Author Topic: Car chaser  (Read 2296 times)

Offline arkydo

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Car chaser
« on: February 16, 2007, 08:06:52 am »
Yesterday Arkyd thought it would be cool to chase a jeep going up the two tracks beside our property, and i was wondering if theres an easy way to stop this.
It was lucky he did it when i was there cuz i can run like an olympic sprinter on crack, my wife wouldn't have coaght him (i'm faster than her running backward lol). When i caught him i scruffed him and told him off but everytime he sees a car he starts wagging his tail. Anyone have any ideas not involving shock collars or invisible fences

Offline kathryn

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Re: Car chaser
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2007, 08:21:14 am »
Does he have a "leave it" command or a "stop" command.  I teach all my dogs leave it but I also teach them stop to.  The stop is purely to stop all forward momentum such as chasing the cat, running to the street, etc.  Not sure if that would help you or not but it does stop mine.  You can also teach barriers of the yard.  That they stay within this area of the yard and can't leave it.  Mine have been taught that but still push the limits.  Hope that helps.
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Offline arkydo

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Re: Car chaser
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 08:24:54 am »
I do use the leave it command and i say enough instaed of stop (thats the command i use to stop battle royale in the house). But yesterday he just didnt listen he flew.Its annoying cuz every other secong of the day he listens

Offline 2Criminals

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Re: Car chaser
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2007, 12:43:25 pm »
What about a recall word? I realize you would have to see him chasing the car for this to work but if he recalls well he may get tired of chasing the car if he only ever gets halfway there?? It ties in with the "leave it" command.

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Car chaser
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2007, 12:46:25 pm »
we taught axle "look at me" so that he has to stop what he's doing to look at me, but if he's so excited to chase the car you might have no other option but to keep him on long training leash (like 25ft) and work with him until he does learn and becomes reliable. 
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Offline rayray

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Re: Car chaser
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2007, 10:18:25 pm »
remember when you are working with something hard like the art of car need to practice on a leash.  if he thinks that when you say "leave it" and he can just go get it anyway then he have to practice it with some form of restraining him from actually going after the leash.  and depending on what kind of dog that you have (i didn't get a chance to read the whole thread) you could also try it in conjuction with a gentle leader or a pinch collar.  i like the gentle leaders the best because they control the head.  whenever he goes after the car then give him a good jerk and release back while saying, "leave it" in a firm voice.  when he stops going towards the car reward him with a treat.  it has worked with students in my training classes....but you have to work with it for a while on the leash....that way they think that they can never get the car.
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Offline arkydo

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Re: Car chaser
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2007, 10:50:35 am »
i forgot to get back to this one yesterday
i took Arkyd over to where he sees the cars and did some one on one training with him i figure i'm gonna try it this way cuz i waas working
i rarely have him on a leash even when we go walkies he just walks right beside me and isn't interested in cars.I even leave outside the store and he just waits It's only when he's walking bout the property i guess he might be trying to guard or something