Author Topic: Saintly Puppy Play???  (Read 4182 times)

Offline SaintMommy

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Saintly Puppy Play???
« on: January 19, 2009, 11:39:29 am »
Feels like I have been posting about our new Saint pups Charlie and Lucy, all the time.  Hope I am not being a message board hog... anyway.  Our TWO brother and sister saints seem to be adjusting in very well.  They play together constantly.  They are either wrestling together, playing tug of war, or snuggling up.  I work really hard to give them individual play time and attention HOWEVER it's almost impossible because they love to be together. 

I am guessing that the puppy wrestling matches that come with the soft biting, growls, yelps, tail pulling, sommersaults(sp?) and sitting on one another's heads is NORMAL...right .  They both will get the other one going, it's not at least for now a more dominant one pursuing the other, and they both hold their own.  Sometimes my husband says I look for things to worry about for them. 

It really is different having two, I knew it would compared to our first Saint, BUT wow!  Everything is different, these guys keep one another up, occupied, and playing ALOT.  Cassie our first Saint would play with us maybe 10 - 15 minute intervals, then sleep for 3 or 4 hours.  Charlie and Lucy will run, chase, wrestle, for a solid hour or more.  Any response to puppy play would be welcomed... I am getting the new pics posted omise.  Thanks all BPO Family
Thanks much,
Renee & Mark

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Saintly Puppy Play???
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2009, 12:14:30 pm »
wow, sounds like a busy house.........
Can't help you with the puppy playing though.  I've never had 2 large breeds at a time.  Nigel and Posey used to play forever, but they are terriers so they're built for nonstop

I know when I was reading up on giant breeds, it did say to not overexercise them, but I think that is more regarding to walks.  Granted if one pup is tired they should be separated so they can rest.  but I figure if they're both playing with alot of intensity i can't see how it's a bad thing to wear each other out...........  ;)


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Re: Saintly Puppy Play???
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2009, 12:23:00 pm »
Posting about our bubs too much? No such thing on this forum.

My brother and sister duo did everything you are talking about including sitting on each other's heads. Really, one is just lying there minding own business and the other will come plop down on the head. Same thing, no particular dominance they both do it.

They were wild with each other from about 4months when we got them until 10 months or so. Then they gradually calmed down and sleep a lot. They now have spurts of energy. Chomp, pull, sit, tumble down small banks. Then they shake it off and find a cool place for a nap. It all sounds like normal puppy behavior to me.

We're still not double thinking our decision to get two.  ;)