Author Topic: Akita temperment  (Read 46214 times)

Offline eporter

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2005, 02:05:37 pm »
My boyfriend and I just got our akita a little over 2 weeks ago.  He's been training great and at 8 weeks is showing no signs of aggression except for dry hum**ng the cat :-)  They play together and for now, the cat shows him who is boss. 

We have been trying to socialize him with other animals.  Gets along with family's jack russell, but not the a german shepherd (Both males by the way).  accepts people willingly into the home and when we go to other homes.  I know he's too young to really judge him now, but he knows we're the dominant alpha's in the house.  Won't keep eye contact for more than a few seconds before looking away and we reward him with positive reinforcement with everything, no negative (although i have slapped his nose a time or two for biting me really hard - playfully).  Does anyone have any alternatives to letting the akitas know not to nip when they are puppies?  I've tried yelping like a puppy, that doesn't phase him one bit... and he nips at the cat too?  maybe it's just puppy behavior?  We have plenty of chew toys and he does chew on them... just thought I"d ask.


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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2005, 02:11:35 pm »
My boyfriend and I just got our akita a little over 2 weeks ago.  He's been training great and at 8 weeks is showing no signs of aggression except for dry hum**ng the cat :-)  They play together and for now, the cat shows him who is boss. 

We have been trying to socialize him with other animals.  Gets along with family's jack russell, but not the a german shepherd (Both males by the way).  accepts people willingly into the home and when we go to other homes.  I know he's too young to really judge him now, but he knows we're the dominant alpha's in the house.  Won't keep eye contact for more than a few seconds before looking away and we reward him with positive reinforcement with everything, no negative (although i have slapped his nose a time or two for biting me really hard - playfully).  Does anyone have any alternatives to letting the akitas know not to nip when they are puppies?  I've tried yelping like a puppy, that doesn't phase him one bit... and he nips at the cat too?  maybe it's just puppy behavior?  We have plenty of chew toys and he does chew on them... just thought I"d ask.
the best way to stop biting/nipping is to hold his muzzle and squeeze till he yelps.  Holding his face in your hand and forcing him to look you will give him the idea that you want his attention too.  It's natural for a dog to look away and loose the staredown contest anyway.

Offline PrettySurvivor

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2005, 11:58:41 am »
Your research has proved you right, however its often the dog who proves us somewhat wrong at times.   Gizmo is Akita...& he's fiercely protective of family...altho its more often then not he's more friendly to strangers then Akita traits would lead you to believe.  However, I think dogs reguardless of breed, have great instincts w/ people.  Rather someone is bad news or what not.    My Akita...he's a lover of other dogs, hardly aggressive unless severally corner by two or more aggressive dogs...& as for kids surprisingly he's a lover of them as well. 

I guess I lucked out huh.. too bad he's as stubborn as I am!

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2005, 03:34:35 am »
My Akita was the same way as yours. He changed OVERNIGHT at 13 months. Now he does NOT tolerate other males.

Be vigilant...
Vagabond, baby. I kicks that raw, boy. Rappers get stole on like the Pistons' ball boy...... Barack in '08!

Offline ReesKujo

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2006, 11:42:07 am »
I have had Akita's most of my adult life and as has been said they are extremely loyal as well as territorial.My current Akita is a rescue and was 10 months when I got him.He is now a little over two.He is very sweet to everyone and tolerates my 3yr.old grandson pretty well.He'll usually just walk away if he annoys him to much.He's very friendly to people he knows but I've had him try and go through my screen door several times when strangers have approached especially if I'm home alone.He did very well with other dogs even males until last year and then starting showing some aggression but with alot of redirection and training he's much better and that includes with smaller animals.If I'm walking him and there are strangers around he will immediatley stop and stare them down warning them not to come near me and if it even looks like there going to he'll let them know in a flat second not to.They are a breed that you must gain Alpha status with right away and they will also from time to time test you to see what they can get away with.Their loyalty and protectiveness is unbelievable.I feel just as safe home alone with my Akita as I do with my husband.As has been said they are not a breed for everyone especially someone who doesn't have the patience for their stubborness or who can not gain control over them,but I can say I will never own any other breed.I think they are amazing dogs and the love and loyalty they give you can't be really expressed in words.

