Author Topic: Introducing rescue to new home  (Read 4679 times)

Offline BooBoo4

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Introducing rescue to new home
« on: August 14, 2008, 06:18:40 pm »
Hello, I am a newbie here and hope I am posting in the correct area. I am currently in the process of rescueing a Neopolitan Mastiff. He is about 3 years old and a total neglect case. Sores all over his backside and hip area. He is about 65 pounds (soooo sad)  He will not be able to be with my family for at least another 2- 3 weeks as we wait for him to get some meat on his bones so he can be neutered.

My questions are : I have a 9 month old spayed female at home and was wondering what is the best way to introduce the two?
                    We will be visiting him often and wonder if bringing him something from our home that he can keep will make his transition easier?

                     How long should I wait before enrolling him in some obedience classes?

                     What are some other questions to ask about his behavior: We covered,children,men,dogs,cats food aggression.

Thank you for any advice and sorry so long.

Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Introducing rescue to new home
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 01:27:41 pm »

Here is a great article to help with all assimilation:

Canine Adoption Advice

January 2006
By Mardi Richmond

Here's how to make your new dog's adoption work for life.

Adopting a new dog is exciting, wonderful, and a happy time. But bringing a new dog home is also an uncertain time. What will your dog be like? Will he be a good match for your family? Will he be everything you hoped for? Bringing a new dog into the home can also, quite frankly, be a rather shocking time for you and your family. Suddenly your life will be compounded by the energy and needs of the new family member. Everyone will go through an adjustment  dogs and people alike. What can you do to ensure that you and your new dog will settle into a long happy life together?

The entire article may be viewed at

As far as actually introducing the two:  separate genders are the best prospect, and helps to reduce competition so this is a good thing.  If there is any concern about the Mastiff, always start side by side without nose to nose contact and walk parallel.  As a result, you want to just bring your girl on leash up next to him and walk side by side.  The two walking humans can be inbetween the two dogs as you walk if there is great concern, or just one human in between the two dogs to start.  Eventually the two dogs should be side by side while walking if they can progress to this - keeping their attention and focus forward.  If this sufficiently calms them, then you can stop and determine if they will greet politely (sniffing that is not too invasive or pushy, and no posturing (head held high, chest puffed up, body standover etc.).

If there is reactivity, aggression, or other issues involved, I recommend joining Pat Miller's training discussion list to get more guidance:

SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar