Author Topic: Saint Austin the Adorable  (Read 11609 times)

Offline amajac

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Saint Austin the Adorable
« on: April 15, 2005, 09:48:02 pm »
After many years without a dog I have a new baby.  His name is Saint Austin, and he is, of course, a Saint Bernard.  He is five months old and an absolute doll.  He is doing very well, despite a rough start.  When I got him he had a bad case of worms, had been kept for a month in a cat carrier I could barely get him out of it as was so small, and had a very bad skin infection.  After two rounds of antibiotics, and 100's of $$$ in test the skin infection seems to finally be clearing up.  We have gotten him all of his shots, gotten him fixed and he is enrolled in puppy playtime at the SPCA and goes to Doggie Daycare one day a week.  He loves everyone, canine, feline and human. 

I have had four Saints before as well as a Saint/Springer mix (that was a trip, looked like a Saint, acted like a Springer.  A 140lb Springer is a handful) But I have never had a puppy Saint before, all the others have been rescues, the youngest was about 18 months when I got her.  Saint Austin is also the first male.  The vet tells me he is small for his age, possibly from earlier malnutrition?  He was being fed adult "Ole Roy" when I got him.  He was 24lbs when we got him at 15 weeks old and now at five months he is up to 40lbs but still looks thin.  I am not sure if this is because he is so long legged and lanky at this time, or because his hair is shorter than I am used to, what should he weigh at this stage?  How far behind is he?  When are they considered full grown?  Can anyone help me with Saint growing info.  I just want him to be healthy and happy.

Thanks Cheryl and her furkids, Saint Austin, Smokey the Cat, Mr. Spock, Warlock and Mouse.
Cheryl Hain

Offline jabear

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Re: Saint Austin the Adorable
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2005, 07:54:18 pm »
I'm not exactly sure about Saints, but I know that with Newfs they grow like a weed! And from what you are describiing it seems as though Austin is going through what we refer to as "the uglies" because they are long, thin and seem unproportioned . Bear is now 2 and a half and weighs 155 but growth now is slow. We have been told he will not be done growing until he is 4. Hope this helps.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.