Author Topic: Our Update  (Read 4171 times)


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Our Update
« on: October 18, 2008, 09:43:59 am »
Well the pups that started the rescue officially will all be 1 year old on November 10th. I have been able to keep in touch with all of the families that have adopted one of the famous six and one of the families is now fostering another pyr baby for me up in New Hampshire.

The rescue business is brutal and not for the person who likes time for themselves, but it is rewarding.

Our rescue is always in the red and staying just above water financially, but we are saving lives, I think that it will be about 100 dogs saved before the year is out.

I have had to deal with distemper and most recently parvo I so wish that people understoon the need for getting thier dogs vaccinated, watching a dog suffer from these preventable diseases is heartwrenching

I have been taking in a lot of English Mastiffs since April. Mastiffs are interesting dogs. Not sure where the Mastiff rescues have been, but at least they are being saved.

My passion as always have been Pyrenees I think that I have about 15 available for adoption now, including some puppies. I have sent dogs to the West and East coast and have made a lot of new friends.

For those of you who love the small dogs, I actually took in a 2.2 pound Yorkie. I couldnt keep her here at my house though because of Annie and Jake. She just put them into high prey drive.

Jake will be 4 in February, Bailey will be 3 in December and finished her CGC this year and started training in Search and Rescue.

Tugboat still needs me to hold him every nite for mom time. I still have Garrett and we added a pyr named Mandy who was tormented by a small child and now hates children. I think that she will just stay with us for the rest of her life, she has no qualms about biting when she gets upset.

I have learned the real meaning of compassion this past year, I thought that I knew what it was prior to this past 10 months, I didnt, now I do.

I still read the posts on BPO as often as possible and it saddens me to see that some of our dear beloved BPO pups have passed on, RIP BPO pups, Heaven has a special place just for you.

And to my many friends on BPO, especially the moderators, thanks for keeping this a place where I can come and enjoy my down time.


Viking Lady

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Re: Our Update
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2008, 09:59:05 am »
I salute you for the work you are doing. It takes a special person to be able to take in animals in trouble. Not only the care and repair it must involve but then to find a home and send them along.

How in the world do you get the dogs from one place to the other? I noticed you said one foster family is in NH. Also, what is the procedure for adoption?


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Re: Our Update
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2008, 10:22:41 am »
QUOTE **My passion as always have been Pyrenees I think that I have about 15 available for adoption now, including some puppies. I have sent dogs to the West and East coast and have made a lot of new friends**
Oh Paige--how I wish I had known about your pups.I live in Idaho and I just adopted a rescued pyr pup from Utah! I get her the 30th of October (after she gets spayed)
Bless your giving :-* loving heart! You TRULY are an amazing woman. We recently had parvo at our Shelter  :'(  and it was awful. It is infuriating that people don't get the dogs shots.

This is my pyr pup girl below--her name will be Chantilly.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 10:25:54 am by yellow_dog_mom »


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Re: Our Update
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2008, 10:30:26 am »
Jacki, BPO is one of my quiet places that I can come to and relax and enjoy - I dont always get to post- but I read the posts- usually from my phone-

Viking Lady
I pull dogs from shelters mostly, I get them spayed/neutered and wormed, up to date on thier shots and all too often treated for heartworms. I pulled an pyr/anatolian last week and there was a boxer in the next cage over, going to the euth room, so I took her as well, and I know very little about boxers, mostly I am just not a strong person when there is a dog facing death.
I know that I cant save them all,but I am doing what I can.

Yesterday I got a call about 2 pyrs- they were going to be gassed within 3 hours- I was able to get some people on the phone- I went and got the dogs and now they are safe with another group. This is how my day goes, I dont plan these things, they just happen and change the course of my day.

We have a petfinder site and we have everyone complete an application, then references are checked and home visits are made and if we get to that point we then make sure that before the final decision is made, that it is a good fit. We have been successful in most placements.

As far as how I got the pup to New Hampshire? He was in a shelter in Tennesse and after working with another rescue group to get him pulled and to a vet, we paid a Professional transport to get him to New Hampshire.

I also will fly a dog to a new adoptive home once the home has been approved to adopt the dog.

