Author Topic: behavioral question...advise needed.  (Read 2960 times)


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behavioral question...advise needed.
« on: September 22, 2005, 09:25:09 pm »
I don't know if any of you remember but I had pretty serious issues with Samson when he was younger putting his mouth on the kids & trying to get the upper paw on them all the time...We got past that...He's great now EXCEPT for when we go in the van & he can't sit in "his seat" because my kids are with us...When it's my hubby & I & the dogs, Sam likes to ride on the bucket seat behind the driver's seat...Butt in the seat, front paws on the floor...When the kids are with me or us I let them get in first to sit down & buckle up...Then I put the dogs in...No problems then at all...It's when we get out to go in a store or I pick them up from the bus stop & Sam has claimed the desired seat that we have had problems...He will refuse to budge & when you make him he has growled & snapped at both myself & the kids...It doesn't happen often anymore but he did do it again just the other day...I snapped back by grabbing his snout & holding it firmly for a second or two while telling him "NO"..."BAD DOG"!!!!...He was fine then...Any idea or suggestions on this specific probelm?...Ty!


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Re: behavioral question...advise needed.
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2005, 09:49:27 pm »
He was probably just testing to you make sure you were still alpha...My zero is a huge paw dog...he loves to use them and it is a breed trait...i dont take it as a dominance thing...but growling I feel always deserve a correction

I would put him in the car a few more times in a row so he FULLY understand that you are not playing games...He is also becoming more mature at 1 so he is feeling his long as you make if very very clear to him that you will not be challenged and if he does, he will not move up in rank

Good Luck


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Re: behavioral question...advise needed.
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2005, 10:04:42 pm »
He was probably just testing to you make sure you were still alpha...My zero is a huge paw dog...he loves to use them and it is a breed trait...i dont take it as a dominance thing...but growling I feel always deserve a correction

I would put him in the car a few more times in a row so he FULLY understand that you are not playing games...He is also becoming more mature at 1 so he is feeling his long as you make if very very clear to him that you will not be challenged and if he does, he will not move up in rank

Good Luck
Thanks Babs!...Pippin does the paw thing big time too...Samson never did...which I understand is wierd because it is a breed trait for my guys too...I never thought to discourage the pawing thing with Pippin until Jackie put it into perspective... She said imagine if a child was face height with paws when he does that. :-\ That could be a problem...So, I discourage it but I also know I'll never totally break him of it...The deal with Samson & the desired seat in the van is a tricky one...He will defer to me but it's the kids he will challenge on that issue...I got snarfed at in the middle of his temper tantrum when I interviened... I already have the kids feed him so they get the higher status dog status in Sam's mind...They also don't let him out or feed him or grant any privlege until he sits or goes into a down & wait....What's difficult here is that he's bigger & stronger than them & I think he knows it...But, he is usally very good with them with the exception of that damn van ny ideas for the kids getting the upper hand there?...They are 7 & 8....Thank again!


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Re: behavioral question...advise needed.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2005, 10:40:29 pm »
Oh I know about the paw...i dont encourage him to do it...I did train him on when I want to do it with a arm extended and say up...he will then sit on his hind legs and put both paws up...

It is hard with children because the dogs are infact bigger and stonger than they are...I do the same with Noah as you do with yours and so far it has worked well and Noah will give a correction too a big firm non screaming NO and zero so far seems to respond...

The little girl does ok with it to but she is going to give a run for my money

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Re: behavioral question...advise needed.
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2005, 11:05:18 pm »
It sounds likeyou are doing all the right things, Gyp.  Willow is not wanting to listen much anymore.  She has become quite stubborn and won'r even sit half the time anymore...My daughter and I were just talking about being a little more diligent with her training.  I am going to ty and drag my butt out of bed earlier to take her on a walk and work wiht her away from the mojos...I am getting worried cause she is getting bigger and I have to make sure she knows she is not the boss.