Author Topic: Marking Territory  (Read 1618 times)

Offline jabear

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Marking Territory
« on: August 02, 2005, 05:51:19 pm »
On our walks Bear lifts his leg to mark his territory on the entire walk. It seems as though not to many steps go by without a small, quick lift and squirt. It doesn't bother me but here is my question- is there like a "reserve tank" where all of the extra stuff stays? I ask becasue he can go potty and get alot out and then squirt 20 times on a walk. Where does it all come from? Why does he need to pee on every tree?
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline zimas_mommie

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Re: Marking Territory
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2005, 05:53:53 pm »
lol  :D always wondered the same thing!!!

Offline shangrila

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Re: Marking Territory
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2005, 07:21:02 am »
I don't think theres a reserve tank, I just think they use sheer will power to dreg the tanksl.

Being a girl, obviously zoey doesn't have this problem. But the other dog in my life, Dan's family's dog Boo, does the obsessive marking thing too. When we take him on long walks, he will mark up a strom. He'll have little bits the first couple trees, but then he will completely run out and will comtinue to lift his leg every other minute. What I have always wondered is when he is out of material, does he think "mission accomplished: that tree is marked!" or does he think "oh man! if only I'd drinken more water earlier - now no one will know I was here!"
RIP former BPO