Author Topic: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..  (Read 3866 times)


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Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« on: May 09, 2007, 10:15:15 pm »
I'm not sure what to think of this so I figured I'd get some opinions from you all. ;)

This happened a few days ago.. My son got off the school bus and like usual Bubba knows his 'little brother' is home and runs to the front window to watch him come down the driveway. We have vertical blinds on the front window and they were shut so Bubba was trying to push them out of the way so he could see. At that same moment my hubby got done work early drove in right beside my son, stopped and they were talking and Bubba freaked right out. He started barking and smashed his head into the screen bending the frame and almost breaking the window with his head. :o

I'm WOAH Bubba WTH are you doing it's Daddy?!?! I grabbed him and pulled the blinds back and as soon as he saw it was in fact Daddy he ran to the front door all happy like nothing happened. ??? But he was like jekyll and hyde for a second there.  :-\

Hubby figured Bubba just couldn't see that it was his truck through the blinds and he was protecting his 'little brother'. Bubba is very bonded with my son but I've never seen that side of him before so I've been thinking/worrying about it since it happened. Is that all it was?  ???

I don't know, what do you all think?


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Re: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 10:47:01 pm »
Koby's done this numerous times!  Bubba clicked into protection mode!  If Kenna's outside in the front yard and people walk by OR a child comes over to play Koby goes crazy!  I have to put him in a down stay for a bit until he calms down, but he's doing his job!  Makes me look out the window to see whats going on.  It doesn't matter if Kenna's in the front or backyard, if Koby's inside he's on watch to make sure nothing happens to "his girl". lol

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Re: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 10:51:50 pm »
I had an experience with Bella recently that was sort of along the same lines. I had my cousin over who is well-versed in BP's. He entered the house, but Bella was so crashed out in the kitchen, she didn't hear him come in until he spoke. She came flying around the corner barking and growling, etc.  She was very displeased that someone she didn't know had come in the house without her knowledge.  She was weird with him the rest of the night. She was giving these "warning" nips- not even making contact actually- if he moved around the house. If he was just sitting on the couch it was fine. As long as Bella sees me greet someone at the door, she's fine with anyone that comes in, but if she doesn't witness the entry, it's like she is continuously watching that person, regardless of my interaction with them after the fact.  Luckily my cousin was very pleased that she was so protective of her family, and it didn't phase him one bit.
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Offline Jas2Cats

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Re: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2007, 10:52:39 pm »
Sounds like Bubba just didn't realize it was his Daddy, and went into protector mode.  He probably sees your son get off the bus every day, and come straight into the house, and when a vehicle pulled up and your son stopped, he interpreted the "change" in routine as a threat.  Woody and Maple do this all the time.  They gotta protect their family :-)

Woody  (aka Big Dog) (12 1/2) Shorthaired Laberaimer (1/2 German Shorthair, 1/4 Lab, 1/4 Weimaraimer)
Maple (aka Princess Poo) (7 1/2) Boxer/ GS mix
Fuzzy (15 1/2)long haired tabby cat
Trouble & Double 3 1/2 year old African Leopard Tortoises.
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Re: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 03:19:18 am »
Jas2Cats, I think your right. It is very routine. Bubba watches my son get on and off the bus each day at the same time. Plus hubby did get done work way earlier than normal.

It's just so odd that Bubba would be protective. He just a big baby. When something freaks him out he usually runs to me for protection. LOL


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Re: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2007, 04:54:55 am »

Lyn, it's funny the first time you realize your big baby is more than just that.  It sure seems to be different if they are freaked out for themselves vs. freaked out that something might happen to one of their people. 

Maple is terrified of large birds (got scared by a pelican when she was a baby), but, I have no doubt that if that bird came after me, or my boys, she would jump right in and protect what's hers.

Now, you can feel good that Bubba will always protect your son  :)

Woody  (aka Big Dog) (12 1/2) Shorthaired Laberaimer (1/2 German Shorthair, 1/4 Lab, 1/4 Weimaraimer)
Maple (aka Princess Poo) (7 1/2) Boxer/ GS mix
Fuzzy (15 1/2)long haired tabby cat
Trouble & Double 3 1/2 year old African Leopard Tortoises.
Ed (17+) and Cris (13+) skin kids

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Re: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2007, 01:16:56 am »
Bo did that one night when she didn't hear my husband come home late from work.  She was zonked out in the kitchen and when the front door opened, she went into full guardian mode-barking & racing towards the door.  When she got there, she saw it was Dad and was VERY sorry for barking at him and rolled around on the floor whining & crying!!  Even though they are big babies, they're still guardians of their home & people.  It sounds like Bubba was trying to protect your son from what he thought was a stranger, but since he changed as soon as he saw it was his dad, I think that there's not a reason to worry!! =)
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Offline Jas2Cats

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Re: Need some opinions on Bubba's reaction..
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2007, 06:03:45 am »
I thought of another time this happened.  One of my BIL's was living with us, and came home after a night of partying, forgot his key, and thought he'd jump the fence to come in through the back door (what, opening the gate was just too easy?).  Anyway, when Jasper (GSD/Husky/Wolf) saw someone coming over the fence, he went into protector mode, barking, snarling and trying to bite him.  We woke up, and turned on the light, and you could see it click on in Jas's brain "Oh, he lives here" and he was all over BIL wagging his tail and giving kisses.

Woody  (aka Big Dog) (12 1/2) Shorthaired Laberaimer (1/2 German Shorthair, 1/4 Lab, 1/4 Weimaraimer)
Maple (aka Princess Poo) (7 1/2) Boxer/ GS mix
Fuzzy (15 1/2)long haired tabby cat
Trouble & Double 3 1/2 year old African Leopard Tortoises.
Ed (17+) and Cris (13+) skin kids