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2006, 12:23:08 am »
I to have a rescued Akita and had bred them for many years.Kujo is the sweetest most loving dog ever.However if we don't know you and you try to approach me without me telling him it's ok he will go after you.Akita's are extremely protective of their family,home,and anything that surrounds their home including a bush or parking lot.I have found that if you establish the Alpha role right away,give them intense training and socialization and teach them what is expected of them they are wonderful dogs.Kujo is very friendly and would never bite unless he felt a threat.Two weeks ago I had a seizure and he got to me before my husband and actually growled at him when my husband tried to push him back but once he realized my husband was trying to help me he backed off,however my husband had to put him up when the medics came because Kujo wouldn't allow them in the house.They are not a dog for everyone.You must be prepared to be consistent in their training and for the times that they will test you to regain their alpha status.They are not a breed that will tolerate any type of physical punishment either.To do that is asking for a problem.When I was breeding I would never sell a pup to someone who had no experience with the breed and if they already had an Akita I would not sell them one of the same sex as they are generally same sex agressive.You must do alot of research on the breed before getting one.

Offline akita_luv

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2007, 12:35:31 pm »
My akita is great with other dogs but he has been with chance (shepard lab mix) sience he was 8 wks old. he does stand his ground and show whos boss but he isnt aggressive. He is great with all kids thou and protective in a good way. ;D hope this helps
thank you Brandy
love your big paws and they will be loyal to you!

Offline caperica

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2007, 11:58:44 am »
I came to know my first Akita through a rescue. He was about 3 months old when he came to be part of our family. My attraction to him was his attentiveness to my little girl. He had the typical aloof Akita nature, but very loving with us. I took him to a meeting of the dog club group at a ball park with many other dogs, He was a perfect gentleman. (this did not come by accident, I worked with him).  It was the other dogs that seemed to want to come at him.
From my past experience with that, I keep him back from them.
On another occasion, a doberman attacked him, with no provocation from my dog at all. Akitas will take a lot before they "blow" usually. But if the issue is pushed, they will end it. The doberman did not make out well.
Akitas can move to strike in a split second. (Remember they were bred to hunt bear and hold a bear for the master to come)

I am sure each one is different about some things. Just as people are.

One tip: When you introduce on dog to another, it is wise not to introduce face to face. Dogs take kind of eye contact as an aggressive posture.  You can walk side by side for a moment first or hold the dominate one so the other is allowed to sniff the rear, which is the way dogs shake hands, so to speak. I

We also have an Akita puppy that is only 7 weeks old. She is already guarding us and will growl and bark at a stranger. My other Akita really did not do much of this. He was more laid back and loved our male Shepherd.
So I think the breed standard is there, but there is difference in personality.

I agree with everyone else. They are dominant and powerful dogs. If you have confidence that you are the boss and can do that in a gentle way, you might consider an Akita. However, it takes a person willing to do the proper socialization and working with your Akita. If they become the boss, and they want to, you could be in for a real rough ride. Akitas learn fast, but your correction must be done in a kind, mild way. Never hit or hurt.

They are magnificent dogs and my husband and I truly admire them.

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Re: Akita temperment
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2007, 08:32:12 pm »
Hi everyone, I found this post very interesting. I raised Akitas for almost 10yrs. and found the breed to be extreamely loyal and loving. They are exceptional with kids, and other pets if well socialized, but this is something that has to happen from birth. They are very inteligent and I often found that during traing if they didnt like the way I was doing they would try to find a better way! All of my dogs were good with cats, rabbits and other small animals but some were very picky about other dogs. I had one female that when aproched by another dog she would do play bows and act excited and as soon as they get to close she would freak out and try to kill them. I did find however that you could tell which dogs would be agressive just by watching how they reacted as puppy littermates. If your considering getting an akita just be sure that you study the puppies and test temperments, and I agree they are not the dog for the faint of heart.