Author Topic: Why is she so BAD!!??  (Read 5590 times)

Offline Binky

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Why is she so BAD!!??
« on: February 21, 2007, 09:21:04 am »
I am getting really fed up w/Binky and need to vent!  She is sooo stubborn and bad sometimes.  I know that Pyrs are notorious for being headstrong but I am wondering if Binky just has a bad attitude.
Binky comes in most of the time when called (only b/c she gets a treat).  However, she has taken to looking at me, then speeding around the yard instead of going inside.  Worse, she will stand in the far corner of the yard and stare at me as I get increasingly angry.  I was in a hurry the other day and she wouldn't move so I had to get my coat and boots on, stomp through a foot of snowonly to try to grab her by the collar- she ran way and evaded me for 5 minutes!  I was LIVID ( and late).
Also, she is not allowed in the goat pen.  However, she goes in as pleases, even if I am standing right there.  I have yelled, swatted her butt, thrown snow balls... NOTHING works.
Binky just does not care about being disciplined.  I don't know what to do.  I can catch her in the act of shredding something up and she just does not care.  Does anyone know how to teach a dog who just doesn't care?!  Our other dogs only have to be firmly told "NO" once, and they never do it again.  Sorry this is long, I am just so annoyed.  And now I feel guilty for being angry as Binky is being sweet and laying next to me on the couch...
Binky-Great Pyrenees
Sigfried-Cat  RIP Sigs
Jasper-Nigerian Dwarf goat
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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 09:36:08 am »
Arisha is kinda like that... She'll not show any sign of even hearing us and act like she didn't and keep doing what she's doing...only recently have I found that if I get all high pitched and excited she'll come running to me...I have no idea why...and it drives my dad nuts when I call her like that but it works.

Jake, one of the labs at the kennel I  used to work at wouldn't come in at all...I used to have to go upstairs and open the door to the grooming/small dog area and walk away or hide behind the door. He'd only come in if he thought it was HIS idea.

I wish I could be more help  :-\

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 09:39:57 am »
have you tried keeping her on a 25ft leash when you bring her outside?  this way she HAS to come back to you and CANNOT go in the goat pen?  i know you probably don't stay outside with her, but maybe just not giving her a choice and making her do what you tell her EVERY time would help her realize you mean business.  it's the same as our trainer told us, just don't give them the choice not to do something and eventually they'll get the point. 
steffanie in atlanta

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Offline pink2378

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2007, 10:03:40 am »
You are describing Lucy to a T!  She was such a little pill!  Then we started putting her on a rope every single time she went out in the backyard.  It was a battle the first couple  times of "reeling" her in when we called her but after the first few days she knew as soon as we picked up the rope she would have to come.  And then eventually we didn't have to pick up the rope she just knew that there was no other option than to come.  It took about a month.   Also whenever we were in the backyard with her she would zoom around and try to play and would NOT come so it was nice with the rope because I would walk on the rope so she couldn't get away and eventually she learned that running away from me wouldn't work.

So sorry that was long.  Hope you find a solution that works for you soon!

Offline Binky

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2007, 10:25:03 am »
Thanks everyone.  I guess that I will have to start taking her out on leash.  Giving her a treat when she came inside worked for about a week but she's not that interested in food.  Those with food motivated dogs might have better luck though!
Glad to hear Binky's not the only brat! :) Unfortunatley, I am going to have to go out with her as Binky freaks out when she gets tied up-and escapes. She has only been tied twice- just for a few minutes when we were at a friend's and she managed to wrap herself completley up and escape from her harness! Another odd behavior...
Binky-Great Pyrenees
Sigfried-Cat  RIP Sigs
Jasper-Nigerian Dwarf goat
Ferdinand-Nigerian Dwarf goat

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 10:28:48 am »
hee hee we had a dog years ago that flipped out when he was tied and got hung up on a "killer" lawn chair.  we thought he was dying, come to find out, he was being "attacked" ha ha.  sorry, that just made me think of him!
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
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Offline People Whisperer

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2007, 01:21:20 pm »
Like my husband would say..."she is a typical woman!"
About the great pyrenees part...I have the same problems and from what I have learned if I get mad or angry at her it only makes it worse. She thinks that it's a game or something and gets very excited. And no...there is no "come when called" is happenning in our house, lol
I always say "how come such a nice, sweet girl can be sooooo difficult????"
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2007, 01:49:11 pm »
I have always had luck with this with my dogs.  So far, I have been graced with dogs that come to me when called (as long as you don't count the adolescent testing) ;).  Here's what I do:

I go for walks first with a shorter leash, and abruptly stop and then begin moving backward while I call them to me.  I get the puppers to come straight to me and I tough the collar and then reward.  After a few times I move up to a longer leash, adn then eventually to the "evil leash" (as trainers seem to hate it), which is the retractable. I keep practicing this, but once the leash get long enough for them to stray a good distance, I just call without changing my direction.  When I say come, I say a litle higher pitched, VERY excited and I repeat it like I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that I want her to come see me. It works like a charm.  Even off leash, I have always had great luck with this, and once they learn it, then the sound of your excited"ness" makes them come running regardless of inside or outside.  I definitely think letting Binky out on a rope is a necessity at this point becuase she knows now that she doesn't have to listen.  But, some walking leash etiquette would help too I think.

