Author Topic: Newfs with strangers and watch/gaurd abilities.  (Read 3633 times)

Offline Aeronewf

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Newfs with strangers and watch/gaurd abilities.
« on: April 03, 2008, 12:15:45 am »
Can anyone explain how newfies are with strangers and how they act around with house guests. Like what happens fro the moment they knock on the door until they are inside. Do they jump on them and lick  them to death or do they ignore them or become wary. Also can anyone say anything on gaurding and or watching abilities. ???

Offline brooklily

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Re: Newfs with strangers and watch/gaurd abilities.
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 12:44:04 am »
I have no great insight as i am not a newf owner. But I just wanted to say how much I love them ;D. Every single one i have met has been friendly and up for a hug! Brooklily even met one at petsmart,at this time Brooklily was really rollin' with her leash aggression ( getting better , but still work to be done) and the big boy charmed her in seconds. He had her playing and jumping around all goofy. This made me look pretty stupid, as I had just told my tale of woe about her leash aggression one lane down in the store. Im interested to see replies to your post and if there is such a thing as a wary newf. love them!!!!!
She is not naughty, she is fun!
Brooklily 2 1/2    bulldog mix

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: Newfs with strangers and watch/gaurd abilities.
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 09:55:14 am »

Winslow will be 3 in June, lately he has been a bit more vocal!! Usually no reaction except tail wags and lovin to house guests!! My door is pretty much open so friends do stop by and just walk in.

Lately Winslow has been a bit of a barker when someone enters that he didn't notice comming up the path. 3 or 4 good barks before i tell him to knock it off then he is all tail wags and lovin to that same person hwe was just barking at!! Strange but cool behavior from the big fella!!
Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad

Offline Newly Newfed

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Re: Newfs with strangers and watch/gaurd abilities.
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2008, 12:28:30 pm »
Hi and welcome to BPO!  My Sierra starts to look interested as soon as she hears a car in the driveway.  She doesn't get excited but she wants to know who's there.  As soon as she hears the doorbell or someone touchingthe door she goes into her I'm-a-big-meancing-dog-with-a-really-loud-bark mode, until the door opens and then she automatically switches to the very excited Oh-it's-a-person-that-has-come-to-pet-me mode.  Once you say hi and pet her a little she' starts to leave you alone.  There are only a few people, all men, that she will avoid and bark at.  It's not an aggression bark, it's a fear bark.  I am hoping it's only a phase she is going through because she is still young (13 months).  And it's only at our house.  She can meet the same people outside of our property and love them to death.  As for strangers, she treats EVERYONE she meets like they are her best friend in the world.  She is very good with children.  The first time she met my 2.5 year old nephew he immediately began literally crawling all over her and playing with her feet, tail and ears and she just sighed and laid her head down and waited for it to be over.  Newfs are known for their wonderful temperments and friendliness.

The breed standard states:  Sweetness of temperament is the hallmark of the Newfoundland; this is the most important single characteristic of the breed.

They will however be protective of their loved ones if they perceive someone or something to be a threat.  They are not aggressive, just very alert and will often stand in between their loved ones and the perceived threat.  Sierra has started doing this lately.  I was very suprised as she is usually a big chicken.  She also protects my youngest step-daughter, even from us.  I had her on the floor tickling her and Sierra came bounding over and firmly took my forearm in her mouth and pulled it off of Kelsey.  She didn't hurt me, just held my arm for a minute and looked at me as if to say, "Mom, you know I love you, but you better not be hurting Kelsey".
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Offline chaos270

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Re: Newfs with strangers and watch/gaurd abilities.
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2008, 12:43:58 pm »
Kali can be a bit wary of certain typess of people she doesn't know.  The most she does is bark and hide behind whoever's with her. Once she knows you though you're her best bud for about ten minutes then she flops onto your feet. She is protective of the family more of a possesive thing then aggression. Also you are not allowed in water if she's around LOL she'll jump in to save you with the problem being she can't swim so you're stuck lifting a wet struggling newf out of the pool ::).  Overall I think she's just a weird newf overall so you can't really judge the breed by her. Most of the ones I've met are really friendly with everyone.
Erin and the critters
Kali ~ the newf
Lacey ~ the aussie 
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Offline jabear

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Re: Newfs with strangers and watch/gaurd abilities.
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2008, 03:26:48 pm »
Guess I have the strangest of all of the dogs.  ;) Mine could care less about strangers or people he knows. When someone comes to the door he jumps up and investigates but NEVER barks. He'll smell, sometimes tail wag and then is over it.   ::) He is 5 1/2 so he is somewhat protective on walks. If he senses a wierdo he'll puff out his chest and get in front of me but it is rare. Most days he could careless about anyone or anything but his wonderful mom & dad.  ;D By the way, he only barks if he is:
      a) annoyed that he isn't getting his way like, take me out now!!
      b)copying another dog who is already barking non-stop at something and he thinks he should do it too
      c) trying desperately to get another dog to play like "look buddy- i'm bigger and better looking so play now!"
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.