Author Topic: B.A.R.F. diet  (Read 11363 times)

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2005, 06:37:51 pm »
You know I have always been a little anti, to BARF one reason being that just thinking about getting a big slobber kiss after a BARF meal grossed me out  :-[ But that recipe sounds okay even for me. I could do that. The K9 nutritionist I most of the times turn to, suggests to even if you give kibble to give about 1/3 of a can (or meat about that amount) I wonder if I could make this recipe and give that rather than the canned food (I now give Eagle Pack, both the kibble and the can) but even if that is supposed to be a good can food, the idea of hamb. meat still sounds way better.

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Offline moonlitcroatia

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Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2005, 07:12:22 am »
Here is a very informative web page in which a number of wolf experts and DVMs discuss feeding bones to dogs and wolves.  They digress into the subject of wolves consuming the hide of their meal which, in turn, aids in the digestion and movement of bone fragments through the GI tract.
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Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2005, 07:19:52 am »
Here is another link that discusses by-products.  I cannot say what is good or bad, because everything is so wishy-washy these days.  I try to do what keeps my dogs healthy and if they are healthy, why change?  Anyway, on this site there is information about books that supposedly cite scientific evidence regarding the canine diet.

Here is a quote: If you are interested in learning more about sensible nutritional practices, I would recommend these two books, The AAFCO Publication and Canine and Feline Nutrition by Case, Carey and Hirakawa; C.V. Mosby, for your library.  You could spend lots of interesting hours discovering what  many veterinarians and other animal caretakers have not... that sensible nutritional practices are based on proven scientific research.

It seems to be a good resouce, though I think the site is geared toward a specific pet food.  The books do not seem to be affiliated with the "Animal Food Services" pet food, though.
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.  For me they are the role model for being alive.  ~Gilda Radner

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Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2005, 08:26:58 am »
The interesting thing about this is that I am a bit of a "nature freak". I am very careful about the foods I buy for my family (free range chicken, organic produce etc) I am going to school to become a midwife, I don't take ANY medications (including tylenol and the like) unless I feel it is absolutly needed. We cut down trees and chop our own fire wood, my husband hunts. I feel cofident that we could, as a family move out to the middle of the woods and servive just fine without modern conveniences.  Now my point, if we were to do that feeding my dogs a raw diet would be a given. It would feel natural and right (afterall, how else would I feed them?)  There is something about city living that changes a persons prospective on things. There are many things that we would all make due without and probably not miss much if we HAD to do without them. But living in a place and time that pushes pre-packaged, disposable, inpersonal, sterile crap... well I admit that I have in some ways become part of that. I do not use commercially made pads or tampons and that doesn't seem odd to me at all, but that's something that people don't talk about much so I am free to step away from the norm because there are no expectations about THAT. People don't ask me what kind of tampons I use, but I do get asked a lot and told what I (should) feed my dog! It's the NORM to fed our dogs commercial dog food. No one anywhere, until recently even suggested that we had other viable options. So when you've been programmed to do a certain thing for so long, even when another choice comes along it scary to make the change. In 20 years this conversation may seem silly because trends will have changed, opinions will have changed and perhaps Alpo will start making raw commercial dog food that people can feel good about feding their dogs.
Life has gotten to crazy that people often don't have time to prepare their dog food. Most hardly can find the time to prepare their human meals! If it can't be found pre-packaged in the market it's not right. That's where life has gone. You can buy pre-made PB&J sandwiches because apparently we're all so busy we can't even take the time to make a sandwich for our kids anymore! (Though I think the real message is that if you do have time you're not working hard enough)
Why do people feed un-sure of feeding raw? Because we live in a time where we are supposed to work hard, live fast and never have a moments rest...and leave the rest to the "experts". We aren't supposed to know what's best for our pets or ere are big companies making lots of money off of telling us what that is.... and selling it to us, conveniently packaged in isle 10.
I may know better, but I'm still guilty of it.

(Wow, I don't know where that rant just came from!)


Offline moonlitcroatia

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Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2005, 07:32:56 pm »
And, I agree wholeheartedly .  It is the society we live in.  It is just like putting an environmental sticker on any vehicle.  Sometimes it is what we have to do to survive without going absolutely crazy or trying to survive on two hours of sleep because we have so many responsibiliti es.
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.  For me they are the role model for being alive.  ~Gilda Radner

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Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2005, 09:20:43 am »
Someday I'll either live on a mountain top with my husband and live off the land, no jobs, no hustle and bustle  OR I'll live in a padded room with people bringing me my meals and planning my day for me. Either way, I'm getting out of this rat race!!!  LOL  Who's coming with me??!!



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Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2005, 11:47:19 am »
Vicki, I WANNA GO TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...I've had it!...That kind of life sounds like bliss!...Hard work & clean living & being SATISFIED with your life at the end of the day. ;D