Author Topic: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON  (Read 7386 times)

Offline locompmo

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A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« on: June 29, 2005, 04:01:29 pm »
Hello Everyone,
I have never joined a Discussion Board before, but a most tragic event has occurred and I have made it my mission to prevent this from happening to anyone else.  On Monday, June 13, 2005,   Dartagnon, our beautiful Newfoundland, died.  We are sick, devastated.  But the horrific part of his death is it could have been avoided had it not been for our stupidity and ignorance.  We left a box of snail bait in an area he had access to and he got into it.  It is our belief, he consumed a very small quantity, based on the amount of pellets remaining on the ground.  We think he must have gotten some of the pellets stuck on his big floppy "lips" while chewing the box (a favorite pastime of his).
We are overridden with guilt and will never be able to forgive ourselves.  My husband and I have been unable to work or to function normally without breaking into tears.  I am barely able to make it through an hour without crying.  Dart was our world and his absense has left a hole in our lives that can never be replaced.

We are so ashamed to think we are ultimately the one's responsible for the death of our beautiful boy.  But as painful as it is to have to relive this heartbreak, we have to warn others.  Please, pass this painful lesson on to everyone you know.

Offline Newf Lover

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2005, 04:20:18 pm »
My heart goes out to you. Dartagnan was a gorgeous Newf.  Such an unfortunate accident.  My wife and I can't imagine our lives without Drake and we would be inconsolable if he were to die.  I'm so sorry this happened to you, we use the pet friendly snail bait because we have heard similar stories.  I guess all I can say is to just remember the good times with Dartagnan and keep them close to your heart.  Maybe when you're ready, you could let another Newf bring some light into these dark days.  Good luck and I think all of us here on BPO are feeling your pain.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2005, 04:23:35 pm by Newf Lover »
My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

Offline jabear

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2005, 04:45:19 pm »
How afwul. I send out my deepest condolenses to you and your husband. Like Newf Lover, my husband and I can't imagine our life without our Bear cub. He is the light of our life. As time passes the pain will decrease but the memories will stay with you forever. Let us know if there is anything we can for you and your husband. My heart is truly in pain for you both as I write this.  :(

Bear once licked up a mixture of gas/oil for a weed whacker and went into paranoid shock/panting/strained breathing/running around/inconsolable  shakes for a while before we induced vomiting on our way to the ER vet. Once there they told us we made things worse by inducing vomiting even though he was calm by then. For future reference, if a dogs laps up anything like that just get their stomach pumped because it is the safest thing you can do.

As for the snail bait, thanks for the big warning. My sister-in-law/bro-in-law have a 4 lb. Yorkie that ate snail poison (we believe) from the grass at their apartment building and he had a very rough couple of weeks in recovery. He was rushed to the ER vet immediately, had his little tummy pumped and was on meds and was under a very close watch. It took a while for him to get over it and get back to normal so I can know how dangerour it is.

Again our heart goes out to you, your husband and Dart. We are all here to support you and give you comfort whenever you need it.

  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline irinad83

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2005, 05:09:12 pm »
I am so sorry for you loss...when my Great Dane was just a baby she ate some slug poison, she was just playing and got into it, we rushed her to our vet, thank God we have a great vet who is there for us Day and Night, we were able to save her, my poor girl had to be at the vets for 2 days, have her tummy pumped, it was so hard, my heart goes out to you, do not think of yourself as a bad person, it wasnt your falt, we cant control everything, it sounds like he had a wonderful life while he was here-and he has you to thank for that.
I hope time and kind words can sooth your pain.
Smile-you know he's watching over you :)

Offline newflvr

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2005, 05:30:54 pm »
It happened to us too!!!  We lost Otis, a magnificent Landseer who had SO many medical challenges, but Ortho's product, which we had never used before killed him.  Ortho uses molasses to make it more attractive to snails!  I was devastated.... still am, and I've talked to Home Depot and Armstrongs to ask them to put a note on the shelf where they keep that stuff to let people know that it attracts dogs just as quickly as snails...and of course they haven't!!!!.  Otis had never even been in the flower bed before!!  but the E.R. vet who took care of him said that he would have smelled the molasses and gone right in!

I completely understand how you are feeling....the guilt is overwhelming!!!    But please know that if we all try to educate each other with these things, we can protect our dogs SO much better!  We were loved by the best and we try to protect them as much as we can but, sadly, we are just human!  I am with you but we both have our best buds waiting for us at some other time!

