Author Topic: NEW Mastiff  (Read 1732 times)

Offline Rye89

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NEW Mastiff
« on: September 29, 2007, 09:01:30 pm »
 Ok so here is the deal. Recently we were given a 2 year old Female English Mastiff, named Molly. (Her previous owners couldn't properly care for her). She was abused by her previous owners. I have noticed she is especially on edge around Men. I myself am a young man and she seems almost overly possesive of me, I find this strange seeing as she doesnt like males. The problem begins when i leave the house she gets extremely ansy, barks and whines. How do i solve this problem? also does anyone know any good techniques to overcome her skitishness around males?
                          Any help would be great, thanks.

Offline Mojo1269

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Re: NEW Mastiff
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 10:09:29 pm »
Be prepared to spend some time with her and be patient.  Rome was not built in a day and it will take some time to get her to gain your trust and be comfortable in her new suroundings.  Obviousley you can ot be with her 24/7 but make sure she has a safe spot to call her own when you are not around and be sure to include her in as much as you can from a trip to the gas station to all dog appropriate family activities.  I would also encourage you (if you have not already) to get a number of toys/chews things so she can occupy her time when you are unable.  Also, try leaving the radio or TV on when you are not around.
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Offline Ali

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Re: NEW Mastiff
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2007, 11:51:06 pm »
If she is anxious and whiny when you leave, I can't recommend crate training enough...It will give her that safe space of her own, like Mojo said, and she will think of it as her "den". She will still whine and cry in there at first - hence the words crate "training", but soon, you'll be able to tell her "go to bed" and she'll go right in. You'll find that if you leave the door open, she will choose to go in there to sleep once and a while (if your physical body is not there to flop on!) And again, as Mojo said, time is essential! She is getting to know and trust you, and vice versa. You guys will be best buds before you know it. Give her lots of love and praise, and try the crate for when you leave. (It will also keep her from developing any kind of anxiety related chewing of furniture, carpets, etc...especial ly if you put toys in there for her to chew.) Also, if she was abused, it is a good idea to consider changing her name. She may associate "Molly" with an unpleasant life. Just some things to consider, since you asked! Good luck!!
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Offline LibbyP

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Re: NEW Mastiff
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2007, 12:44:50 am »
Patience,patience,patience... repeat everything as if she was a puppy.. your house(and you) are new to her start off from scratch. A crate is a wonderful idea, have her go in while you are home as well as away put treats and chew toys, a blanket over top might help. If she will not crate put her in a room where she can do little to no damage, is she respectful of baby gates? Have men friends come over, let her approach them on her terms(but have them ready with yummy treats for when she  does. Do NOT baby her when she seems frightened(act as if nothing bothers you). She has attached herself to you as being 'her' person and property, which is not uncommon. Do you have a trainer in the area that you could go to? Let her get comfortable with you first and then take her everywhere with you as possible when possible. They are a breed that if you can look past the slingers are so loving and wonderful. Libby came to us being 3.5yrs with some issues... you just work through them. Good luck keep us posted, and we'd love to see a pic.
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Offline navarre1316

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Re: NEW Mastiff
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2007, 12:46:24 am »
Introduce her to as many new people, places, and things as possible; especially men.  But as they are introduced ask them to just about ignore her at first.  Have them say hello but don't try to pet her, let her come to them, and maybe give them a treat to give to her when she does approach them.  I cannot stress the time aspect.  My boxer Daphne is very skittish and doesn't like new people at first, if you put your hand out she will cower from you and try to back away.  Obviously someone didn't treat her to nicely either.  She is getting better, but I've had her for a year and a half now and there are some days when it seems like she hasn't changed at all!!  Time and patience will be your friends!!  Good luck and welcome to the board, you must post some pics!!
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