Author Topic: Update on Shade  (Read 1977 times)

Offline cataria

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  • Shade and Bella
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Update on Shade
« on: August 27, 2006, 05:29:13 pm »
Just a note here, life has been so busy...working a lot of overtime and have been sick with an upper resp infection.  Anyway... "good boyfriend, good boyfriend.."  My beau built Shade a "handicap ramp" down the back stairs into the yard.  He covered it with astro turf so that she wouldn't slide.  I wish you all could have seen her the first time she went up and down the ramp.  She got to the bottom, turned around and looked at us standing in the door and wagged her tail.  When she came back inside, she was almost giddy with excitement.  It was a wonderful doggy "thank you."  I called my daughter (Navarre) and told her that Shade knew it was for her!  It is so much easier on her going in and out.  Stairs have become so much of a challenge for the old lady.  Sometimes she could go down but had to have a bit of help coming back up. Of course, Bella, aka Tigger because she bounces, thinks it's just the neatest thing.
"If unicorns and Pegasus exist only in the minds of children and dreamers, then I am honored to be among the ranks of the childish believer; for where my childhood dreams do die, there too my soul shall whither…" (Sue Lay - copyright 2002)