Terrier over from the "dogs under 20 lbs" side & the little beast repeatidly tried to mount Pippin :D ...Finally Pippin had enough & let the little guy know it & the Boston ran off to pick on another dog...But Sam & Pippin did play nice with the Boston...They weren't too rough with him & the only trouble was when the little dog would not back off Pippin...I was talking to it's owner & did comment to him that another dog might not be as nice about it as Pippin was so he should watch it because "I'd hate to see that cute little guy get hurt"  :o There was a photographer there from The Telegraph Herald newspaper & she took many shots of my boys playing with the Boston so they might be in the paper a week from this Sunday...Anywa y, it went well & we will probably do it again. :)

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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 07:15:31 pm »
Thats excellent. Im glad you enjoyed your trip to the dogpark and I bet Sammy and Pippen loved it!!

Offline shangrila

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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2006, 07:21:42 pm »
Glad your first dog park trip went well :)
RIP former BPO

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2006, 10:34:33 am »
I'm glad it went so well too! :)...I just wish I had taken my digi cam for pics of the Boston trying to molest Pippin. :D I want to go back already but I am not sure it's a good idea on Sat. when it might be crowded :-\...Did I mention our dog park is run by the city & there is a sign posted that says it's a 500.00 fine for not picking up your dog poo? :o...Now there's a good idea! :)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2006, 10:58:15 am »
Yeah :) Glad it went so well.  Luckily we have had good times at the dog park as well.  Just run into some snobby/untrained owners, but other then that, great sucess.  Too bad out park is 45 mins away :(

Good for them for the fines.  We have signs like that throughout the city.  Its pretty well province wide. People still dont pick up the poop.  Could you imagine getting fined for that.  What would the ticket say?? Failure to scoop poop??

We did run into one young couple with a Pit that just had puppies 2 weeks before...The guy with the Boston scopped his dog up & left...The people with the Pit went to the small dog side (there was nobody over there) & kept her on leash because "she can jump our 6 ft. fence at home"...Pippin came over to investigate through the fence & the Pit barked at him & growled while the man said "oh she wants to go...She's ready to play...look at her tail wag"...But she didn't look playful to me...She looked overly excited & aggitated...Th ey kept her on leash & on the other side anyway...As far as the dog poop warning goes...I honestly didn't see even one pile of poo in the whole park...I as pretty impressed with that!


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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2006, 11:38:53 am »
I'm glad your dog park experience was so positive.  We have a really neat dog park near us (neat for clark county which means 'fenced empty dirt field with garbage cans) and we used to take Badger to it, but too many times dogs got nasty toward Badger, nipping him.  A few times, dognados came through, (tornados made out of wildy out of control dogs at the park...coined by ME) slamming into oblivious Badger, and he doesn't appreciate that either.  We realized that sadly, we were taking him because it was fun for us, not him.  Many people take there dogs to dog parks forever with no problems. 
What is really nice about this area anyway, is that if your dog knows off-leash commands, you can take them offleash to any park.  Your dog has to 'reliably come to you when called under all circumstances'.  As long as nobody pulls out a cheesecake coated bouncy tennis ball, we should be fine...

Offline longshadowfarms

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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2006, 11:47:40 am »
Too funny!!!!!  Let us know if their pics get in the paper.  They'll be famous! 

I don't have much option on dog parks here.  We just don't have any close to us though one is supposed to be in the works about an hour away.  Even if we had one closer, I'm not sure any of my dogs would fit in.  I know Katie wouldn't fit AT ALL.  She's so dog aggressive and snippy.  Eider would be like the Boston Terrier and Carter would just want to go for a walk.  Carter and Eider get along pretty well but it is mostly just because Carter is so laid back that he doesn't mind Eider's annoying pestering.  Jesse doesn't want Carter in his yard though so Eider will just have to wait until Jesse passes on to play with Carter.  Katie wants to beat the snot out of Eider - can't blame her. 

BTW, Jesse is still here.  He's back on rimadyl and waggy and happy for now so he's still with us.  Starting to itch again after dropping the prednisone so we'll see how that goes.  We just keep trying to spoil him rotten while we can.  Today I was making broccoli salad and he LOVES broccoli so he gets all the stalks.  There's a huge field of broccoli waiting over the bridge for Jesse!

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2006, 11:54:16 am »
Too funny!!!!!  Let us know if their pics get in the paper.  They'll be famous! 

I don't have much option on dog parks here.  We just don't have any close to us though one is supposed to be in the works about an hour away.  Even if we had one closer, I'm not sure any of my dogs would fit in.  I know Katie wouldn't fit AT ALL.  She's so dog aggressive and snippy.  Eider would be like the Boston Terrier and Carter would just want to go for a walk.  Carter and Eider get along pretty well but it is mostly just because Carter is so laid back that he doesn't mind Eider's annoying pestering.  Jesse doesn't want Carter in his yard though so Eider will just have to wait until Jesse passes on to play with Carter.  Katie wants to beat the snot out of Eider - can't blame her. 

BTW, Jesse is still here.  He's back on rimadyl and waggy and happy for now so he's still with us.  Starting to itch again after dropping the prednisone so we'll see how that goes.  We just keep trying to spoil him rotten while we can.  Today I was making broccoli salad and he LOVES broccoli so he gets all the stalks.  There's a huge field of broccoli waiting over the bridge for Jesse!
I'm glad to hear that Jesse is still holding his own!...I was just thinking about you guys last night...I will keep sending prayers for the sweet guy!

Rhonda, the cheesecake coated bouncy tennis ball comment...ROTF L!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Offline kathryn

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Re: We broke down & did the dog park...or Pippin gets picked up...LOL!
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2006, 12:02:17 pm »
If someone comes out with a cheesecake coated bouncy tennis ball even I might chase that.  Okay just pull out the cheesecake and I'll chase it.  Glad the dog park adventure went well.  I haven't taken my trouble-makers to the dog park yet.  Maybe some day.  I'm just not so sure that the dog park is ready for them.

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