Author Topic: Busy Busy Busy  (Read 2823 times)

Offline Vapidfire

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Busy Busy Busy
« on: May 21, 2009, 10:40:02 am »
Hallo Everyone,

   Wow it's been busy here. Lincoln went in on Monday to get neutered and did very well - though everyone in the spay/neuter clinic wanted to steal him.

He has gotten better about not going to the bathroom in his crate! we're only having maybe one potty incident in there a week now.

He also seems to be doing better with general house manners, or we're doing better about not letting him have the opportunity to get into trouble.

We took him to the lake this past weekend and he had a blast there. He did think that my roommate was drowning though and tried to rescue him. However being a puppy his rescue attempt just ended up pushing the roommate under water. None the less - it was adorable.

We've placed the last of the "Round and Round and Round" Puppies the roommates kept bringing in. I've told them no more puppies until things have settled down. If they want a sibling for their dog I am fine with that. I'm going to encourage them later on to adopt an older rescue dog that won't need as much work - I don't like having young puppies in the house.

In other news I'm going to be picking up a rescue Boerboel this evening that should prove exciting. We're not sure how he dogs with cats and he may be dog aggressive so it could prove all kinds of fun.

Also Kaylee's two brothers Keegan and Mikhail are coming down from Washington in about two weeks. We are keeping Keegan and Mikhail might be staying here as well. Should prove hilarious to see them altogether again!

Kaylee proved yet again that she doesn't mind biting people. Last night she bit her third person, though all three times that she's bitten someone it was because they had bad intentions. This particular time was the worst though and she *really* wanted to kill the guy. I almost let her but thought better of it.

Serenity: Fila Brasileiro Female
Kaylee: Fila Brasileiro Female
Lincoln: Newfoundland Male
Keegan: Fila Brasileiro Male
Cathen: Fila Brasileiro Male
Bug & Ger: Devon Rex Cats
Remus: Roommates Mutt
Rescues of all sorts

Offline Ursa

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Re: Busy Busy Busy
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2009, 01:15:22 pm »
Sounds like Lincoln is ready to start water training!  He'd be a natural.

I agree - we need pictures of your crew! 
Ruthanna - the Triplets' mom

Ursa, CGC -  11 month old Great Pyrenees
Fargo, CGC - 9 month old Newfoundland
Sadie, CGC - 8 month old Newfoundland

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