Author Topic: Need help from the medical types again.  (Read 2787 times)

Offline Anky

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Need help from the medical types again.
« on: October 05, 2005, 10:38:43 am »
Because they think I have a heart issue, the hospital staff "Forcfully inisted" that I get the Pnuemonia and flu shots.  Well they gave them to me.  They hurt, but the nurse said there might be a slight reaction.  Next day a red spot about an inch square, hurt, but was cold to the touch.  Well today it's like quadrupled in size, it's swollen, hot to the touch and hurts like ummmm something that hurts really bad.  (A Fie and a Pox on all Jamie's students coming here!)

PLEASE don't tell me to go to the Dr again because I NEVER want to see a white coat again for the rest of my life!  Just tell me how to make the owie stop!

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Re: Need help from the medical types again.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2005, 10:42:25 am »
Start with icing it and see if that helps.  I have flu shots every year...yeah, heart thing, and have never had that bad a reaction.  I know you don't want to hear the message loud and clear but if it's worse tomorrow, have it checked out.  OKAY!! Ang, quit yelling, 'K?????

Offline LaurieW

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Re: Need help from the medical types again.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2005, 11:16:54 am »
Red, swollen, hot to touch.....are you running a fever?  Are there any red streaks from where they gave the shot toward your central body (ie - if they gave the shot in your upper arm (deltoid region), the streak would go towards your chest).....(if you had a pustule on your lower leg the infection streak would go towards your groin)......

2 things can happen when you get immunized:
1) most common - your body stores a memory of things it has reacted to in the past ... if you've had a Flu shot or Pneumovac in the past, your body is just saying to you...."hey - I remember this stuff - I'm gonna try to get rid of it"....and you get a red, swollen area - sometimes hot, sometimes cold (cold & non painful is better).....think of it like a mosquito bite...some people get a quarter size red area (like me), some people get a dime sized area (almost everyone else I know)....I react to mosquito bites, most people dont.

2)  this is the one to watch for:  red, swollen, hot to touch can also = infection.  Did they clean the area that they gave the shots in with rubbing alcohol before injecting you?  Did they wash their hands before preparing the shot & giving it to you?  (perish the thought - were they using clean needles?) 

If it's just an amnestic (I remember this stuff) response from previous injection, it'll go down in a day or so - they do make your arm ache - sometimes it feels like it's gonna fall off, it aches so, tylenol or motrin, and maybe a dose of benadryl (or the generic equivalents) are all you need.

If it's infection - it'll get worse - hotter, larger, redder and may develop an abscess (boil) at the injection site, if you let a skin infection go, you can start running fever & it can spread to other areas of your body (through the blood stream) - go get it checked out if you think this is what is happening to your arm......NO doc or nurse should make you feel bad for being worried that you might have a skin infection or abscess forming from an injection!

btw:  They were right in telling you that if you have a heart condition you should get those immunizations.  Flu shots are needed every year.  If you've never had one before, you'll need a booster in 1 month...(sorry!!).....if I remember right, Pneumovacs are every 2 - 5 years in adults (someone out there help me on this one---).....also included in the list of people that should get these are asthmatics, people with chronic lung disease, the very young & very old, I think they also give them to immune suppressed people (their bodies don't have what it takes to fight off these very common infections)............

Hope this is helpful & not too scary....pleas e give us folks in the white coats a break - most of us don't act like the ones you met........(I don't wear my white coat!)


Offline Anky

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Re: Need help from the medical types again.
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2005, 11:24:33 am »

I've never had one before, no red streaks, was in the right shoulder, the nurse did clean it and she wore gloves and opened the sringes right in front of me.  No fever that I know of, my temp runs low anyways.  I joked that I was a Corpse (Low temp and BP).   

As for boosters :'(  And no offense to you or your collegues, it's just, ummm you know how if you're a poor college student?  And you eat Mac and Cheese ever meal every day for four years?  And you NEVER want to see it again?  It's kind of like that
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Offline LaurieW

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Re: Need help from the medical types again.
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2005, 12:09:54 pm »
No offense taken.....hope your arm feels better soon!!!  :)

Offline brigid67

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Re: Need help from the medical types again.
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2005, 03:38:57 pm »
Ang - I would take some benadryl.  Sounds like a reaction to the immunization.  And keep an eye on it.  I don't blame you - I wouldn't want to go back either.  I hate going to see doctors.  I have to work with them all the time - why would I want to go spend my off time seeing one.  lol  I would have to be close to death.  Also some motrin - 200mg - 400mg for pain relief or 600-800mg for anti-inflammatory effects (this is the one I would choose).
Hope you feel better soon