I am also attending different events most weekends and that is a lot of fun. I have met a family who adopted a pyr from me and the oldest daughter is a girl scout- so we are also working with that girl scout troop at some of our events. The girls are great, they love to walk the dogs, brush them and give them love- the dogs love the attention. Its a win-win.

I am hoping that since tomorrow is going to be nice weather, I can get some pics. It rained her last week and the dogs played wrestle mania in the mud. Bath time is on the list of things to do this week.


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Re: Our Update
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2008, 10:36:11 am »
Chantilly is a DOLL - Congratulation s- she is going to be so much fun for you.
I just lost a Rottie and her 6 three week old puppies in the last 24 hours to parvo. This was one of those times that rage over took me- how in the world can people not vaccinate thier dogs.
Distemper however was even more devastating- I lost a dear sweet collie/pyr to this horrible disease. I held him right before we had to end the suffering and I quit the rescue business for about 8 hours that day. I just couldnt do it anymore. All of the dogs that come to my house are family members until they are adopted and Charlie was special.
I am hoping that this next week will be a good week.

Viking Lady

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Re: Our Update
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2008, 10:54:21 am »
I am trying to upload a picture of my Luke, who is an 8 month old Pyr. I always have trouble shrinking my pictures to fit. But he got Parvo between his second and third shots. It was horrible because he acted weird Saturday morning, looked terrible Sunday, and I took him to the vet Monday and found out that was what it was. I thought since he had been partially treated, it wouldn't be Parvo. Anyway, he is fine but it was scary to see him so sick, so fast.
I am in Alabama and watched Petfinders for months before I found Luke in our local paper. Alot of them were in Tennessee. Farmier, I guess.
I can see why your passion is for Pyrs. How precious they are..........e ven the little troublemakers like mine.

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Our Update
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2008, 11:12:40 am »
Paige, you are amazing.  How do you treat Parvo for your dogs?  One of the local rescues had 3 4 week old puppies that came down with it and only lost 1 of them.  I was floored. I always thought Parvo was pretty much a death sentence, especially for puppies.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Viking Lady

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Re: Our Update
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2008, 11:27:44 am »
I'm not Paige or a vet but Luke was treated with rehydration and Tamaflu(?). I thought it was something they were giving humans a few years ago for one of the bad flus going around. That stops the symptoms of vomiting and diahrea and the rehydration is obvious. My understanding was that it had to run its course and hope the inflammation from the stupid thing didn't do too much damage to the lining of the stomach.


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Re: Our Update
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2008, 12:00:12 pm »
My Siberian Husky  :'( had Parvo as a puppy. Tatiana was in the hospital for about a week, but my amazing Vet pulled her through, and she lived 16 wonderfully healthy years  :-*

Thanks for the :-*  ;D regarding Chantilly. I've never owned a pyr--but got hooked on their faces after joining BPO.

You may get questions and pleadings for pyr help! So please stay tuned  ;)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 12:02:24 pm by yellow_dog_mom »

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Our Update
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2008, 12:35:28 pm »
The rescue treated the puppies with Parvaid and Tamiflu, along with giving them injections of fluids, under the skin, for rehydration.  It was amazing that even though a few other dogs came down with it, only the one puppy was lost.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline BigSoftandFluffyLover

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Re: Our Update
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2008, 04:43:25 am »
Oh Paige, I am sooooo sorry to hear about your losses.  You are a much stronger person than I.  I would LOSE it!  I keep wanting to get into rescue but I'm afraid of what it would do to me.  I have NO tolerance when it comes to the abuse that animals come to by people.  It sickens me  >:(  But we are all so thankful for your heart and your soul that you are here doing what others can't.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Thank you...


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Re: Our Update
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2008, 10:25:21 am »
Thanks everyone. We tried to save mom and the pups and failed-hydration is a big major factor along with steroids and some other meds, it was not a good couple of days. Zoey had parvo as a young pup and we were able to save her- but I think that the rottie mom had a extremely compromised immune system and she just lost the battle- also the pups were so young.

And Jenn- Yes BOX WINE- it is a life saver ha ha ha ha ha


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Re: Our Update
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2008, 05:36:50 pm »
Paige - you are such an amazing person! So compassionate, caring, selfless, huge-hearted (and the list goes on)... I raise a glass of boxed wine to you! And say THANK YOU for all you do on behalf of pups everywhere!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 05:39:30 pm by EllieAndBlu »