Anyway, whatever you do, Good Luck! I know how frustrating that can be... my boys are terrible about listening to me.  Too bad I can't walk them around on a rope to teach them... (just kidding) :D
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Offline patrick

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2007, 06:54:52 am »
On a Great Pyrenees email list I was on a lister with the same problem asked the group how to get a Pyr to come when called and the unanimous answer was "WHO HAS A PYR THAT COMES WHEN CALLED???"  This is very typical breed behavior- it is a VERY independant breed and to do something just to please or obey you is just not in their genetic make-up.  It is a challenge to find ways to motivate them to obey but listening to you just because ain't going to happen!  What's wrong with her going into the goat pen? - she is a livestock dog. 

Oh by the way when Bowyer, the male Pyr does this I just sit down and he comes up to see why I am not chasing/playing with him.  When he does come he gets a really special goodie like a hot dog or a meaty bone  A cookie ain't going to do it.

Offline Binky

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2007, 11:32:00 am »
On a Great Pyrenees email list I was on a lister with the same problem asked the group how to get a Pyr to come when called and the unanimous answer was "WHO HAS A PYR THAT COMES WHEN CALLED???"  This is very typical breed behavior- it is a VERY independant breed and to do something just to please or obey you is just not in their genetic make-up.  It is a challenge to find ways to motivate them to obey but listening to you just because ain't going to happen!  What's wrong with her going into the goat pen? - she is a livestock dog. 

Oh by the way when Bowyer, the male Pyr does this I just sit down and he comes up to see why I am not chasing/playing with him.  When he does come he gets a really special goodie like a hot dog or a meaty bone  A cookie ain't going to do it.

The not coming in thing is frustrating but I do understand that it's a Pyr thing.  However, the goat pen is another matter.  Binky was not a puppy when we got the goats.  While she is OK with them, she seems to think that they are dogs and plays with them as such- chasing,jumping, play biting etc. Fortunately, the goats are pretty mellow, but they do like to be able to go to their pen when Binky gets too rambunctious. I have been working on breaking her of rough housing with the goats, but it's taking a while.  Also, she does not go into the pen to see the goats- she goes in to scarf down as much goat poo as she can!  Gross, but it's even worse when she throws it up on the bed at 2 am!
Binky-Great Pyrenees
Sigfried-Cat  RIP Sigs
Jasper-Nigerian Dwarf goat
Ferdinand-Nigerian Dwarf goat

Offline pink2378

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2007, 11:35:44 am »
EW! EW! EW!!

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2007, 03:33:27 pm »
On a Great Pyrenees email list I was on a lister with the same problem asked the group how to get a Pyr to come when called and the unanimous answer was "WHO HAS A PYR THAT COMES WHEN CALLED???"  This is very typical breed behavior- it is a VERY independant breed and to do something just to please or obey you is just not in their genetic make-up.  It is a challenge to find ways to motivate them to obey but listening to you just because ain't going to happen!  What's wrong with her going into the goat pen? - she is a livestock dog. 

Oh by the way when Bowyer, the male Pyr does this I just sit down and he comes up to see why I am not chasing/playing with him.  When he does come he gets a really special goodie like a hot dog or a meaty bone  A cookie ain't going to do it.

The not coming in thing is frustrating but I do understand that it's a Pyr thing.  However, the goat pen is another matter.  Binky was not a puppy when we got the goats.  While she is OK with them, she seems to think that they are dogs and plays with them as such- chasing,jumping, play biting etc. Fortunately, the goats are pretty mellow, but they do like to be able to go to their pen when Binky gets too rambunctious. I have been working on breaking her of rough housing with the goats, but it's taking a while.  Also, she does not go into the pen to see the goats- she goes in to scarf down as much goat poo as she can!  Gross, but it's even worse when she throws it up on the bed at 2 am!
Oh gosh! This story sounds familiar to me...Lily ate enormous amount of deer poop and released while my whole famaly was eating a Thanksgiving Dinner. I still have chills all over my body
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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Re: Why is she so BAD!!??
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2007, 06:46:13 pm »
She is a Pyr. I deal with this daily and now Tug knows that in the morning when I put on my cologne- he has to go in his kennel, so this morning he ran from me and tried to hide behind the couch. Also the containment issue. Dakota, who is about 8, totally freaks out if she is in the enclosure or contained. She has literally thrown her self over the fence and caused herself injury. We were amazed that she could even get over the fence. I didnt notice if you said how old Binky is, but all Pyrs got thru what I call the butthead stage. Its like puberty for a teenager. AND THEY ARE BAD. She will get past that stage and be a wonderful Pyr, it just takes a few months. So then you may be wondering why in the world I have a new Pyr pup? I guess because even with the bad- they are worth it, you get past the bad and have the most wonderful dog ever. I just got thru butthead stage with Zoey and now we have Tug.
Have patience, I know that it is hard when they are making you late for work- but she will get better. Also try the water bottle with a little bit of vinegar when she goes after the goats, that may help. Remember, they are highly intelligent dogs and they really do think that they are smarter than their humans most of the time, and they were bred to guard livestock and live independently- Now having put in my opinion, I have to go and take something away from Tug.