Author Topic: Hi, I'm new here and could use some helpful advice.  (Read 9885 times)

Offline kathryn

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Re: Hi, I'm new here and could use some helpful advice.
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2007, 04:50:03 pm »
Hi and welcome to the board.  I have generally trained my pups for off leash work since they were puppies.  Shiner is the one that I am worried about not recalling off leash but if the girls are with him he will come back with them.  I know this since the great prison yard break last week when they all three were loose in the neighborhood.  Anyway, if there is a fenced dog park near you, take Herman there and start working on the off-leash recall.  That way he is in a larger fenced area than your yard but still safe. 
I have a gentle leader for Cinder and she will try and rub it off but once she realizes that's not acceptable then she settles down.  I don't use one on Kaila or Shiner.  I hope that helps.
Nearly forgot to mention that I use the command to "stay close" when they are off-leash and they generally stay within a 30-50 foot radius of me when we are out in the woods are in a park.

Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Offline LibbyP

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Re: Hi, I'm new here and could use some helpful advice.
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2007, 05:18:58 pm »
Hi and Welcome, I used to use a halti for Hoover but he doesn't need it anymore. When I first put it on him he acted like a wild beast that I had captured and was trying to kill  ::) I made him wear it around the house to get him used to it as well. Now for your cabin ~ if he has any type of hound in him I wouldn't let him off lead ~ when they catch a scent they turn their listening ears off and can't turn that part of the brain back on until they find whats making that wonderful smell. Before Libby I had a Redtick Coonhound, that was smart as smart could be until she got a sniff. Can you a) attach a running line that his flexi could be attached to so he could be outside unattended but safe and not get caught up on anything? b) get invisible fence c) build him a dog run ~ just some thoughts, I would go to a dog park our something like that fully enclosed so that if he does run he'll be safe work on recall with treats,call him back and hide on him alittle see if he comes looking or could care less that your gone, attach a lunge line(local feed store ~ for horses) and when you are out for a walk at the cabin he can drag that behind him so that if he does decide to take off someone can step on it before he gets to far away from you, I wouldn't risk itnot until he is older and knows to stick around ~ good luck.
Sorry for my ramble maybe there is something in there that will help ~ Kim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. ~ Will Rogers

mama to ~Libby 6.5yr E.Mastiff
         Stormy 2yr Boston Terrier
         RIP my sweet 'old man' Hoover (1993-2007)

Offline MommyOfSchnauzers

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Re: Hi, I'm new here and could use some helpful advice.
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2007, 05:30:57 pm »
Hi and welcome!  I'm Melissa.  We have recently moved to the country and are now surrounded by woods.  My Giant Schnauzer, Dazy, can be stubborn and hard headed when she wants.  Using her selective hearing and all.   I recently purchased a remote electronic collar.  It has positive and negative tones as well as 8 different electric shock levels.  Everything from just a vibration to uncomfortable.  I followed the directions inside the box about using it inside the first few days to teach the positive tones as rewards and the negative tones as an attention grabber.  This particular model has a 3/4 of a mile range.  I have only had to use the "shock" once.  There was a rabbit out in the yard when she went out to potty and her listening skills were non existant.  The negative tone didn't get it then, so I started with a low jolt and proceeded to get to a level 4.  At a level 4, her ears returned and she returned to my side.  NOW, as soon as the negative tone sounds... she is back at my side. 

Some may not agree with this method, but I'd rather my dog be safe and know I can get her attention than her to get lost in the woods or worse.


Mommy of Monsters

Offline Lena

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Re: Hi, I'm new here and could use some helpful advice.
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2007, 09:59:00 pm »
Oh, wow - I feel so supported!  I love you chicks!  I just checked in tonite and I am thrilled by all the terrific responses.  First of all...everybod y - Thank you, thank you and - um,...THANK YOU!!

To your individual responses:  KIM!  I already have several 30-foot running lines on my mountain property. Attached to trees, made of non-tangling cable...To me, this just doesn't seem like enough.  Herman is constantly lunging and pulling against the line.  He's such a big, strong, magnificent fellow. I guess I want him to have more freedom.

As far as building a dog-run...I would love to.  We own 10 acres of mountain land around our little cabin.  However, the land is exceedingly wild, uneven, very tree-dense, steep, rocky and just HARD...alot of clay and rocks, no soil really. But I will look into it this spring.  If it is do-able, I know it will be somewhat costly, but to me it is absolutely worth it.  My husband's attitude will probably be: "Why are we doing this - just let the dog run free." Oh, well...this is what I'm dealing with. 

JULIE!  What a sweetheart!  Providing us with all of these great dog-run parks in Queens.  Wow.  I am so glad I joined this forum~~!!  We also have a couple of great ones near our home....Your Beans sounds like Herman..."just being overwhelmed at being introduced to dogs"....good lord, can I relate.  Herman is so insanely social...and also mis-understood, because of his size people are afraid.  One of his favorite things is watching THE GARBAGE MEN from our bay window on Saturday morning.  They are like his SUPER HEROES.  If I am up and even partially-dressed, I bring him out front to greet the garbage men and they are crazy about each other.  Herman rushes to greet them and they pet him... Herman acts like he is meeting his version of MOVIE STARS...he is like: "DAMN - IT'S THE GARBAGE GUYS. PETTING ME. MEEEEE!!!!  I AM IN HEAVEN.  THIS IS AMAZING!!!

TO...The other Julie???  Thank you for writing...I feel you're right...Herman is a "hound"'s hard to say what will "stick" with him... There is such an innate wildness about him, I have my doubts about ever letting him off-lead without losing him.

Melissa, I have always been skittish about any kind of "shock" collar.  But if this is ultimately something that would save my boy's life, I would be willing to try it out. Please let me know the model that you have.  Thank you.

I have been re-thinking the Halti, and honestly...I know some of you have had success but...knowing Herman ..... I think I may have to take a different tact with him. 

Thanks everyone...U guys rock...

Offline kathryn

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Re: Hi, I'm new here and could use some helpful advice.
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2007, 10:28:08 pm »
I had another thought for you.  Check in with any of the hound groups in your area.  They should be able to give you some good ideas for training Herman and ideas on off-leash work.  Also, I know some of the hunters that run hounds will add bells to the dogs collars so that they are easier to find in the woods.  They especially use the bells on the ones that don't bay when they are trailing but then again they usually have a pack with ones that bay in the pack.  Hope that helps.
Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Offline Lena

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Re: Hi, I'm new here and could use some helpful advice.
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2007, 08:59:23 am »
Kathryn, that is a great idea.  I am looking into that now.  Thank you.  ;)