Author Topic: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes  (Read 27122 times)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #45 on: July 14, 2006, 10:51:45 pm »
[ and that I don't think anyone here is concerned with breed politics.
well, it IS mentioned over and over again on here... Several times just in your response...Per sonality conflicts aren't politics and the record should be set straight.

 If there are any rumors that I personally have spread that were not identified as potentially being rumors ("I heard...")
even by identifying them as rumors is still spreading rumors. When they are cut and pasted elsewhere the identifying remarks may not carry over with them. Then they become "facts" and incite people. Rumors repeated are still...rumors . Which can incite people and make them angry. Needlessly.
 then I apologize in advance.  However, you failed to point out in your post any such rumors that we have spread here.
Why would I REPEAT rumors?  Rumors are unsubstantiate d comments and conjecture.  Which pretty much describes several comments on previous posts.  Go back through all the posts and see how many assumptions/assertions are not substantiated but repeated on here. Many from "elsewhere" or "I heard".  WHERE?  Have you ever played the whisper game?  Then you might see why I posted.  Posts on here can be cut and pasted all over the net as FACT. Just as they were taken off other lists and posted on here, out of context and unsubstantiate d.

As far as KFA, NO ONE here has brought this issue up before, and, since this is obviously something about which you have strong opinions, I am not going to comment on that.
Actually, I have donated regularly to both KFA and KCA organizations in the past and have supported events from both organizations. Which demonstrates how drawing conclusions based on little evidence can be completely wrong. When rumors are being spread about "politics" then the unknowing public take it as against the club and I am on here to set the record straight that these rumors are without merit.

 However, if the AKC parent club (KCA) doesn't do rescue, why are you upset that the KCA board wasn't notified?  As you yourself point out, they don't do rescue.
There are many posts out on the internet that are blaming the KCA for this mess, and for "letting the dogs languish". As a member, I think this is extremely unfounded and unfair. If you aren't interested in any of the circumstances of what really happened, then I'm not sure why are you so negative about anything said to clarify any of the events that have been questioned?
[The kuvasz owners around New York stuck their heads in the sand,
Do you know any Kuvasz owners in New York?  Do you know that they were aware of the situation and, if they were, did nothing? 
yes, Personally. I have known them for years. I was stunned that they did not step up to the plate. There are many within a half a day or a day's drive and yes, they were very aware but never offered to go check on the dogs and evaluate them, which was desperately needed when they were released by the family.  Also, there are extremely well known breeders in Canada who live within a day's drive who also did nothing, and still have done nothing.
If not, then let's not pass the blame onto people we don't even know and who furthermore cannot even defend themselves on here.
Then I would advise the same thing of anyone posting on here about this rescue.
I don't know Mr. Wasson, but why wasn't he working with other rescue people to make the work more managable?  Why wasn't he delegating responsibiliti es so that EVERYONE who offered help in ANY way received at least a thank you note and some explanation of the confusion, that they would contacted later, or some such?  This part was clearly not managed well, and this is where I personally am annoyed.
Did you ask him personally?  Did you call him up?  Did you contact any of the other rescue organizations listed on the net?  Or did you just post on here how annoyed you were and make assumptions (rumors) about what was or wasn't done?

However, this isn't Mr. Wasson's fault either.  To my knowledge, nothing like this has happened before, and so no one was prepared.  The reason I am annoyed, is that there could have been a better coordinated Kuvasz rescue organization by now, but for the infighting and politics seen all the time in the Kuvasz world. 
No, that's not the case at all and THOSE are some of the rumors I am asking you to cease.  The lack of coordination came first and finger pointing by individuals came second.  THAT is the point of my whole post and I am not sure why you keep trying to perpetuate the negativity?  Why are you still spreading these rumors????  You are completely missing many of the points I made and choosing to be argumentative instead. Fact, there are a couple of people who like to poison pen on the net.  They like to say it's politics and point fingers.  It's NOT politics, it's personalities.  There's a HUGE difference.
Hopefully this situation will wake everyone up so that they will start working together for the dogs' sake.
I hope so, but some of these people can't work with anyone, yet they have kuvasz and a computer and lots of time to spread negativity. Because they have a kuvasz, some folks take them seriously and what they post at face value. Don't.
Ms. Blank, you yourself pointed out that KCA doesn't do rescue.  Why are you harping on the fact that the KCA board wasn't kept in the loop?
Harping? I am addressing the many posts out in cyberland that have attacked the KCA for "letting the dogs languish" and others (such as over and over on here) that say that politics caused the problem.  Lack of communication did, pure and simple, but all anyone has heard was the other side about "politics and infighting". I keep hearing it over and over again and it simply isn't true on the part of the KCA.

Also if "there were no Kuvasz people in New York to help" (to use your own words), why did you earlier blame the Kuvasz owners in New York for having "stuck their heads in the sand"? 
To use my own words, I stated there ARE kuvasz owners in New York as they stuck their heads in the sand, voila, no EFFECTIVE kuvasz owners in New York. There are over a dozen KCA members in that area, many more within a days drive, and MANY more kuvasz owners who aren't in the club(yet are on other kuvasz email lists). WHERE WERE THEY???
 I don't think there are any KCA members on here, except for yourself. 
there are other KCA members who read. This is a public board. You don't have to join to read it. However, I was specifically referring to the rumors that were being spread and being repeated on here.

