Author Topic: NDR - need advice for a cockatoo  (Read 7008 times)

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: NDR - need advice for a cockatoo
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2008, 08:19:09 pm »
Wow! I can't thank you enough for all the suggestions. I'm going to put a used TP roll in his cage right now and am definitely doing the oatmeal thing tonight. He seems a little thin to me anyway (probably from living in a truck for a few weeks).

I do have a question about the beer. You did say beer, right? Like to drink?? It doesn't make them drunk? The yeast won't hurt them? I've never heard of giving a bird beer before, but if it will make him sleep later in the day I'll try it!! hee hee  ;D
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Offline brandon

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Re: NDR - need advice for a cockatoo
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2008, 08:27:55 pm »
Hahaha.. I meant a beer box... I don't know what kind of picture this will paint of us.  But a beer box, or a cardboard box in the bottom with some toys from goodwill in it goes a long way around here for a good time for the birds.  I meant you can just shove a beer box through the bars.. he will work on tearing up that "evil" box for a while and get some energy out.

We also buy sacks of toys from goodwill, and then go through them and throw out all the ones with screws or that look unsafe, the others we might put in a food bowl, or throw them in a box in the bottom, they will go and get a toy at a time and bring it up and destroy it, the boxes are always empty by the end of the day.

Speaking of beer, I made the mistake of letting Cookie taste my beer one time, and now I can't drink a beer if he is on me, or he will go crazy trying to get to it, and he'll clamp his beak on the mouth of the bottle and not let go.. You aren't supposed to , but I will dip my finger in the beer occasionally and let him lick it, not enough to do harm... He will pin his eyes and say "mmmmmm.. It's good"! :)
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Re: NDR - need advice for a cockatoo
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2008, 09:05:26 pm »
After reading all this, I sort of want a bird! hahaha They sound so cool! Although the screaming might drive me mad. But if it talked, that could maybe make up for it. :D ;) :)
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Offline horsepoor21

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Re: NDR - need advice for a cockatoo
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2008, 09:30:27 pm »
As far as noise goes , when we had our Blue & Gold macaw and Congo African Grey , people used to call our house and ask what "All that noise is ?" and it would always confuse us as we were just so used to it ! LOL

My parents later sold all my birds when I got my first "real" job at 17 without my consent  :'( I miss 'em so much !

We have a little lovebird now , has a parroty attitude but not as loud , and takes up way less space ..... Still needs interaction every day or he looses his tameness .

I can't wait to start searching for my baby macaw , it's taken me 8 years of begging to even get my hubby to say yes .... Now I just need for him to get a better paying job . LOL  ;D
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