Author Topic: Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?  (Read 7933 times)


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Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?
« on: November 30, 2005, 02:27:11 pm »
Besides the best tip of "Don't do it!", does anyone have any experience of successfully raising two puppies at once? I am a stay-at-home mom with three young children (3, 2, 2, 10mths) and, I know it is crazy, have gotten a cockapoo puppy and a Saint Bernard pup. I am not a novice dog owner by any means, but although I have owned two dogs at once I have never owned two puppies at the same time.
I know that you have to be very careful with littermates bonding with each other instead of you, but I am wondering if that applies to two vastly different breeds. I have four crates - two in the family room and two in the basement for night time sleeping. I set up the crates so they can not see each other when they are in them. The pups are allowed out one at a time, barring a playtime together in the evening. For the first few months I wil walk them seperately - which isn't as time consuming as it sounds since both breeds do not require strenuous exercise while young. I also will take turns taking them to various places (ie. once comes when I am taking the kids to nursery school, the other comes when I pick them up).

Any other tips or things you think I should do? I figure the next three months will be rought while they are being housebroken, but once we past that hump it should be easier.
BTW, the puppies are sleeping peacefullly in their crates while my two oldest children scream and yell through the house - maybe I should trade them in for two more puppies - a lot easier to handle  :D.

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Re: Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 02:34:55 pm »
My Dane puppy is a few months younger than my Chinook puppy.  We raised them together and it was SOOOO hard.  The main thing is to remember that they need TONS of individual attention.  We would take them out on walks alone and to the park alone.  Even now, something we didn't think of was Sanity is a JERK to other dogs when Hobo is around.  When they come after him he hides behind his "big" brother. 
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Re: Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2005, 03:19:10 am »
Make sure they both get lots of laptime, and keep doing the together time for them. Potty train them seperatly at first and see which one is best at learning it and then work on it with them togehter. The stronger performer will be a good encouragement to the weaker one. And start working with on obedience again seperate at first then together so they will both learn to respond the same correct way. Start with the "sit" and work it from there. And let the kids work the dogs too. It will teach them more about dogs and when the dogs are bigger even the smallest child will be in control and not worried about the dog doing as told. And it will do a world of good for the kids to be able to poperly handle a big dog when the dog is bigger then they. and with that kind of trust between kid and dog you will see some great wreslting matches.
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Re: Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2005, 09:49:18 am »
You need lots of patience and a very active sense of humor!  If you have a fenced yard let them out to play in it - a tired puppy is a happy puppy


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Re: Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2005, 11:37:59 am »
Yaz I honestly don't think I myself could do it. Bubba has me pulling my hair out some days. I think I'd end up in a padded room before housebreaking was even accomplished. LOL

Patience it definitely the key..


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Re: Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2005, 03:26:54 pm »
I know what you mean, much as I love being a stay-at-home mom, part of me gets pretty restless and longs for the excitment and challenges of work. Even when I worked for many years I worked full-time and kept my part-time hospital ward clerk job because I really enjoyed  being busy. Not that the kids don't keep me busy enough, but I guess I think I will enjoy the project of training these two pups. Once they are housebroken it should be pretty decent. Gershwin is so laid back compared to Guinness - he will lie in his crate after he eats and sleep forever, and then if he is out he is content to lie down and chew his bones. So he is a very easy dog to have around.

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Re: Tips on Raising Two Puppies At Once?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2005, 06:12:52 pm »
I'm new here, but just couldn't resist a reply. I have a 6 month old Newfie , 7 month old chocolate lab and a 9year old Aussie/Border Collie mix.  The Lab is recovering from an elbow injury received from playing with the Newfie. The surgery was over  $ 3,500  and we're not done yet! Both dogs weigh within 5 lbs. of each other so I really didn't worry about them hurting each other. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! I know I won't ever have 2 puppies at the same time again. I don't think it's fair to either of them. I quit work to be home with them, thinking I would have losts of time to give all of them what they needed. What they need and aren't getting is quiet, just hanging out, one on one time.
Please be warned about possible injury from puppy play, and good luck to you.
