Author Topic: WE NEED HELP!  (Read 1372 times)

Offline cpacchia

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« on: November 13, 2006, 01:45:38 am »
I have a male sharpei and a female lab. My boy friend just moved in who owns a male boxer. The sharpei and the boxer physically fight and we need to put an end to it. Both dogs have gotten hurt and this cannot go on any longer!
Any suggestions?

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 01:47:52 am »
My two boys fight like that...
We have them seperated in the house... and we only let one outside at a time... its unfair to them, but its also unfair to keep them together to fight. And i will not rehome zero, and darcy wont rehome memphis... sofar, this has worked...
im really sorry to hear this... Good luck with whatever you do
Jodi & Darcy
Proud Parents of
Zero-Bull Terrier
Jigsaw-Bull Terrier
Repo- Jigsaw's baby Bull Terrier
Reba-Chinese Crested
Simba,Sabbath,Kimahri, Lil' Meow & Slimon-Cats
Robin the hermit crab and the 8 legged freak, Webley!
~ waiting at the bridge, Zeus and Memphis, great danes ~

Offline marinafb

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« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 02:53:55 am »
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

When i brought Bryce home milo was nasty to Bryce . Anytime Bryce came near me milo would charge him and be nasty at first i did'nt think it would work and Bryce was only a puppy and could'nt understand why he could'nt come near me. Milo wanted me all to himself and there was no sharing his mommy w/anyone. I left them alone 1 and never agian Bryce still has a scar on is lip from milo. Now that Bryce is larger then milo and learned milos little hang ups they even play together sometimes you have to pull them apart i think only time will tell. I work out of my home so i have spent endless hours with both of them and they are both learning to live peacefully ! Marina
Freya-9 years collie shepard mix
Milo-6 years Pitt Bull
Bryce-3 years English Mastiff
Mab and Angus cool cats