Author Topic: Grieving Bouv  (Read 7200 times)

Offline JackieG

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Grieving Bouv
« on: September 12, 2007, 12:19:24 am »
Two weeks ago my Bernese Mt Dog Sophie went to the rainbow bridge.  Her pal Jasper (5 yr old male Bouv) has been a bit confused and lonely.  The first week, Our walks seem to consist of a hunt for Sophie. He seemed to pick up her scent his tail will wag, his heads up and alert and off we go trying to follow the scent.  He then seemed to realize that Sophie was gone.  For quite some time he was walking around with ears close to head and pinned back, as if he were scared.  The second week, our walks have once again become more of our time.  I guess because the scent is not as strong.  He's very sensitive to his family's emotional state.  So he's probably picking up on our sadness.
I liked having the 2 dogs around.  But not sure about introducing a young pup to the older Bouv.  Has anyone been on this path befor?  Was it helpful or harmful for the older Bouv to bring in a new playmate so soon?


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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 01:38:31 am »
Awww I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We lost our female rotti 2 years ago and our male rotti was 7 at the time. He mourned for her for a few weeks. He would goto all her favorite spots in the house and sniff.
At that time my husaband and I decided we would only have 1 dog from now on.
Well 2 months later we brought a 8 week old Vizsla home. Our rotti was a little hesitant about this new dog. I think because we had brought home another male.It took a few weeks before he really accepted the puppy. When our rotti was 8 we brought home a female weimaraner. Our rotti was fine with her right from the start.
Our rotti was definatly happier having  companions then when he was on his own.
You know your dog best and will be able to tell what you should do.

Offline zchic

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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 01:58:36 am »
I lost my female dane on Fathers day this year. My male was very upset. We had gotten an Irish Wolfhound pup several weeks prior to Tishas she was here already, at first he growled at they are buddies. He is happy again.
Mom to:
Thorn- 8 year old fawn male dane
Morgayne- Wolfhound pup
Gracie- Merelequin (deaf) dane pup

1996-2007 best friend, I miss you girl.

Offline MagicM3

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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 04:27:25 am »
Sorry for your loss,how is he around pups in general.
The reason I ask is because my Bouv Magic thought they were some kind of alien being he wanted nothing to do with.

But having said that,he has gotten two pups in his life in the last 4 years and it was the best thing that ever happened to him.

I am sure that he is reacting to his family's loss and emotions as well.They are very sensitive.

So if the family is ready,for a pup,or another dog,I think that is a wonderful idea.

As soon as Magic found out that it was canine,and that it wouldn't break,He fell in love.Of course it is important espeically for our Bouv's that they know they aren't being replaced.They need their people.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Would love to see pictures.?????

Tricia and the fur kids

Offline LibbyP

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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 05:15:40 pm »
AAAwww I am sorry we are all feeling your pain as we have all at one time or another gone through this.

We have always had 2 dogs, when our first went to the fields and fields where she could run free of pain our older boy was lost, he had aways had another 'playmate','Carly' our girl or fosters. Her leaving him left him in pieces, he stopped eating and would mope around and sleep ALOT for weeks. We as a family were not sure if we were ready for another dog and I knew we didn't want a puppy ~ so months later when Libby(our EM) found us we were unsure how our old man would feel about an adult coming into the house...he loved it. Being as that she was 3.5yrs it brought the spring back into his old bones and he looked and (I think) felt better than he had in a long time. Being as Libby outweighted Hoover by 100lbs we all knew who the boss was ~ skinny old man Hoover  ;) Libby had always been around other dogs since she was a puppy, so the match was perfect for us. Hoover left us acouple weeks ago  :'( and Libby hasn't been the same ~ she doesn't want to leave our side, when she goes out to potty I make her go out~ she cries/barks and wants right back in asap, she has lost weight, she was only with Hoover for 2yrs but in that time the bond grew strong she was very dependent on him he was her security blanket. We have changed up her day like other have said, I know we are not ready for another dog, I just hope she can bounce back to her old self with time.
How is your dog with others? Has he been exposed to puppies? Are you ready for another?
Wishing you all the luck, welcome to the best forum around, everyone is super helpful.
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. ~ Will Rogers

mama to ~Libby 6.5yr E.Mastiff
         Stormy 2yr Boston Terrier
         RIP my sweet 'old man' Hoover (1993-2007)

