Author Topic: Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!  (Read 3668 times)

Offline DaisyPyr

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Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!
« on: January 18, 2008, 01:16:31 pm »
Hello everyone!

I'm new to the boards, but I'm serious when I say my dogs gone nuts. I adopted 18 month old Daisy in October. I'm new to the dog, but not to the breed. My parents had 2 while I was growing up. Shortly after we got her, she went into heat and started showing food aggression. I've been dealing with this issue by feeding her by hand and making her get used to me petting her while she eats. The food aggression seems to be getting better. But now I have a new problem. I own a jewelry shop, and Daisy is at work with me everyday. At the beginning of this week, she has started to bark at all the male customers! She's fine when they first come in and she'll let them pet her, and then she decides that she doesn't like them and starts to bark at them. A few times she's tried to get at them over the counter. she hasn't tried to bite them, she just lunged. I've been quick enough to grab her, because personally, I don't want to find out what she wants to do next. I always make her sit and calm down, but as soon as my hand comes off her collar she starts barking again. I cannot figure out what may be causing this behaviour, because we haven't seen any signs of it previously. I know it is unacceptable for the breed, but I would like to try and fix it before I give up on her. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Mommy to Daisy- 18 month-old Pyr

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2008, 01:20:58 pm »
Do you walk her before you come to work? It may be that she just needs to exercise off some extra energy before she sits around the shop all day.

Also, remember, Pyrs are bred to guard a herd. You are her herd. You need to exert more dominance over her. I think you feeding her by hand has diminished that some, although I do see why you were doing it.

Was she food aggressive towards you or do you have another dog?

Try keeping her on a leash when she is with you at the shop so you can stop on her leash if she starts to lunge and can correct her more immediately if needed.

I'm sure you're about to get a ton of valuable advice from this board. Stick around. We've been through it all.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline DaisyPyr

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Re: Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2008, 02:11:30 pm »
Thanks for the info. Yeah, everything I've been reading online has been talking about exerting your dominance as the alpha dog.

She was food aggressive towards my husband and I. She would growl when we got too close to her while she was eating. We can pet her now while she eats, but i'm wary of just taking the bowl away, especially since she's still not keen on coming to me in the middle of her meal if I call her.

We've been going to obedience classes, especially since at her last home she was constantly tied outside on a line and had no traning whatsoever. She's doing very well with that. When we first got her she was car aggressive when we were walking, which a prong collar quickly solved. Now she can walk with a pinch collar with no problem.

I don't know if all these little aggression issues add up to one big problem, or if it's just her trying to find her place in the pack. The fact that she's being aggressive towards strangers with no provocation bothers me though. Any other thoughs would be greatly appreciated.

Mommy to Daisy- 18 month-old Pyr


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Re: Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2008, 02:46:36 pm »
if its only men she mayve been abused by one before you got her, and just doesn't  trust them. but shes ok with your hubby as she has learned he won't hurt her. that's my best guess

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Re: Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2008, 08:36:40 pm »
Welcome.  You have found a great place to call home with some fantastic, knowledgeable people.  You need time and patience to overcome all that she has been through prior to you getting her.  Unfortunately, a lot of times when we get rescued dogs, although we may know where they came from immediately prior to us, we don't know their entire history.  Regardless of what went on before, you can retrain a dog and work through their issues.  We have had Cody for a year and we are still seeing changes in his personality.  It can take an abused dog 10 - 12 months to truly accept that they are safe and are home and can be themselves.  For a Pyr, that means guarding.  For your Pyr, that means "I have a great home, with people I love and I am going to guard you so well, you will never want me to go away."  She truly does not understand uninvited people just walking into her second home.  She spend the day with you at work, so it is her daytime home.  She feels that she needs to protect it.  See if you can come up with a word to say each time someone comes in to the store or your home, like "friend".  She is smart enough to associate the word with the action.  If you say the word each time and utilize some of the tips above, treats, walking a person in, etc.  she should quickly learn that the word means it's okay.  If you don't say the word, she is entitled to bark.  That way she is still guarding and can be trusted to protect you.  You are doing a great job with her and she will come around.  Just give her time and keep up the good work.
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Offline saintlykallismom

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Re: Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2008, 02:19:54 am »
Kalli use to be terrified of men. Everytime we saw a man she would hide or bark and growl. We assumed that she must have been abused by a male at somepoint. We used to invite lots of my fiance's male friends over just so that we could socialize her with men. We would make her sit when they entered the house and we would stand by her holding her collar just in case she wanted to attack (which she has never done but we just wanted to be careful)and had her sniff the male when he entered and we asked the male to get down low to her size so she was not intimidated. It took a lot of socializing but she deals with men a lot better now, even complete strangers.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2008, 04:55:10 pm by saintlykallismom »
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Offline DaisyPyr

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Re: Help!!! Daisy's gone mad!
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2008, 07:37:18 pm »
Thanks everyone for the awesome advice and quick response! I'm definietly going to try some the suggestions this coming work week. I've already begun to implement the "becoming alpha dog," tactics suggested by Caesar Milan, and I'm already seeing a difference in her behavior towards me. It's definitely more submissive, and she's very quick now to follow any command I give her (ie no more 'procrastinatin g' when I say 'sit' :-) ). I just need to get my hubby to follow all the rules now....  ::)
Thanks again, I'll keep everyone updated, and please keep up with the awesome suggestions! :-)

Mommy to Daisy- 18 month-old Pyr