Author Topic: Scared the Momma!  (Read 1354 times)


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Scared the Momma!
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:56:29 am »
I met a young gal at the dog park yesterday and she told me of a place she takes her dog on the Spokane River after a parking. Not thinking either of my bubs would go in very far without us in the water (some of you have seen the video of their first lake experience - it took some coaxing), I let them off lead. Syrus did as expected and just padded around the edges. But Sophie plunged right in and started heading downriver. :o The current is not strong there but the shoreline is not conducive to running along. Thank goodness I had my goodie bag and was able to entice her back. But she'd probably be in the Pacific Ocean by now, having the time of her life! :D I think I'll stick to the lake from now on thank you very much!

In case the captions don't show up on pics. the first one is Soph on the left heading out. Second, kind of a pretty shot and last is Sophie blowing bubbles. Do other BPO water dogs blow bubbles? They both even blow them in their water dishes.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 07:57:26 am by El'skids »

Offline Apreston

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Re: Scared the Momma!
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2008, 08:20:46 am »
What wonderful pictures!!!
Looks like they had a blast!
I know exactly how you felt afraid they will never come back.
We got to the cottage and within 5mins Titan was in the water chasing the ducks half across the lake. The ducks just kept swimming and so did Titan.... neadless to say I was chasing him in the water fully clothed trying to carry him back! It was good exercise for the both of us!!

Glad to know Shopie girl got to the shore safely!