Author Topic: On the day of rest...  (Read 1011 times)


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On the day of rest...
« on: April 05, 2008, 09:29:53 pm »
Sunday is suppose to be the day of rest- well not in my world. Rescuing dogs have become such a major part of my life and so there is no rest.
Sunday morning started off at 7AM. Everyone out the door- check email- respond to emails- jump in the shower, out of the shower, bring all of the dogs back into the house, feed the dogs, dry hair get dressed, make an appointment with new adoptive family.
Load trailer onto truck- go and pick up donated chain link kennel, take son to breakfast, head back to the house, switch to the smaller more gas efficient truck. Head to new family's home and complete adoption on pyr mix puppy, go to Petsmart with Bailey, work on our skills for our CGC class,(this was fun- I would put her in the sit stay position and walk to another aisle- some guy thought that I was abandoning my dog and chased me down - ha ha ha ha)
Drive the 40 minutes to CGC class- big announcement, final test is today, not next week- oh and another announcement- the Local newstation was going to tape the class for a informational type segment for thier news. ( I had on NO makeup and this was outside and the wind was blowing hard)
So Bailey is up, not only is my round short no make up body on TV, but they are taping Bailey as we are doing some of the skills- Bailey only refused to sit in the hot sun, they didnt count it against her because she had no problem sitting in the shade- (arrrghh, but we were on TV)
I get interviewed and felt like Queen Dork of the year, bumble thru the interview and finish the test.. Bailey PASSED. I think that they got Bailey and I swapping kisses on TV. I will never know what all is aired as I dont live in that viewing area.
Leave class, head back to Petsmart to discuss some issues with the trainer there and got caught in the middle of her CGC class and Bailey and I showed off our new skills.
In the meantime while all of this was going on, I was coordinating a rescue being brought to my house. This is a Pyr mix who I thought had been pts back in February and was actually saved and now she was coming to my house- I was elated.
Sandy, the new rescue is scared of other dogs ( yea, what were we thinking right?) but its ok, she is doing well and we are thinking that the interaction is going to actually help her.
So now I get to sit at the computer for a few minutes, catch up on BPO, send the email for the eyes contest and will once again leave to go and settle dogs in for the nite.
I had always wondered what I would do when my kids grew up and they were no longer dependent on mom as much, God answered my question and sent me in the right direction. I am no longer the room mother, on the PTA board or baking cookies for the school class parties, but I am putting all of that energy into some thing as rewarding that doesnt talk back and give attitude...I do believe in destiny and mine is full of hair and slobber and unconditional greatfulness and love.