 Non-KCA members aren't going to know who to contact on the KCA board or even how to contact them for rescue.  They come right up on a google, and are directly linked to the AKC, as it is the Parent Club.

 Further, since the KCA doesn't do rescue, why should they be contacted at all?
the KCA has a rescue fund.  We don't "do" rescue but we do help with expenses through the generosity of our membership.  None of the rescue folks out there (other than KFA) has the ability to raise funds. The KCA is a non profit, all funds are tax deductible.  We donated all of it to this rescue.  Hopefully no other dogs will be in need until generous people replenish the funds. If so, people need to submit specific expenses to the club to be reimbursed.  We will also work directly with the vets and shelters to pay for vet care on dogs in need.


I realize that people have their own personal lives to worry about.  That is why communication, coordination, and delegation of responsibiliti es is so important.

sounds wonderful, but as I said "no one" was in charge. Noe one WANTED to be in charge, other than possibly Dan, and I'm sure he was quite overwhelmed by the flood of emails offering good wishes (and not much else), and no worker bees to be found in the area.

I don't see how the heirs are responsible. 

THEY ran up the bills at the Humane Society.  THEY didn't have the dogs spayed or neutered. THEY didn't have licenses on the dogs, THEY didn't have rabies vaccinations. This is a huge chunk of money that "rescue" is paying for. THEY dumped the dogs onto rescue and walked away. Rescuers have to pay for the care they received while property of the heirs. A big chunk of change.
As far as KCA questioning the money spent on the rescue, my understanding is that certain board members are already doing so. 

 I don't know that anyone has a problem with money's allocation being questioned (I, for one, do not), but this is not the right time to publically ask for this.  Those who have doubts about the rescue's handling are free to not donate money, or, if they already have, to not donate any additional money.

I don't know the specifics you are talking about?  Please share with us the specifics and have you talked to the person to find out what they were asking? Where did you see this questioning?

 At this time there is no feedback to ANYONE on how many dogs have been taken off the farm, how many dogs have been spayed or neutered, what the vet costs were (IE, one dog had extra surgery for mammary tumors, does that change the total amount now needed?), what their status is (one dog died from her spay, several others have been adopted already and the adopters asked for donations back).  Without this kind of information, we don't know if all costs are now covered (at 3000 from KFA and $2500 from the KCA) or if we need to shake the bushes for some more. 

I agree that Lisa has done an excellent job in stepping in where many of the individual Kuvasz rescuers failed!  Bravo to her!!!
Why would you say they "failed"? No one that was actually involved "failed".  And where did you get "many"?  There are some great KCA members on the scene who are helping to screen homes and transport dogs, and deserve a lot of kudos too. But they are few....(but legions more than the non-KCA kuvasz owners in the area). 

I understand the urge to help by chatting on here, but please be aware of how your posts can be taken.  Don't repeat anything if you haven't heard it first hand.  You are only adding to the problem of "infighting". 

I appreciate that you guys are so concerned about these dogs and I applaud the ones who have donated.  You've saved a life.   

Thank you.

I just hope these dogs end up in a good place which they deserve...It is so sad to me to see conflict taking away from the focus of the plight of these poor creatures...Go d bless anyone who is trying to help!


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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #46 on: July 14, 2006, 10:56:24 pm »
Amen Gypsy.....I think the politics of this issue would be better left to PM's (private messages) than blasted on this board. Hopefully the politics won't stop these poor creatures from getting the help that they need.

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #47 on: July 15, 2006, 12:01:42 am »
As far as KCA questioning the money spent on the rescue, my understanding is that certain board members are already doing so.

RUMOR! "My understanding" is a RUMOR.

 I don't know that anyone has a problem with money's allocation being questioned (I, for one, do not), but this is not the right time to publically ask for this. 
You repeated a rumor then judged it, and by association the person/club, without knowing any of the details. By posting the rumor and your judgement on here, now you have swayed public opinion based on RUMOR. Since this is a public board, people are making decisions about this matter with no background and no substantiation . THIS is what I am saying is the kind of rumor spreading that keeps the negativity going and going.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2006, 02:01:50 am »
As far as KCA questioning the money spent on the rescue, my understanding is that certain board members are already doing so.

RUMOR! "My understanding" is a RUMOR.

 I don't know that anyone has a problem with money's allocation being questioned (I, for one, do not), but this is not the right time to publically ask for this. 
You repeated a rumor then judged it, and by association the person/club, without knowing any of the details. By posting the rumor and your judgement on here, now you have swayed public opinion based on RUMOR. Since this is a public board, people are making decisions about this matter with no background and no substantiation . THIS is what I am saying is the kind of rumor spreading that keeps the negativity going and going.
Any update on what is going on with the dogs now?...I am sending prayers for their appropriate homing. :)


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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #49 on: July 15, 2006, 05:10:40 am »
As far as KCA questioning the money spent on the rescue, my understanding is that certain board members are already doing so.

