Author Topic: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!  (Read 3106 times)

Offline willowtree

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Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« on: February 02, 2008, 12:54:56 pm »
Cooper, who I posted pictures of in the mixed breed forum, is Roy.

It started on the way to the Banfield vet. We got off of the interstate and were stopped at the stoplight. I noticed that the girl and guy behind me were freaking out. I'm used to drunk college kids trying to get Cooper's attention while we are in the car, but this was different.  They were pointing at Cooper saying oh my god oh my god and gettting on the phone and then tailing us. They followed us in to the Petsmart parking lot and before the car she was in was even stopped she jumped out and said, "Roy! Roy! Oh my god it's actually him!" Needless to say, we expected something from their odd behavior, but not what was about to happen.

So here's the story. The girl had helped raise Cooper from the time he was born because her dog was the mother and her roommates dog was the father.  She was gone and his owner (her roommate) was hiking with the dog and their other dogs (Cooper aka Roy). He got lost and they couldn't find him. She came back from her trip early and everything and they searched everywhere all the pounds, and then her grandfather died. This all happened right before New Years. They never heard anything from the pounds they had called and had looked all around for him and kind of given hope on ever seeing him again... until today.

They called in his owner/her roommate who had raised Cooper/Roy from the time he was born.  Cooper/Roy is half Akita half Tennesse Walker Coonhound. Out of the ten puppies in the litter, Cooper/Roy is the one the guy chose to keep for his own because he had such unusual coloring and temperament (definitely the pick of the litter). The looks on their faces when they saw him, the joy, the almost crying because they thought he was dead or in a terrible home by some random hick guy who picked him up on the side of the road... oh gosh.

I'm almost 100% certain he is their dog. The only odd part of the puzzle is at the pound he was listed as an owner surrender, not a found/drop off (we got Cooper/Roy at the pound 2 weeks ago). He was also listed as 9 months when in fact he is 7 months.  Just to be sure, we kept custody of Cooper until they sent pictures and we could check up on the surrender thing with the pound.  Calling of names in the vet office didn't do anything because he reacts the same to strangers saying gooble gook as he does Roy or Cooper.   However, the second we saw all the pictures we sent, there was no denying it.  Everything from the white marks on his face to the tiny black marks on his paw pads were identical (and he is an unusual looking dog).

I'm super sad because I thought he was my dog forever and I guess legally is our dog. However, I can't take away someones dog who they raised from a puppy. I can't take away the happiness and joy and relief they felt knowing he was alive and well. I also can't get over their indignitation/how upset they were to here that someone took him to the pound as a surrender claiming that it had been their pet. I have all of their personal contact info and I really don't believe they are trying to steal the dog or play a joke or anything. They waited at the vet for two hours (we were headed to the Banfield vet) to see that he was ok and work things out. I don't want to drag out him being with his parents/sister to wait for a DNA test. It just seems like such a crazy coincidence. Too crazy to be false and I believe the pictures  show us all the evidence that it is their dog.

So he's going back to his real home today.  I'm sad, but of all the reasons to give up your puppy, I think this is the best one in the entire world.  I just thought I'd share because this is the craziest thing ever and I figured fellow dog people would understand how crazy this actually is.

Just crazy.
Maddox-- My big black something mix puppy

Offline navarre1316

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2008, 01:36:44 pm »
HOLY COW!!!!!  I felt like I was on a roller coaster just reading your post!!!  I'm so sorry for you.  I can only imagine what you must have been thinking while they were telling you their story!!!  I think I'd tell them to get him micro-chipped ASAP!  Your right though, this is a crazy story!
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Offline Rosalba

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2008, 01:53:32 pm »
oh wow. It's sort of happened to me once, a looong time ago -only we were in the opposite position. Still, I can understand how you feel. I would feel totally conflicted -a side of me willing to give him back, while the other says "I don't have to. It's my dog and none of that was my fault." But I do believe you're making the right choice. One word: Karma. I'm sure your kindness and good heart will come back to you multiplied ;)

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Offline willowtree

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2008, 02:38:06 pm »
We just gave him back about an hour ago.  Any reservations I've had are completely gone.  It was definitely the right thing for Cooper/Roy.  They brought his mom with them and I've never seen Cooper/Roy so ecstatic around any other dog ever (and he's very friendly to begin with).  He'll have tons other dogs to play with, which I'm sure he was missing and I have no doubt that these people care for and take good care of their animals.

