Author Topic: 2 rotti hound mixes in need  (Read 1898 times)

Offline gtg709t

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2 rotti hound mixes in need
« on: July 26, 2005, 06:20:02 pm »

SOme dispicable lady "rescued" 2 rotti mixes, but further abused them by giving them to her dad. They received rain water in a slimy pail overgrown with algae and ate grass! Yes, grass.  >:( They were scheduled to be transported to NY to their "furever" homes and I agreed to hold them for 4 days til the bus left. To leave they needed a clean bill of health, which was promised. WRONG!!! they had enough problems that they have acrewed 700+ 250 surgery this week. I havent even been able to get them spayed yet. Green is almost ready to start out to furever home. I need help as Violet still needs surgery to remove a leasion(biopsy). They both need to be spayed.

They had demo. mange, hookworms, round worms, fleas, ticks, and a bacterial infection on their abdomen.  :o

All is corrected. They are in treatment for demodectic mange. Violet now has this unknown leasion. I need any help you can give...Money, vet references, suggestions to raise money, whatever!!! I also need help finding furever homes.

Please contact Whitney at 404 429 2996