RUMOR! "My understanding" is a RUMOR.

 I don't know that anyone has a problem with money's allocation being questioned (I, for one, do not), but this is not the right time to publically ask for this. 
You repeated a rumor then judged it, and by association the person/club, without knowing any of the details. By posting the rumor and your judgement on here, now you have swayed public opinion based on RUMOR. Since this is a public board, people are making decisions about this matter with no background and no substantiation . THIS is what I am saying is the kind of rumor spreading that keeps the negativity going and going.

Actually, I do not consider something to be a rumor when I am watching"personality conflicts" going back and forth between two people, one helping with the rescue in New York and the other a board member, on Kuvasz Connection, one of the biggest Kuvasz Yahoo groups.  So, anyone who would like to substantiate that can go apply to join the group:

I will try to address your other, longer post, later today.  Right now I have to go outside and start working.


Offline Good Hope

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2006, 06:58:16 am »
Mrs. Blank,

Welcome to BPO. BPO is a community where people come to talk about their dogs. Everything is about big dogs. People who come here share pictures and stories, ask for advice regarding training, and learn. From that, friendships develop which is why there is an Off Topic Forum and Chat. Some of us are breeders, some trainers, some rescue, and most of us are just ordinary people. Some of us are well off, some money is tight, and everything in between, but none the less we all try to help whenever possible. This is why we have a forum for Rescue. The people that are here DO NOT desire to discuss breed politics/breed clubs. There are boards which discuss them and where they are welcomed. You so graciously started this thread, which we greatly appreciate. It is obvious that you have a gripe/grievance with things happening elsewhere regarding this rescue. No one here on this thread posted any rumours prior to your somewhat frustrated post. There were facts stated and discussion/speculation as to events unfolding. That is normal healthy human behavior. This board has a forum for that called the Growl and Howl Forum when you need to vent. In the future when you feel frustrated, please consider posting there.  You will be better received and receive support and advice. 

Perhaps, you and Sofia should pm each other to discuss this further?

We'd all enjoy seeing pictures of your dogs and hearing about them. Please post and let us get to know you! :)


Tina/Jacksmom... there will be an update regarding the dogs on Sunday or Monday. The individuals rescuing the dogs will be getting the rest of the dogs out this weekend. Yeh!!!!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2006, 08:01:50 am by Good Hope »

Offline Good Hope

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2006, 08:17:51 am »
Tina, Joe Schmo can do the following:

For monetary donations:

Money to reimburse the Humane Society for monies spent. Please send to:

Broome County Humane Society and Relief Association
2 Jackson Street
Binghamton, NY 13903

To donate money for vet and other expenses needed now, while in foster care go to:
and click on Binghampton Rescue... you can donate through that link online.

I will contact one of the individuals who will be picking up a few of the dogs this weekend, and Lisa, who took in 22 of the dogs, to see it she has any specific needs such as toys, leashes, training items, etc. incase someone has an interest in that type of donation. I will post back a mailing address next week if they are in need. I will also post if other help is needed. I would expect that needs will change as time goes on.


Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2006, 08:45:48 am »
Thanks Deena! :-* I am afraid I can't do anything to help this week besides continue to send prayers but hopefully next week I can send a donation...Thi s is such a beautiful breed...I hope all the dogs are handling the upheaval that is going on in their lives well...It truely breaks my heart...After being graced with our sweet Rosie I have such a soft spot for these majestic beauties.


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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2006, 08:55:39 am »
I've been thinking about this some more since I posted earlier.

Ms. Blank, I've decided not to reply to your other post.  I shouldn't have responded in the first place to the political points in your earlier post.  However, if you'd like to continue the discussion, you are welcome to pm me.

To the rest of the board, I'm sorry that I continued those aspects of the discussion.  I'm stepping out, at least for now, as I don't have anything productive to contribute.


Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2006, 09:02:04 am »
I've been thinking about this some more since I posted earlier.

Ms. Blank, I've decided not to reply to your other post.  I shouldn't have responded in the first place to the political points in your earlier post.  However, if you'd like to continue the discussion, you are welcome to pm me.

To the rest of the board, I'm sorry that I continued those aspects of the discussion.  I'm stepping out, at least for now, as I don't have anything productive to contribute.

It's o.k. Sofia...It is easy to do when we feel passionately about something. :)

Offline longshadowfarms

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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2006, 09:59:44 am »
It's o.k. Sofia...It is easy to do when we feel passionately about something. :)

And it is GOOD to be passionate about something!  Esp those who can't speak for themselves.  Keep up the good work, Sophia!


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Re: 49 Kuvasz in New York desperately need homes
« Reply #56 on: July 15, 2006, 12:36:24 pm »'s all good. If it wasn't for people like you, those that can't speak for themselves would have no one. I just wish I could do more physically and finacially. Please keep up the GREAT work.