Author Topic: thoughts on Bernese?  (Read 2429 times)

Offline kealoha812

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thoughts on Bernese?
« on: May 02, 2008, 08:00:43 pm »
Anyone ever own a Bernese Mountain Dog? A lady near here has a rescue. Heres my dilema. I need advice. My 10 1/2 year old Golden adores my 1 1/2 year old newf/border collie mix - but cant keep up playing with him. So she spends much of her day hiding from him! I really want my younger guy to have someone to grow up with. The question is... do I add a 3rd younger dog to teh family now so that in a few years when my golden passes it wont be a shock to bring in a new dog, or do I wait until she passes then introduce a new one? I dont want to stress my golden out too much with 2 youthful dogs here, but maybe they would play together and leave her alone. Thoughts?
Also, Im not sure what to get!!! I know I love BIG dogs, but my son Hates drool! My last newfie foster he called "slobber dog"!  "Mom, slobber dog wants to go out" "Slobber Dog, Sit" ... anyway, he would yell and scream whenever he got wet, which was often and he would change his clothes a few times each hour! (every time slobber dog put his head in his lap!) I think he did it on purpose :) But Im partial to Danes, Newfies... and now I am wondering about Bernese. I know they arent as big as the others, but do they drool? Heck, just give me one of each!
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
Meli - Golden retriever
Timber - newfie/border collie X
2 skin kids - ages 5 & 8
2 cats - Maui and Maea (who own us all)

Offline kealoha812

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Re: thoughts on Bernese?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2008, 09:06:51 am »
good thoughts. I really need to block Petfinder and Craigslist from my computer! :) So no drool with your guys huh? I'm liking that! Or should I say that my son is liking that! :)  My good friend has a 175 pound Newfie whom I am sure has a faucet in his throat with a broken off switch. She meets us at the door with a towel and of course my son says "Is slobber dog awake?" hehe :) Gotta love those little buggers.
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
Meli - Golden retriever
Timber - newfie/border collie X
2 skin kids - ages 5 & 8
2 cats - Maui and Maea (who own us all)

Offline goldengal

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Re: thoughts on Bernese?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 05:54:25 am »
Hi ...... while I read a lot, I seldom post. In our household we have a 4 year old Bernese Mountain Dog, an almost 4 year old English Golden Retriever and an almost 3 year old Leonberger. I must say that Louie, the Berner, seldom drools. About the only time he does is when treats are being handed out and the two girls get theirs first. We have a Berner next door to us at the lake too. In fact they got theirs because they fell in love with Louie, and at first did not even know the name of the breed, but just knew they wanted a 'Louie dog'. lol Riley never drools.

Louie, from the time he was a puppy has been so laid back. People have always referred to him as an 'old soul' from his early days.

I also belong to a Berner board, and believe me, there are more and more Berners living to 12, 13 and 14 years of age. Malignant Histiocytosis is the cancer that most affects the breed.

In summary, I just want to say I think Bernese Mountain Dogs are a wonderful breed.

Offline kealoha812

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Re: thoughts on Bernese?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2008, 02:35:43 pm »
thanks for your input everyone!I think I am holding off for a while. My dear friend is moving in with me for 6 weeks this summer in between selling her house and moving in with her finace. She is bringing her boxer and 175 pound newf with her - so there will be plenty of hair and drool!
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
Meli - Golden retriever
Timber - newfie/border collie X
2 skin kids - ages 5 & 8
2 cats - Maui and Maea (who own us all)

Offline SadieA

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Re: thoughts on Bernese?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2008, 08:26:17 am »
I just saw this and wanted to jump in too... I have a Berner, Sammy, who is ten months old. He definitely does not drool, and though maybe he will when he's older, it just doesn't seem that likely to me. No drooling at all.

I've recently spent several months visiting my parents, who have a ten-year-old golden. Sammy adores her. He literally follows her around when I walk them together, stopping to sniff everywhere she sniffs, moving on as soon as she does. At first, she wasn't wild about him- she'd always been an only dog, and she wasn't crazy about other dogs ever. But honestly, she has warmed to him, and even occasionally will seek him out to play. He is definitely a puppy, though, and a BIG one (he weighs about 85 pounds, which honestly I don't think is particularly big for a male Berner his age), so he can get to be a little rough for her sometimes. I've found that there isn't much of a problem though, because when he starts to bother her or tire her out, she gives him a bark and he knows to back off. I guess I can't really base a strong impression of the breed as a whole on just my one dog, but Sammy really seems to only be interested in playing with dogs who want to play with him- he quickly loses interest in dogs that won't play back. So my parents' golden can get her rest pretty easily, even with him around. I set up the mudroom so that she has an extra bed in there, kind of in the back like a little cave, and she'll go in there and lie down when she's had enough.

So if you've decided not to get another dog, certainly stick with that, but my experience with Sammy has been that he's pretty easygoing with an older dog, and frankly, he can be pretty lazy and sleeps A LOT. so he bugs her from time to time, but a good bark (or NO from me) gets him to leave her alone!!

Offline kealoha812

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Re: thoughts on Bernese?
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2008, 04:36:50 pm »
thanks for the advice everyone. I think I am definately waiting on a third... My golden went out to play today and we threw ball for a few minutes. An hour later she couldnt get up the steps. I literally cried. God it is hard to see them age...
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
Meli - Golden retriever
Timber - newfie/border collie X
2 skin kids - ages 5 & 8
2 cats - Maui and Maea (who own us all)