Author Topic: What the heck is going on?! :/  (Read 2588 times)


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What the heck is going on?! :/
« on: November 22, 2006, 09:12:55 am »
I don't know if this is another fear stage or what the heck is going on. There is suppose to be another fear stage between 6 to 14 months but Bubba is 21.5 months old now. Is is possible our giant breeds hit the fear stages later since they are so slow to mature? I'm just confused at this behaviour and maybe you all can help me figure it out?

First off Bubba has always been very social.. we socialized his butt off. He always accepted people into our house with no problem. Strangers in the yard was another story.. but strangers in the house had never been a problem. I say had because of what happened tonight.  :-\

My Aunt is having problems with her computer so her boyfriend brought it over for us to fix (we do computer repair on the side). My 18 year old cousin was also with him. But Bubba only seemed to react to my Aunts boyfriend. He is a big guy and he has a full beard.. I guess he is somewhat intimidating looking. Bubba had met this guy once when he was 7-8 months old.. so it's been awhile. Well as soon as he saw this guy he freaked out.. freaked as in nervous freaked and started barking and backing away from him like he was terrified. ??? He brought treats with him and knelt down and offered Bubba a treat. At first he kept barking and backing away refusing the treat. He wouldn't approach him at all though until I knelt down beside the guy. After watching Lola (who is normally the anti-social one, go figure) crunch away on them he stopped barking and took a treat. After 8 treats he finally let the guy touch him. At first though Bubba would litterally jump backwards when he reached out to him.

I have never seen him act so fearful before. I wasn't quite sure how to react other than to ignore the behaviour like when he was going through the 'fear stages'. So I basically acted like it was no big deal and hushed him a few times.. The barking stopped after a couple minutes but the whole 'fear episode' when on for about 5-10 minutes.

I let Bubba approach on his own. I know forcing/coddling a fearful dog is a no no and the last thing I need is for him to become a fear biter. :( But I'm not sure if I should have handled it differently? 

Any thoughts?


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Re: What the heck is going on?! :/
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 09:47:04 pm »
I think I found the info I was looking for.. lol I'll paste it just in case anyone else is curious or going through the same thing...

Bubba recently starting marking in the yard.. So according to this he's just hitting adolescence.. AND the second fear imprint period. Niiice.  :-\

"""Adolescence can appear in smaller dogs as early as five months. In larger breeds, it can start as late as nine or ten months. In giant breeds, adolescence doesn't take place until twelve to eighteen months. In general, the larger the dog, the longer it will take to physically mature. Some breeds can remain adolescents until they are two and a half, or three years old. Adolescence is expressed in male dogs by scent marking behavior. Scent marking behavior is stimulated by the release of testosterone into the dog's system. At this time, males may become macho. Male dogs may become less friendly and even somewhat aggressive to other male dogs. He may begin lifting his leg in the house. He may become very interested in girls, tend to roam, and certainly not interested in listening to you! Some males at this age become totally unruly. In females, adolescence is marked by the onset of the heat cycle, estrus. During this three week period, your bitch could become pregnant. So, keep her away from all male dogs. Bitches exhibit erratic behavior during estrus. Some get real moody and insecure. Others become quite bold or even aggressive.

Adolescence is a very difficult time for pet owners. They are surprised when their cute little puppy becomes a free and independent thinker. Adolescence is certainly a good time to start (or reinstitute) rigorous training. You must work hard NOW to mold the dog of your dreams.

Establish yourself as the leader of the pack. Be realistic about your expectations. You cannot expect young dogs to grow up overnight. Learn to appreciate your dog's adolescence for it is a truly wonderful time. At this time of their lives, dogs are very energetic and exuberant in their responses. They can be full of beans, but still, delightful playmates. You as the owner must learn to channel that energy and exuberance into learning, working, exercising, and playing games. It is not too late to train (or retrain) your dog to help him to become a long-lasting companion."""

"""The Second Fear Imprint Period is similar to the one that occurred during the socialization period, but, it is much less defined. It occurs as dogs enter adolescence and seems more common in males. It is often referred to as adolescent shyness. Your dog may suddenly become reluctant to approach something new or suddenly become afraid of something familiar. This behavior can be very frustrating to the owner and difficult to understand because its onset is so sudden and, seemingly, unprovoked. If you notice this behavior, it is important to avoid the two extremes in response: Don't force him to do or approach something frightening to him and don't coddle or baby him. To get through situations that make your dog fearful, be patient, kind, and understanding. Desensitize him to the object or situation by gradually introducing him to it and using food rewards and praise to entice him to confront the fearful object or situation. Do not coddle or reassure him in any way that will encourage his fearful behavior. Do not correct him either. Simply make light of it and encourage him give him food rewards as he begins to deal with his fear better. Make sure you lavishly praise his attempts! This phase will pass."""

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Re: What the heck is going on?! :/
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2006, 11:45:49 pm »
Very good to know. Phelan just started marking at the telephone poles so I guess we're in stage one.  :o


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Re: What the heck is going on?! :/
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2006, 11:55:05 pm »
Thanks for the article information.  Farley started marking about 5 months ago or is driving me crazy ::)


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Re: What the heck is going on?! :/
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2006, 09:18:08 am »
The marking is driving me crazy too. Luckily he hasen't lifted his leg in the house. But getting him to come back in the house after a potty break is a huge pain. He has to mark every plant, everywhere that Lola peed.. every corner. ::)

I'm actually relieved to know it's just a 'stage'. The only part that sucks is it could continue on until he's 2.5-3 years old. For the most part he's not what I would call unruly.. (yet) more annoying than anything else. I keep reminding him that if he doesn't behave he's going to loose his manhood sooner than later. LOL