Author Topic: What should we e-mail the government about this over-population??  (Read 1255 times)

Offline BlackGreatF

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I think we should e-mail our governments this video, and tell them since that got specificate breed bans as a law. then why can't they have a law the there should be no more breeding, backyard, accidents, etc.  And only allow Authorised breeder from the Kennel Clubs.  People should be held responsible for breeding/accidents/making money.  If Kennel Club breeders are responsible, then the other lazy $h1ts too should be, or just don't have a pet.

What do you think guys?
E-mail our government to make it illegal to have accidents.
Spay and Neuter should be LAW! !
If they can make BSL (I hope that is the right abv.?) law, why not spay and Nueter!
What is your say!
What would you say/ e-mail the government?
That way all we have to do it Copy... then paste it in our e-mail, and send a massive e-mail.
Send an e-mail to the persons responsible for the BSL bann.