Author Topic: Back from mini vacation  (Read 1575 times)

Offline Anky

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Back from mini vacation
« on: September 04, 2005, 08:35:29 pm »
I knew I was taking a risk leaving BPO for 2 and a half whole days.  Damn I have a lot to catch up on.  Anyways, my Honey and I went camping with two friends of ours, and we just bonded so much on this trip.  It was great.  I'm posting some pics.

Matt/James Dean

Happy Matt

Playing some weird bastardized version of horseshoes.

Group shot of us and our friends

Close of of Matt and I (Taken from Group shot)  I hadn't showered in 2 days, was hung over as h*ll, and look like crap, but I'm so happy because I have like no shots of Matt and I.

ADORABLE 10 week old Shiba puppy that totally ignored me and made me very sad.

And what happened with Sanity........ ....  Well I was told there were no dogs allowed at the campground, later we found it was very dog friendly, but whatever.  Well my grandmother said she would watch Sanity.  I was happy, but I should probably mention that this is the ultimate Momma's boy's first night with out said Momma.  First off he started stealing my grandmother's stuff.  Then this morning she lets him out, brings him back in and goes to church. Comes back and Sanity had laid an ENORMOUS solid deuce in the bedroom.  (Here I must admit what a freak I am because as she was telling me the story I was like "It was solid?  OMG that's so great!"  Stupid crazy dog people)  She goes to flush it and it was too big/heavy to go down, and the toilet backflowed everywhere.  She lets Sanity out for FOUR HOURS and he refused to come in.  He would stick his head in the door then run away and stare at her.  She called me (Of couse I was out of service) freaking out about leavng him but she had to go to church.  Well I get home and Sanity is sitting in the middle of the FREAKING ROAD!  So I get out and he about plotzed, ran to me and plowed me over crying and fussing and moaning about how horrible I was to leave him.  I open the door and he jumps in the car (Continuing to swear and complain), I get him in the house and he hugs me and I felt like the worst person ever.  But now I know dogs are welcome so I'll be taking him next time.

BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
Charter Member of the Official Suspicious Chicken Fan Club

"And you will know us by the trail of skank."


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Re: Back from mini vacation
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 07:07:39 am »
Too funny. Poor Sanity.Well it sounds like you had a good time ;)