Author Topic: Problem, would like recomendations-long  (Read 4904 times)

Offline Jeri

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Problem, would like recomendations-long
« on: October 12, 2007, 11:39:01 am »
When Modoc was two, he was on a leash in Mexico on the beach.  A rottie (with a bridle on but not attached to the leash) charged him and attacked him.  The owner had a baby on his chest in a carrier and couldn't interviene.  The rottie didn't mind anyway.  Nat was trying to seperate them by grabbing Modoc's leash back and trying to grab the rottie's bridle and throw him off.  The rottie bit down to the muscle on nat's arm and took him down.  Modoc immediately picked the rottie up and pulled him off Nat and took his paw and held him down.  He wasn't biting the rottie just had him by the neck and held him still.  Finally he was able to get Modoc to release and kicked the rottie out of the way and headed back to the RV for an ER visit.  Modoc was not hurt.  Anyway after this event Modocc got dog aggressive anytime a dog woud approach us.  He's been in sevral dog obedience courses and does fine with the dogs in there.  We had a behaviorist out sevral times and went through 8 weeks of training with her too.  It has helped.  He also was put on NILF. She said Modoc was diffinate;ly not dog aggressive. that now he just gets so excited when he sees dogs he can barely control himself.  In another communbity we have a Great Dane Gathering  once a year so we took Modoc to Denver (we live in CA) and he got along with 16 of the 18 danes.  Totally fine.  Our frinds, who have two danes invited us for dinner.  He got a long fine with the 8 year old and thought he was getting along with the 6 year old rescue show dog they had had for one year and then he went and stuck his paw on his head and the show dog (who was intact) too exception and Modoc grabbed him by the neck again and took him down, just like the rottie.  He went to the vet but was put on antibiotics just in case but just had one bit mark because Modoc was just holding him down.
Now  the problem.  This couple is coming,, next week (which we're really excited about, but they are bringing their two danes and we don't know how we're going to handle two danes that may not like each other.  We're goig to introduce them slow outside.  Got any othr suggestions for while we're sitting around in the house?
Long, sorry,
Modoc is the most gentle dane I've ever had with people.


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Re: Problem, would like recomendations-long
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2007, 01:32:52 pm »
Poor  Modoc he had quite the experience with the rotti.

I would suggest meeting on netural territory like a park or parking lot. Then Madoc won't feel it necessary to guard his home.

In the house maybe baby gates to keep them separated if they are not getting along or quite sure. You may have to use 2 one on top of the other because of the danes hieght. Get those pressure ones.

Maybe pick up Madoc toys in the house--he may be territorial over them.

I am sure others will have great suggestions.  ;D
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 02:33:08 pm by Icerotti »

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: Problem, would like recomendations-long
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2007, 02:18:49 pm »
i agree with the neutral territory.  also, go into it with a positive attitude.  if you show up thinking a fight is going to break out, and nervous your pupper will pick up on it and get upset.  he'll be jittery and nervous, and more likely to snap.  if you go into it happy he'll go into it happy though.  walk all of them before you meet up, and make sure they're tired!  that way they don't get quite so excited.  also, i've heard walking them together helps, because they're meeting but can't really do anything if you set a brisk pace, just keep them a few feet apart at first, then move closer together.  baby gates are great, but i've found that axle will barge through them if he wants something bad enough, it just depends on your dog.  some respect them, some don't. 
steffanie in atlanta

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Offline navarre1316

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Re: Problem, would like recomendations-long
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2007, 10:45:39 pm »
Walking and the neutral territory are great ideas.  Another thing to consider is that it might have just been a one time thing, they had been getting along during the visit before the incident.  Will Modoc give some clues before he reacts, like a certain body language or anything?  Maybe if you can catch it beforehand, although I know you can't watch him every single second!! Good luck!!
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Offline Jeri

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Re: Problem, would like recomendations-long
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2007, 01:13:17 pm »
Since Kain didn't bite Modoc back last time, not that he had a chance, we're going to muzzle Modoc on their meeting for Kain's safety.  We will be within two feet off them so there is no way we will allow Modoc at a disadvantage with a muzzle on but since Modoc was the aggresser last time then we'll make sure Kain is protected.  Thanks forr all the good ideas.  We'll use them all,