Author Topic: Bubba must be putting some weight on!  (Read 3876 times)


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Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« on: November 06, 2006, 04:52:42 am »
I informed by my SIL's boyfriend that Bubba was FAT! Can you believe that?!?! I was so shocked that the first words out of my mouth were "Did you say FAT and Bubba in the same sentence?!?" :D

We haven't weighed him yet, so I'm not sure exactly how much he's put on.. He surely isn't fat.. but the concave area before his hips definitely isn't as 'caved'.

But to hear that comment made me feel better, it re-assures me that what I'm doing is actually helping.

We cook most of our meat for dinner in a rotisserie so the juice/fat runs into the bottom tray. I've been drizzling that over his kibble. Plus adding pumpkin and or oatmeal to help with the loose stool.

Actually while I'm posting this I might as well ask.. Hubby was worried that the juice/fat from the meat was bad for him. He's worried I'm going to give poor Bubba high cholesterol or something. I didn't think it would be much different than adding fish oil, canola oil etc. Anyone know?


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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 07:24:21 am »
YAY BUBBA!!!  Wow, good job Lyn! I'd just keep doing what your doing unless your vet says otherwise.  I can't wait to see new pics of Bubba!!   ;D

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 07:53:24 am »
Thats great Lyn!  I know what a struggle its been but sounds like you are making some great progress!

Hmmm....maybe we should be the judge!!! (just another poor excuse to beg pics of your handsome boy! - LOL!)
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Offline sarnewfie

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 02:22:48 am »
Just be sure you can feel his ribs easily! they will slow down in growth and than speed up more, if he has his height in well the majority of it, now is when you will see him put weight on, so be careful.
glad to hear his stool is better.
some will say the juices ffrom the meat is bad, depends how fatty the meat is.
i would be sure it is as lean as you can make it.
a small amt wont hurt him.
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2006, 03:16:36 am »
So far I've added the juice from roast beef, turkey, chicken and pork. No spices, and no seasoning added. I do trim some of the fat off before cooking.. We were lazy and just had sandwiches yesterday, so he's not getting it everyday.

I just measured him the other day and he's 32 inches tall at the shoulder. His height probably makes him look even thinner. He gets his height from his mother.

I still have the other pic that I posted before to show you all how thin he actually is. So I'll take a new pic today and we all can compare. LOL  ;) If he cooperates I'll see if I can get the same angle. :D

Now Lola on the other hand.. I try to weight her each month.. well she turned 7 months old yesterday and she weighs 91 freaking pounds!!! My jaw almost hit the floor. She a solid little bugger.. but daaaamn.. :o Shocking!

She's built differently than Bubba though.. He's tall and lanky and she's short and stocky.

Sar, I will be careful. I don't want to make him fat. My vet figures he's about 15 pounds underweight. But I'm going by eye. Once I get him to a weight were he looks good then I just have to work on keeping him there.  :)

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2006, 03:22:43 am »
Remember what i preach!
most vets want to see my newfs 10 pounds over what i do.
they are not as up on the giant breeds as we breeders are ;)
good to hear that he is thriving! :)
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2006, 09:33:08 am »
Ok here's the old pic and then the 2 news ones I took yesterday. I couldn't get the same angle.. but I'll keep trying.  ;)


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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2006, 09:47:05 am »
Wow!! I can see quite the difference there!  Good job Lyn, Bubba's looking good! :)

Offline ozzysma

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2006, 10:05:04 am »
he is really looking good.  great work.  patti

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2006, 01:52:11 pm »
Glad to hear bubba is putting on some weight! :)
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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2006, 02:57:33 pm »
Yeah he is thin, remember though, when going thru the height gaining stage it is pretty standard for many of them to thin out, not necessarily as much as your guy did, but, duncan one of my males out of the last litter we had, was very thin, he ate well, but we really didnt worry, it is healthier for him and being he was active and otherwise healthy we felt no need to try to put more weight on, now , he has most of his height, and, he is starting to put some meat on his bones.
i think your guy will continue to improve!
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2006, 03:20:10 am »
Thanks all. :) I'm crossing my fingers the weight gain continues..

Sar, I know what you mean about the height gaining stage. Bubba was all leg for ages. I switched him off of large breed puppy food, to adult food at 8 months old hoping it would slow his growth down or give his body a chance to catch up to his legs. :D But nope.. he continued to gain height vs weight. It truly is frustrating.. I try not to worry about it. But I can't help it. It's in my genetics to worry. LOL

But now that he's 20 months old he should be done growing height wise right? I know the growth plates are suppose to close at about 18 months.. but I know that can vary.

I gotta post these pics.. Check out the height difference from from 3-4 months old. First pic was taken on May 11/05 second pic on June 29/05. He practically tripled in size. I never really noticed before.. but that's when he started thinning out. 

Offline sarnewfie

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Re: Bubba must be putting some weight on!
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2006, 04:16:14 am »
Yes, that is when they go thru major growth spurts, and, remember, large breed formula is not specifically formulated for GIANT BREEDS
we have seen a  lot of deformation due to the large breed formula, you have been lucky! just that he grew in height way to fast.
that is why ADULT formula of canidae, wysong, or other high end foods are the better bet, even turkey necks fed during the height gaining stage, and, i never ever do hip xrays during this stage, becouse of the fact the bones are growing in size to! you are going to have some luxation during the growth period, there is no way you wont.
all in all i think he really looks good though.
you did good with him!
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

HarborWinds Newfoundlands&Search and Rescue