Author Topic: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)  (Read 5314 times)

Offline bluskygirl

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Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:39:08 am »
So, I realize this may be a bit long, but I'm gonna to my best to keep it to the point.

Since I brought Bella home, she's had some food issues.  I wouldn't call it agression becuase she doesn't bite, growl, snarl, or anything like that. BUT she is a freaking lunatic at food time. She becomes a different dog. Terrified that someone's going to take her food. She runs back and forth through the kitchen looking to see if anyone might be coming (protecting her food obviously), and IF someone does come into the kitchen at this time she'll jump about a half-foot off the ground and put her teeth on you. There's nothing about her body language that is threatening, and people tell me she's super gentle when she does it (she doesn't do this to me of course).  Anyway, I spoke with my trainer months ago and she gave me a "food bowl dessentization" program which I did for 6 weeks.  It was hand feeding for about 3.5 weeks followed by slowly introducing small amounts in her bowl and gradually increasing.  This solved my problem until the end of the six weeks when I put all her food in the bowl. BAM! Back to square one.  SO, then I bought Mine! A Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs.  The author actually has a name for Bella's behavior... she calls it "accelerated consumption".  I tried following some of her techniques and again found that they helped only while employed. 

Eventually I came to the decision that since this problem relates only to her feeding time I would do what I could to treat the problem everyday. SO, the boys help me feed her; we rotate the responsibility so she knows that they too are responsible for her food. I also feed in a muffin tin to force her to slow down a little. However, if you touch her, she bolts into this frenzied, trembing warp drive (NO growling or anthing).  This was what I had decided to do, and of course limit her feeding times to when they were the least stressful (i.e. no one else over visiting).

So, that's the back story. The rest should be quick. Last night I had a friend over for dinner. I haven't had a friend actually cook with me in the kitchen ever, and as soon as we got started I realized Bella was in her trippy state.  She's pacing, jumping up and teething on my guest (He had no clue... thought it was a game). I tried to tell myself that's what it was too, but when we sat down to eat my son came over to tell me something and Bella did the same thing (like, "back off. There's food here."  I've never seen the behavior happen when I'm eating, or when I'm cooking but it seems that this frantic behavior is now progressing to other places.  I don't know what to do anymore!  On an interesting side note, she let Piston my cat share some of her canned dog food right out of her muffin dish this morning with NO problems whatsoever. I think her issues have to do with humans.

One thought is simply to crate her during cooking time, and when I'm feeding company. The other thought I had was to force a sit-stay or down-stay in the kitchen the whole time I'm preparing food, and then a crate during dinner.  I've never seen a dog with this kind of behavior. It's always been "Yeah, I'm cool about food" or "Nope. I'm not and I'm gonna try to scare you into leaving me alone" kind of aggression.  Has anyone else seen this accelerated consumption thing? I'm sorry this is so long. I've just run out of ideas and the I've tried what the books suggest. I sort of think none of that's working becuase Bella isn't showing aggression tendencies, but something different. Neurotic and frustrating!

Thanks to anyone who just listened to me vent and who might have some ideas! :-\
Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
Piston- grouchy kitty
Jupiter- Scaredy Cat


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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 09:51:28 am »
Hmmm, I hate giving advice about training/behavior stuff, because what works for one may not work for another.  Sounds almost like she has issues with the kitchen.  Does she think she's going to get fed everytime you're in the kitchen?  Could you try feeding her in her crate?  I never feed Koby if he's in an excited state of mind.  He has to be calm and sit for his food before I even put it down for him.  When he was a puppy if he tried running around being a spaz while I was getting his food ready, I'd put the food up for 10 min. or so until he'd calmed down.  If Bella's excited and doing these things, THEN you put her food down, you are rewarding her for her behavior so she's going to keep stepping it up a notch if she thinks she can get away with it.  Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2007, 09:53:57 am »
Yeah, I suppose I should elaborate on this. I do make Bella sit and stay while I dish up her food, which sometimes will work. If not, I wait until she's sitting. THEN, when I put the food down (I rotate location all through the house) I put her in a down stay and sit and pet her for a while until I release her to eat.  During the down stay, she is rigid, afraid to make eye contact, drooly (of course) and just freaked out. She'll stay until I release her, but she's totally uncomfortable.  Thanks for the input, and just reading it!
Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
Piston- grouchy kitty
Jupiter- Scaredy Cat

Offline Butts Mom

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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2007, 09:55:17 am »
I wish I had some answers for you,I just wanted to wish you good luck in figuring Bella's kitchen/food issues out.Right now I'm busily reading books and watching the Dog Whisperer on TV to try and figure out how I can get Butt to even allow anyone in my house.
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie


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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2007, 09:59:15 am »
Well it sounds like you're doing great!  I can see how you're confused as to why she does this! lol  I'm sure someone else will have some better ideas on what to do. 


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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2007, 10:21:17 am »
Hmmm.. I don't know what to suggest either because I'm kinda going through the same thing.. minus the pacing/jumping and teething.

Lola too eats every meal like it's her last and she gets all drooly, tense and won't make eye contact when told to sit and wait. If you touch her while she's eating she just eats faster. Lola doesn't show any aggression either. She's just super tense when eating. Once she's finished then she's back to her normal goofy self.

I'm betting that both Bella and Lola were the 'low' rank pups in their litters. So they feel they need to hoard their food.

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2007, 11:34:24 am »
diesel gets really freaky when it's food time too, he paces back and forth in about a 2-3 foot area while he's munching and sometimes shakes, etc.  very jittery.  we've just opted to feed him from a bowl we hold, and we have to put all the other dogs outside of he won't eat good.  for the eating too fast, have you tried putting a large rock in the middle of her food (big enough she can't eat it) so that she has to eat around the food?  also, i've heard to put some peanut butter in the bottom of the pan so the food sticks a little bit to make them slow down.  also, if she'll eat in the crate, i've noticed it makes some dogs a lot more easy going at feeding time, because they know nobody can get their food.
steffanie in atlanta

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Offline shangrila

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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2007, 02:11:13 pm »
It sounds to me like you're off to a great start and everyone has given you good advice.

I would deffinately think about getting te trainer to come in house, but I think one thing I would probably do is start feeding her in her crate. If she feels safe in her crate and feels like it is her den, it should help reduce anxiety to have her food in her space.
RIP former BPO

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2007, 10:12:52 am »
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this. THanks to everyone for your great advice and help! I greatly appreciate it. I'll try some of these suggestions, and the thought of bringing someone in had occurred to me, so I'll look into that too. 

Thanks again everyone!
Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
Piston- grouchy kitty
Jupiter- Scaredy Cat

Offline Imani's Mom

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Re: Where do I start? (Bit long... sorry)
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2007, 08:46:39 am »
I have never tried this idea, which was suggested by someone with several dogs who occasionally had a foster who would guard their food incessantly;  maybe it will help... You could start with a dozen or so bowls of her food, and scatter the bowls throughout the house, each one full, and let her find out that she cannot possibly eat every bit, and there is no way she can defend them all either, hopefully with the result that she gives up worrying about where her next meal will come from, and the worry that she has to eat it fast to protect it from others.  I believe the term for this would be "flooding", and I don't think it would be harmful to her in any way.

Weedsport, NY