Author Topic: Is it time for the Easter Bunny?  (Read 1772 times)

Offline aggghgmom

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Is it time for the Easter Bunny?
« on: November 26, 2008, 11:42:01 am »
OK So I'll start off by saying we are Jewish so the Easter Bunny doesn't generally come to our house.

So we have about 3 inches of snow last night; Harley comes in from his last potty outing of the night carrying what I think is a snow ball...WRONG it is an egg - a regular chicken egg that you buy in any supermarket - I think very strange and take it away.

Go to bed, get up this morning, Harley goes out (I have forgotten about the egg) in comes Harley again carrying a raw, whole egg, he is sooo gentle he carries it in, puts it carefully on his rug and then mean Mommy comes and takes it away.  So off I go into the snow to see if I can find any other eggs - nope so I bring Harley out and lo and behold he brings me to one last egg.

Now I am a worrier - I am thinking is someone trying to poisen Harley?  The eggs were about 6 feet onto the property not broken, not thrown.  So I'm out this morning raking the snow to make sure I have all the eggs and it seems I do.

So the theory is...I am substitute teaching for a beloved teacher at the school and shall we say I am NOT beloved actually I believe the word the students use is Bi^&h.  I am very tough I need to be or they will walk all over me.  So we figure someone came to egg the house and got nervous or surprised and dropped the eggs on the lawn?

Now I want to be even Bit&^ier (if thats possible).  My poor son goes to the same school.  It sucks to be him.