Offline JackieG

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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2007, 11:40:47 pm »
Thank You All for the encouragement!
I almost ran out and got a new puppy. But I stopped because of various reasons, one being 'what if Jasper doesn't like the puppy that I brought home as a life long friend , that would be disasterous.  The idea to have a friend bring over a playmate for the day is a good one.  I know of a one year old Golden and a 6 month old dane.  For sure the other dog will need to be a female.  Jasper is ok with males if he's not on his own turf, but we found that he likes being king of the hill. 
Tomorrow is grooming day.  He loves visiting Miss Debbie.  Maybe she can let one of her girls out (Boxer)to play in her yard for a little. 
You guys are great.  You really helped to boost my spirits.  You gave me a game plan to help my big guy get over the blues.  I know now that there is a light at the end of that tunnel.  Hope I didn't well up to many sad memories for yah. 
Buy the way, are there instructions on this site for 'How to load up pictures?'

Jackie G
and the Big Ole Jasper

Offline MagicM3

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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2007, 02:03:30 am »
I may not be the one to answer this but I will try,under where you post you messages there is additional options.
click on that and a browse button will com up and it should open a window into you computer if you click on the file you want and choose a picture and then click on open it should appear in the attach box.  Then you just click post and we get to see your pictures.

Good luck,if it doesn't work ask again I'm sure that someone will correct my instructions.

Tricia and the fur kids


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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2007, 03:43:00 am »
Thank You All for the encouragement!
I almost ran out and got a new puppy. But I stopped because of various reasons, one being 'what if Jasper doesn't like the puppy that I brought home as a life long friend , that would be disasterous.  The idea to have a friend bring over a playmate for the day is a good one.  I know of a one year old Golden and a 6 month old dane.  For sure the other dog will need to be a female.  Jasper is ok with males if he's not on his own turf, but we found that he likes being king of the hill. 
Tomorrow is grooming day.  He loves visiting Miss Debbie.  Maybe she can let one of her girls out (Boxer)to play in her yard for a little. 
You guys are great.  You really helped to boost my spirits.  You gave me a game plan to help my big guy get over the blues.  I know now that there is a light at the end of that tunnel.  Hope I didn't well up to many sad memories for yah. 
Buy the way, are there instructions on this site for 'How to load up pictures?'

Jackie G
and the Big Ole Jasper

My husband wanted a German Short Haired Pointer so bad. So we found a local breeder and explained  that we had 2 female rottis, that they would have to accept the puppy. If they did not then the breeder agreed that we could return the puppy. Our 2 females did not accept the "new" girl and we did have to return the puppy(she was so cute--it may have worked better if it was a boy). It was much better than getting committed to a puppy and things not turning out.
It may be another option for you. 
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 03:44:35 am by Icerotti »

Offline superrhanna

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Re: Grieving Bouv
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2007, 06:32:37 am »
Firstly, sincere sympathy for your loss.  We recently lost our Giant Schnauzer and know the pain you are addressing.

After 4 months of processing our loss, we brought home 2 8 week old Bouvier puppies. Quite a change from our mature dog we previously had!!

While out on one of our daily walks, we met an owner of a male Bouvier (4 years old)who shared that he too had recently lost the companion 6 year old Bouvier.  He wanted to see how his male would react to the pups and went to bring him outside.

Initially all was well however, after about 10 minutes the adult male became very aggressive with the pups.  The owner said this was the behaviour the male was exhibiting with other dogs since the loss of its companion.

Perhaps, like your Bouv, this one is grieving still...

I share with you only to suggest that maybe time is the critial factor in your decision to introduce another pup to your Bouv..

Best of Luck.