Author Topic: What breed his he?? i bet he eats a lot Look it's a bear !!!! whats his name  (Read 6492 times)

Offline zenna

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Hi we have just returned from our camping trip and i must say i am glad to be back .Not that we did not have a fab time because we did .We went to the resort of skegness and because we were camping chunky had to come out with us all the time he loved being on the beach and i very nearly got him swimmming .But what got to me was the reaction of other people when we was walking around  town he was called everything from a saint bernard  (people asked where his whisky barrel was ) to a rottweiler he was even called a japanese akita lol.And if i had a pound for everytime sombody said to us *i bet he eats alot* me and my family would be very rich .
We when to a fun fair one day and my daughter was holding chunky within secounds she was surrounded by teenage kids
and one stupid lad was trying to sit on chunkys back he very nearly got a slap i can tell you !! .Chunky caused quite a stir in skegness. I even had people wanting to take photos , and i got really paronoid that somebody was going to steal him people always asked where he slept and where we was staying . sorry if i sound if i am ranting on abit i do feel really proud that i have such a wonderfull dog that causes heads to turn it was like going on holiday with david and victoria beckham people taking pictures and stuff
has anybody else has this kinds reaction to there dog .
again sorry for the rant julie x


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We have taken out crew camping quite a bit, and often become the newest tourist attraction at the campground.I figure people are camping, no TV, nothing to do...and they are a bit more entertaining than watching the campfire.
Actually, you should have seen the reactions we got at the Indiana meet n greet. There were seven dogs in two adjacent campsites full time, Merlin and Strider (Mine), Grace and Lady (Linsavinggrace s's rottie girls),Maggie (dober_gurl's dobie), and Kitana and Kiah (April's shepard mix and pyr). Then we were joined by Ozzy, Cyprus, Atticus, Gweck, OT2's GS (Sorry, Tina, his name escapes me),Cabeza and Samson and their peoples in the evening, totaling 14 dogs. The funny thing is that the campsite behind us was facinated by us , and they had at least the same number in Kids! Different strokes I guess, LOL

Offline Leah-n-boy-os

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Most times they're taking the pictures for one of a couple of reasons.

A) They're Photog-bugs, and they like to take pictures of various things to sharpen their skills. I'm one of these guilty parties, I take tons of pics of other people's pups, it helps me learn what lighting is good for fur, and other various elements that can help my picturees.

B) They've never seen a dog that big, and they just *know* that no one back home is going to believe the story without proof.

C) They've always wanted a dog like yours, and they take the picture so that when they get home, they can begin a search to find one just like yours. Because I'll confess, I'd love to find a pup as handsome and striking as the Lovely Jack!!

I play dress-up all the time for my Music Gigs, and I can't even guess how many Family Photo Albums and Coffee Tables my image now resides in. ( I once googled my stage name...dear GAWD!) It's kinda freaky to think about, but it's the price you pay when you're it dog or man.
Leah and the Boy-os
Apollo (Akita/St. Bernard)
Zeus (Heinz 57)
Onyx (Newfoundland)
Being owned by Big Paws just indicates how big your heart is.

located - Gig Harbor, WA

Gypsy Jazmine

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My dogs get alot of attention too...At the doggy dip I asked the lady who had Sam's brother if we could get a pic with her 2 Pyr with us...As her hubby was trying to get a good shot I noticed 3 other people taking pics of us. :-\

Offline My Friend Joey

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I think that people are just naturally drawn to animals and a big dog has such a presence (and take up so much more space!), that people just want to get closer. :)
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." ~Unknown

Offline horsepoor21

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I don't get to take my dogs out very much , there's no way I could handle them and all my kids , but my dogs are famous on this part of town ! LOL I hear people walking by all day saying " Hey Moose , Hi sweet Allie , how are my pups today ?" and I've never seen this person before ! And my dogs' names aren't on their tags so I have no idea how they learned them . We have to keep padlocks on our two gates ( we have a 5 ft chain link fence around our house ) as we've caught kids/teenagers coming into our yard to pet them  :-\ I can't leave my dogs alone out there , I'm so scared someone will steal them . I once caught a group of teenage kids pouring pop all over them ! What's up with that ?
Moose-Border Collie/Newfoundland rescue
Polly&Rainbow-Lovebirds (with 3 babies!)
Crush-Painted Turtle

       "Every boy should have two things:
 A dog, and a mother willing to let him have one"


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Stupidity and meaness is what's up with that! I hope you had some teenagers for lunch, I would have.

Offline NoDogNow

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Yeah, those teenagers would have been in MY yard cleaning up dog poo for a month, or I'd have called the cops on them!

What the h*ll do some people teach their kids, instead of common sense and manners????? ::)
Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline Saint and Mal mom

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I get this kind of thing too. No one takes their pictures! But they always want to come pet Zoey and Dolly. And immediately because the girls are good with people, they say, "Oh I want a Saint or a Malamute!" I try to tell them that they're great dogs, but they're not for everyone! I would have taken pics though and petted them and done the same thing if it were me. Maybe these people just love big dogs, but aren't fortunate enough to have their own!

Zoey- Alaskan Malamute, 4 years
Dolly, CGC- Saint Bernard, 4 years
Foster mom to Clarence- Basset Hound, 5 years

"To be loved by...any animal should fill us with awe-for we have not deserved it."

Offline ZooCrew

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I share your sense of weirdness.
Pretty much any dog event or mass outdoor activity we go to with the dogs will guarantee Gunther gets his pic taken.  I've even had newspapers and tv crews follow us around trying to get the perfect shot.   ::)

Mostly I think b/c alot of people 1) don't get to see great danes in person much and he's such a handsome fellow if I do say so .  and 2) alot of people don't know that great danes come in brindle, so they've never seen anything that looks quite like him.  I oblige, I don't mind.  I think it's rather flattering and Gunther's such a ham anyway.

But I'll have to admit that when we go to dog functions, I often bring my camera and take pix of other people's dogs as well, especially if it's a breed you don't see everyday.  (I'm kicking myself for not bringing my camera to the dog park the other day when there was a blue dane pup and a gorgeous american mastiff there)

Offline horsepoor21

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Well , I was just coming around the side of my house when I caught them so I shot them with the hose ..... Never seen 'em since  ;D
Moose-Border Collie/Newfoundland rescue
Polly&Rainbow-Lovebirds (with 3 babies!)
Crush-Painted Turtle

       "Every boy should have two things:
 A dog, and a mother willing to let him have one"


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Lol, Horsepoor, I call that poetic justice.

Offline jabear

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Re: What breed his he?? i bet he eats a lot Look it's a bear !!!! whats his name
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2006, 05:09:53 am »

I can't tell you the amount of times pics happen to Bear but most of the time people ask me to move out of the way. Go figure huh? ;) He's been in so many pics and on video that I'm surprised he doesn't have regular paparrazi stocking him.  ;D
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline Tspanos

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Re: What breed his he?? i bet he eats a lot Look it's a bear !!!! whats his name
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2006, 08:52:17 pm »

I can't tell you the amount of times pics happen to Bear but most of the time people ask me to move out of the way. Go figure huh? ;) He's been in so many pics and on video that I'm surprised he doesn't have regular paparrazi stocking him.  ;D

Don't worry Jamie we still want you in Bear's pics. It makes for a great reference to his size after all ;).