Offline shangrila

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2005, 06:29:29 pm »
I am so sorry for you. Like everyone else here, my dog is the light of my life too, and so I know how terrible this must be for you. My heart ached for you when I read your story. Dart is a beautiful dog and I am sure he was a wonderful son to you. I know that you feel guilt over what happened, but it was an accident, and as hard as it is you shouldn't force yourself to carry the burden of the pain of the guilt. I am sure Dart is looking down on you from doggy-heaven and wishing happiness for you.
My wish for you is that one day you will forgive yourself and feel healed enough to bring another dog into your life and let yourself enjoy all the wonderful things they will bring to you.
RIP former BPO

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2005, 08:21:25 pm »
I am so very sorry for your loss.  I have beat myself up for the last 11 months over the loss of my Rosie. She was bit by a snake at night.  She had a small limp but not any other signs. I though that she has just pulled something playing and did not take her to the vet until the next day. I lost her three days after that.  I can not tell you how many what if's I have gone over in my mind.  I should not have let her sleep outside at night (she though she needed to do her job and guard at night). I should have know that something was wrong, and so on.  The truth of the matter is I would have done anything to save my baby girls life, and I know she knew that.  But I still hate myself from time to time when I get to missing her.  Several weeks after I lost her I found Sugar Bear.  When the breeder e-mail me the photo I knew I was his Mommy.  So the way I live with myself is that  I know that God needed Rosie and he knew Sugar Bear needed me.  Somehow it makes me feel better knowing that it is because of my love for Rosie that I am the best Mommy Sugar Bear and Dixie Darlin could have. They need me and I need them, so I guess it was part of the bigger plan.   For now you will cry and make it through each day a little at a time, but know that there is another doggy soul out there that is waiting for his Mommy and Daddy to love him.  Loving another is such a great way to pay honor to the ones we love  and who loved us with everything in them.  Please know our family is thinking of you.

Lisa, Gary, Dixie, and Sugar Bear
« Last Edit: June 29, 2005, 08:23:47 pm by DixieSugarBear »
Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)

Offline newflvr

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2005, 08:48:33 pm »
What a wonderful way to think of a tragic situation!

Thank you!!!


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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2005, 10:47:32 pm »
My sincerest condolences... How utterly tragic!...I will pass on this info. & your story every chance I get!...If Dartagnon's story saves even one life then he did not die in vain...He will be with you wherever majestic, silly, & gentle things are found.

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2005, 11:05:04 pm »
I am deeply sorry and feel your pain. He was a beautiful dog and I am sure the very very best of friends. It will be hard for some time, I am not saying it will ever get easy but you get to another point and you learn to live with it and remember all the funny, wonderful and sweet things you had together. Also please remember you gave him a wonderful life with lots of love and good care.

I know about the guilt part, I lost a Bullmastiff to an accident that could have been prevented, I have still not posted about it here, even after a year and two months it is still making my cry every time I think about him. But dont be too hard on yourself. Eventually you will get to see that you loved your dog and would never ever do anything to harm him, accidents happen and thats how life is, tough, horrible and sad, but you never ever would have put him in a situation where he could be hurt, had you known about it. So please try and not feel guilty, I know that is hard though.

He is at the bridge now and knows he was a very loved dog with the best parents a dog could have and will forever be yours, and patiently waiting there for you.

I will spread this information to as many as I can, I work in a lot of rescue groups and have a lot of contacts, so in Dartagnons memory I will do my best to forward this.

My thoughts are with you

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Offline locompmo

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2005, 12:19:54 pm »
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to thank you all for your kind words.  Your comments were so touching.  I cried after each reply that was written and appreciated that each of you took the time to write something.  It really made a difference to know so many people have read my post, hopefully spreading the word of caution to anyone who also isn’t aware of this lethal poison. 

Even though I haven’t written anything else since my first post, I have read this message board daily.  It’s kind of addictive!  I’ve really learned a lot from what I’ve read on so many different topics.  Every night I share some new bit of information that I’ve read here with my husband.  And what’s really funny is how I feel like I’m getting to know people and their pets!

We have been so lonely without Dartagnon.  We needed a “Newfie Fix” badly a few weeks ago.  We decided to go visit Dart’s breeder so we could visit with his daddy, Paris.  It was the best therapy ever to just hug him and feel him doing that Newfie lean into our legs.  I didn’t want to leave!  So here is the exciting part . . . . His breeder told us she has two 15 month old males that are related to Dart (cousins) that she kept for showing and possible breeding.  She said when we are ready to have another dog she would be willing to sell us one of those boys!  We had been so afraid she wouldn’t think we were worthy of having another one of her gorgeous babies. 

So tomorrow is the day we get to go meet our potential new son.  Last night I couldn’t even sleep!  I can’t keep my mind on work.  I am so excited I am ready to explode!  Hurry up tomorrow! 

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2005, 12:44:59 pm »
That is fantastic!  Get some rest so you will be awake for your babies first few hours in his new forever home.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2005, 10:18:53 am »
Hey Loco, just wondering if you've picked up your baby yet and if you've posted pics and somehow I've missed them????  Name?  Pics???  details?  PICS?????

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Re: A Tragedy and a Warning - Snail Bait is Snail POISON
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2005, 10:44:52 am »
Sorry to hear about your loss.  This is good information to know though, as I would never have thought about it.   Congrats on your new pup, and hope it helps your heart heal.

For a safe snail killer, you can use beer in  a shallow dish.
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”