Author Topic: Urgent: Help Needed- Barking Problem- May Lose My Dog  (Read 2375 times)

Offline heartofwisdom

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Urgent: Help Needed- Barking Problem- May Lose My Dog
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:02:33 pm »
I am out of town for a week. Last night my husband told me when I return we have to decide what to do with our Great Pyr Precious. He wants to give her away. I drive home Saturday.

I need a solution fast. Shock or spray collars mussels, are not options

Precious barks as do all Prys. This wasn't a problem until our crazy neighbor began shooting a gun and then came to my back door yelling at me. Now Precious see him as an ememy. I wrote about the incident here a few months ago.

Since the shooting incident Precious is very protective and barks more. She never barks at the other neighbors, cows,or ther daily happenings but any noises coming in the direction of the crazy neighbor she goes nuts barking (motercycles, and loud noises). Its really bothering my hubby.

Hubby recently retired and his favorite thing to do is listen to the radio on the porch--for hours. Precious barking upsets him. He chains her out of eyesight of the neighbor but now I think chaining her makes it much worse. We already been battling each other becasue I don't want her chained.

Rocky hardly ever barks but if Precious is gone I believe Rocky will start barking. We have goats and the dogs bark to show territory.

I am praying for an answer. The only thing that works seems to be me sitting with her holding her on our patio but I can't be there all the time. I bring her in every night (she likes to sleep in the tiled bathroom) she rarely barks from there.

There is a dog training center nearby I'll call when I get home maybe they can help.

The good news is the neighbor is moving but the bad news is hubby is still upset about the barking.

I love Precious like a child. I can't give her away. BTW, Being away from home is very rare for me.

Any suggestion welcome.


See shooting story at

« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 08:08:25 pm by heartofwisdom »

Offline patrick

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Re: Urgent: Help Needed- Barking Problem- May Lose My Dog
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2008, 11:54:30 pm »
If you have her out away from the house she is going to bark - she is SUPPOSED to  This is a guard behavior and she is a guardian!  She is absolutely correct in barking towards the bad neighbor- he IS a threat.  You cannot abolish 5000 years of genetics!  Taking her to training is not the solution and chaining her is the WORST thing you can do.  If you don't want her to bark bring her into the house and tell your husband to turn up the volume on his music

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: Urgent: Help Needed- Barking Problem- May Lose My Dog
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2008, 12:12:38 am »
I agree with Tina completely, it is your husband that needs to change.  You cannot punish a dog for doing what dogs do, especially a Pyr.  I'm sorry, but I had the same issue with my step father a while ago.  I'm living back at home with him and my mother while I go back to school.  My step fathers problem was that he expected Naja to be perfectly well behaved at all times, what he wasn't willing to do was work with her.  It wasn't until after I taught him some of the basic commands and hand signals that he actually enjoyed spending time alone with my big girl.  Your husband needs to spend some time with Precious teaching her basic commands - Like Bark, and don't bark (that one worked wonders for Naja, although she's still rather vocal).  I fully believe that once he starts spending some quality alone time with her, he'll change his tune.  Oh and Patricks comment about turning the radio up, that works too.  The background noise distracts her from the noises coming from your horrible neighbors house.  Example:  When Naja and I spend the night at my bf Mikes apartment, I make sure that the air conditioner and the radio are turned on to distract Naja from all the apartment building noises ie: elevator, people walking  down the hall, people talking, laughing etc, in the apartment next to us.
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Offline vmimom2006

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Re: Urgent: Help Needed- Barking Problem- May Lose My Dog
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2008, 05:00:20 am »
Oh no  :'( I can't imagine having to come home to that homecoming! It's a shame because you probably never got to be happy about your nutty neighbor moving. Sounds like hubby just wants to sit and do nothing. I had a pyr and I never really had too much success with gitting Goliath to quit barking. But he was quiter when in the house as to being out in the yard. Tell hubs to get off of his duff and take that sweet one for a walk or spend time teaching him a trick so he isn't bored. Best of luck to you and your sweet pyr.
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Re: Urgent: Help Needed- Barking Problem- May Lose My Dog
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2008, 08:26:19 am »
It is so hard to not get emotional concerning our babies and easy for outsiders, fellow BPO's to get riled up at the thought of a seemingly cavalier response to these precious pets. How easy for us to say get rid of the hubs, or hubs needs to deal, but is that really helpful to the situation?

I agree with JuJu. I think training is the key. We had a training class using a clicker. It worked so well. The click followed by a treat really helped the dog associate the click to the desired behavior. There is no doubt it will take time, patience and consistency. And both you and hubs need to be involved. Working as a team I'm sure you will be able to help your Precious warn you when there is danger but then let it go upon command. Make the bite (treat) better than the bark. ;)

Good luck!