Maddox-- My big black something mix puppy

Offline arkydo

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2008, 03:08:22 pm »
thats crazy i couldn't handle giving up my dags no matter the circumstances takes a big heart

we had the same sort of deal with chav
we got him from the humane society he was gave up for being vicious, which turned out the previous owners had a six year old that they didn't train so the kid pulled on his tail until he broke it then when he did it again chav turned round and snapped at him not bit just gave him the old teeth warning

well 2 or 3 weeks after we got him we were at a small lake we like (wycamp) and the old owners were their with another dog. they approached us telling all about "chaz".But my wife the die hard dog fanatic cut them off mid sentence and gave em the ins and outs of not only the responsibility of dog ownership but also Parenthood.

The new dog they had was a shar pei pit bull mix so we felt obliged to tell them that was the type of dog that doesn't need to have a kid raggin on cuz that dog won't just show his teeth lol

we changed his name from chaz (gay) to chav as that is what the english (me) call hooligans/theifs/thugs lol
« Last Edit: February 02, 2008, 03:14:08 pm by arkydo »


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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2008, 11:13:58 pm »
I am completely teary-eyed right now- I can't believe that this has happened!  I won't lie, I'm not sure that I could've done what you did.  What a tailspin of a weekend you must have had!  So, do you get visitation rights????

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2008, 01:51:48 am »
That was one of the most touching stories.  I have to say, you are one of the kindest, most understanding people I know.  That must have been heartbreaking for you, as well as being heartwarming, watching him with his mother.  I have never physically lost a dog, as in them getting away and me never finding them and can only imagine what they went through when they thought he was gone from their lives, forever.  You are a special person, to put their needs ahead of your own.  God will bless you in many ways, first off, with another equally loveable dog.  Thanks for sharing this.
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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2008, 05:04:43 am »
Your Karmic reward is gonna be HUGE. I'll bet that your next adoption attempt will be the most awesome dog experience ever. Roy is so lucky that you came into his life and got him back home. It sounds like his home is a good place that wanted him very much.
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Offline Bubbalove

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2008, 07:28:49 am »
You have the largest heart I have ever heard about!  Wow, although most of us know that you did the right thing, my oh my how hard that must have been! 
Really unbelieveable!  Imagine how completely overjoyed the owners must be!  And, yes, I think you should have shared visitation!!!
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Offline willowtree

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2008, 11:57:14 pm »
Thanks for all of your support and great replies.  Like I said earlier, after giving him back and seeing him playing with his mom and the guy who raised him from a puppy, I have no doubt that it was the best thing to do. 

We are currently looking for our next big paws pound puppy... we were going to wait a while after everything that happened, but my boyfriend and I still feel that this would be the best time to start raising a puppy.  Of course, now we have such high expectations that our search is so much harder!  I'm sure someday soon we will find another big pound puppy looking for a forever home (and this time we'll double check that the surrender was actually a surrender and not someone finding a dog on the road right down the street from where the people lived!).
Maddox-- My big black something mix puppy

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Re: Most bizarre crazy experience ever!
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2008, 12:36:48 am »
what an awesome story with a happy/sad ending.  How incredibly awesome are you to do the right things!  I mean, I feel sadness for your loss but yor are so darned kewl for seeing the situation as is and not doing the ....."well, legally" thing.  I am sure it was tough.  I've been through a similar situation but it wasn't with an animal.  I don't believe in coincidence... ..there is a reason they were behind you at that time.  You SAVED that baby from sudden death and you were the intermediary until the family could find their baby. 

Your selfless act made my day~thank you!  :) 
karma is kewl!