Author Topic: AHHH! Someone please explain this behavior to me!!  (Read 2857 times)

Offline Ali

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AHHH! Someone please explain this behavior to me!!
« on: March 25, 2008, 11:11:23 am »
Tani is a digger. She has always been a digger. It comes in waves - she can go for a long time with nary a hole, and then...big hole. Here's how it goes down:
-Tani goes out. Tani digs a hole.
-Mommy goes out. Tani slinks by with her head very low.
-Mommy knows what's up, and sure enough, Mommy sees dirt and grass all packed in between Tani's toes.
-Tani sees Mommy seeing her, and flops to the ground, looking so guilty it's (almost) funny.
-Mommy looks around and sees The Hole.
-Mommy looks back to Tani. Tani rolls to her side.
-Mommy doesn't scream or yell or spazz. Mommy "big sighs".
-Tani rolls again and looks miserable.
-Mommy calls Tani (nicely, but exasperated - no yelling).
-Tani will not come.
-Mommy walks to Tani. Tani rolls. Looks miserable, will not get up.

OK. Obviously she KNOWS she's done a naughty thing. She has never been physically disciplined or otherwise freaked out on. However, she acts like she is expecting me to beat her to a pulp! So, explain, please, if anyone can:

1. Why does she dig if she feels so damn guilty about it and obviously knows it's a no-no? It's like she's addicted. She knows she shouldn't. She tries not to. Then she falls off the wagon, relapses, and feels horrible about it.

2. Why does she act like I'm going to hurt her? I've never, and would never, hit or physcially punish her! What is she going for here?

OK, help! There is a tongue-in-cheek element to my post, but also not. If she dug holes and didn't care, I say "OK, I have a digger, so how can I solve this?" But she digs and then punishes herself!! What the heck is that??
mom of 4 humans AND
Tani (TAH-nee or rhymes with "Bonnie")- Aussie/Pittie?Boxer?Mutt!
Kai - Aussie/Dobie
Kenji - big ol' black cat
Mika and Nishi - kitty sisters, foster failures!
Tasia Ladysnake - ball python


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Re: AHHH! Someone please explain this behavior to me!!
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2008, 11:44:51 am »
Actually, Stella, I think you really do have the answer. I posted this some time ago on another thread but = I have given my Guys their own part of the yard area for digging. Had a load of sand hauled in & tilled in with the soil in an out of the way area and under shade of pines & they dig to their hearts content. Pyrs are diggers from the word go. We're talking tunnels here and the yard was starting to look like a Gunnery Range.

Patricia McConnell gave me this idea on one of the Calling All Pets broadcasts. (I really admire her) It works! Took all of about two minutes for them to get the idea with my placing bones, chews, & balls in strategic places & they took over from there. This after decades of filling holes and banging my head against the wall.  :P


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Re: AHHH! Someone please explain this behavior to me!!
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2008, 12:22:30 pm »
I agree with Stella and marypyrs about giving her a specific place to dig.

The rolling is her submitting because she's been naughty and knows it. Keela does this too when she's in trouble or when it's bath time and she doesn't want to get in the bath but knows that no matter what mommy wins (she hasn't been spazzed at or beaten either).

Offline navarre1316

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Re: AHHH! Someone please explain this behavior to me!!
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2008, 01:26:54 pm »
I'll have to try that with Daphne and Issy, especially since it's starting to get warm so they are going to dig a lot more now!!
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix