Author Topic: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!  (Read 3752 times)

Offline TheUnSaintlySaintClan

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OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« on: November 28, 2006, 10:35:41 am »
For the last three days they have escaped from my yard and I've had to chase them down the street. They are usually very well behaved and go in when I say "inside". Well, they apparantly think I need exercise or something because now when I say it, they head for the street and keep sniffing the trees, the ditch and everything else they can.

Thank goodness I live on a dirt road that hardly anyone comes down. Although my neighbors have been getting an earful of me at 6:30 in the morning yelling "Simon and Heidi!!! Get your butts back here!". The only thing that gets them back in the yard is to find my kitty, Little Miss, put her on the porch steps and hollar "Where's the kitty?" And poor Little Miss just gives me the nasty "Thanks mom" look as she's used for bait.

The only thing I can think of for their behavior is that my husband is out of town. He works out of town every weekend but he's been gone longer than usual. So, I just had to post a little rant while my "little Saints" are sleeping peacefully under my feet. Hopefully tomorrow they will be back to their lazy selves.  ;)
"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." ––Louis Sabin

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 10:37:29 am »
ha ha ha i'm sorry, but that is just funny, considering how many thousands of times it seems like my dogs have done that to me!  poor kitty, felix would eat me alive for dangling him above my dogs!!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2006, 08:54:08 pm »
I do the same thing to get Bubba's attention. "Where's the kitty?!", "Where's your brother?!" (meaning my 10 year old son, lol) Or "Daddy's home!!!" is pretty effective. Hahahaha. If I use it too often though he won't fall for it. :P


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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 09:51:36 pm »
HAHAHAHAA!!  That's too funny!  Koby does the same darn thing, he's got the selective hearing mastered.  He's also taught me to play the "I'm ready to come inside-no I'm not" game.  He gets up on the deck and stands in front of the french doors pretending he's ready to come in and when I open the door and walk outside to get him he runs down the deck steps into the yard.  As soon as I go back inside he jumps up on the deck again!  We do this same thing 3 or 4 times until he gets bored with it and decides he needs to come inside for a drink. lol

Offline Rachel

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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2006, 10:52:31 pm »
LOL  that's pretty funny that they will come for the kitty!  Sophie has some key words too like daddy's home, treat, bone, walk, and car.  She will come for any of those, bone expecially.
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Offline Binky

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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2006, 11:02:07 pm »
OMG-it must be something in the water!  Binky keeps pretending that she's going to come in, then taking off and zooming around the yard.  I am glad that mine's not the only bad one! :)I used to have a sure way of getting them in-"Want a treat?" but now Binky's ignoring that too.  It works with the other dogs and even the cats but Binky has been very stubborn lately and prefers to be out barking or evading capture!
Binky-Great Pyrenees
Sigfried-Cat  RIP Sigs
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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2006, 07:09:02 am »
can't belive I've missed this thread! Sammi did that on Sat, she always comes and 'helps' us with yard work, and normaly she is very good to listen, I've only goten mad at her once becouse my lazy-as-can-be dog decides she doesn't like the UPS guy and chased him.... well the other day, we were totaly cleaning out our grauge so we can fit out workout stuff in there while its cold outside, anyway Sammi starts heading to our neighbhoors across the street, I started yelling at her to get her little furry behind back to our yard and then my brother got yelling at her (he trys to be the big alfa, sometimes) and she still was acting deaf so I ran across the streat and grabed her by the callor, needless to say she is banned from the front yard for a while.

The stories are great! I wish wheres the kitty worked for me, that is too cute!


Offline TheUnSaintlySaintClan

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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2006, 07:17:17 am »
I took them out tonight off the leash for the first time today. They've been pottying on the leash today. They ran straight into my neighbor's yard across the road. And my decoy kitty was nowhere to be found. Thank goodness my kids were home and could help me collect them. I don't know what is with them...Hopeful ly whatever it is, ends soon.  ;D
"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." ––Louis Sabin

Offline brigid67

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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2006, 07:46:26 am »
I am so glad I read this post.  I thought it was just my bad dog - she loves to ask in and then run away.  It makes me crazy.  She also will ask out and when you get up to open the door she turns around and sits on the couch.

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2006, 11:27:57 am »
Oh, man. I know that Bella is a seriously stubborn little... you-know-what. SO, this must be what I have to look forward too.  :-\ HaHaHaHa, ya gotta love 'em for making life so interesting.  Hmmm, I have kitties. I better start teaching her "where's the kitty" soon.  ;)
Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
Piston- grouchy kitty
Jupiter- Scaredy Cat

Offline Gracie Belle

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Re: OK, the dogs have gone insane and they're taking me with them!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2006, 10:07:17 pm »
I love these stories.  So far I have only had that problem when we go to the dog park.  Gracie doesn't have a yard so we go for walks.  Lot's and lots of walks.  But when we go to a dog park she is oblivious to everything but what her nose is pointing at.  Gracie and I both get a really good workout at the dog park as she's running and chasing and running and sometimes decides to pick a new family and seems to want to leave with them.  I would normally be really offended if I didn't get that it was the dog she played with that she really wants to go home with.  Anyway good luck with the fur kids Kirsti.  Hope the Kitty won’t have to be dog bait much longer.   :D
Misty slave to:
Gracie Belle, 2 year English Mastiff
Rosco, 1 yr Toy German Shettweiler (designer mutt of course)and toy cause he's not Rotti or GSD size AT ALL.  Though they said he was a mix of the two..  Tonka, 3 year Great Dane
And last and most certainly NOT least, Linus 5 year old cat.