Author Topic: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....  (Read 6434 times)


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A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« on: November 28, 2005, 02:28:18 pm »
Ok. So, its Thanksgiving morning. We're driving up to Lansing, MI to spend the holiday with Mark's family. Its a 3 hour drive. (Well, 7 for me, cuz I had to come home from school, but anyway...)

So, we're somewhere in the middle of Michigan. Nowhere would be a more appropriate description.

Suddenly, I hear this strange noise. It sounds like Cabeza peeing in the back seat. I turn around an look, and Molly has this terrified look on her face...and she says, "Mom! Cabeza is, um, he's, I**ING IN THE BACK SEAT! PULL OVER!" She's like, flattened herself against the door, and Cabeza is now trying to jump in the front seat. I'm sure he's thinking, "Hey, Molly. You might wanna come up here, too. Its kinda gross back there." So, Mark, who is driving, is like, "What's going on?" And I'm SCREAMING!


Molly is gagging.

Cabeza is now stepping in the LIQUID mess, and bouncing around cuz Mark is trying to quickly get off the highway. So, now, there are large brown footprints and an enormous pool of pooh all over the back seat. There are large, brown splats all over Mark's coat.

Oh, speaking of coats, did I mention that its like, 10 freakin' degrees outside? And an extreme blizzard? Yeah, its cold, and now Mark's coat is covered in pooh-splats.

Ok. So we get off the highway and pull into a gas station. Everyone jumps out. Cabeza immediately has another projectile pooh. Molly and I run into the gas station and grab a bottle of pine sol, two rolls of paper towels, a box of garbage bags and one of those large big gulp cups. (I suggested a squeegee and Molly almost puked...)

Mark is shivering like no one's business, and he and I are like, scooping the pooh up into the papertowels and filling up garbage bags. We get the majority of the actual pooh up, and take a look. There is no way that we can make it the rest of the way to Lansing with the car in its current state. Molly is standing behind us reminding us (in case we may have forgotten or hadn't thought of it) that "THERE IS NO WAY I'M GOING TO RIDE IN THAT CAR TO LANSING!"

Thank goodness there is a carwash up the road. We chain Cabeza up to the propane tanks in front of the gas station and Molly waits inside the gas station. We head to the car wash. Can you believe it? They have a fancy upholstery cleaning machine!!!! The Pooh Angels were looking down on us that day! It is this huge brush that squirts out stain-removing foam and then with the flip of a switch, sucks it all back up! WOOOOH! So, Mark and I douse the back seat with pine-sol, use the scrubbing brush thingy, and suck up all the brown foam! WOOH! It was amazing.

Course, now my car reeks of pine sol, but, hey. The seats are cleaner now than they were before Cabeza's butt explosion, so maybe I should be thanking him?  :-\

It was really fun to explain why we were an hour late for Thanksgiving dinner. Thank goodness Mark's family has a great sense of humor!

Offline GrumpyBunny

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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 02:49:12 pm »

As the Booty Blow-out Queen (remember - Cabo had runny poop for like a year and a half), I can SO sympathize!
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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 02:51:34 pm »
OMG Nicole!  I am BUSTING out laughing!!!  What is it with big dogs butt's exploding?  It can never be the tiny ones that take like 2.5 seconds to clean up, it has to be the big full sewage booty blasts! 

At least you can say it is a Thanksgiving you'll never forget!!!  ;D
Not that this has to do with anything, but Jenn, sometimes I get our avatars confused.  I see yours and think "I don't remember posting that...  Oh, wait...  D'oh!"

Back to booty blast discussions...
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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2005, 02:53:13 pm »
HA! I knew you girls could relate! (Or at least find it humorous...)

Yeah, it was funny. Yesterday in my Environmental Law class, the prof. was like, "Ok, who has the best Thanksgiving story?"

I raised my hand, "I do. Hands down."

I tell the story. People are cracking up...some are moaning. I finish the story.

Prof says, "Well, at least he's not a St. Bernard, right?" hahahhahaha! I'm like, "Well, no. But, he IS a Newf mix."

Someone from the back of the room yells, "OH NO! Them's some big poops!"


Cabeza is feeling much better now, BTW. Thanks, Holly.  :)


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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2005, 03:36:42 pm »
OMG!!  HAHAHAHAHAAA!!  I'm laughing sooooo hard right now.  I bet you wern't laughing when it happened! :D  You definitely have the best Thanksgiving story!



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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2005, 03:38:09 pm »

Offline Anky

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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2005, 04:06:07 pm »
OMG Nicole!  I am BUSTING out laughing!!!  What is it with big dogs butt's exploding?  It can never be the tiny ones that take like 2.5 seconds to clean up, it has to be the big full sewage booty blasts! 

At least you can say it is a Thanksgiving you'll never forget!!!  ;D
Not that this has to do with anything, but Jenn, sometimes I get our avatars confused.  I see yours and think "I don't remember posting that...  Oh, wait...  D'oh!"

Back to booty blast discussions...

Haha Marsi I do that too :P 

As for poop stories I have two, neither of which are all that exciting.  One was I was bring Bibs back from the groomers, and matt's brother was in the car with me.  We're going down Main street and notice an "odor".  We think they must be doing the sewer or something when Araby puts her delicate little S*** COVERED paws on the armrest of my car.  Buggy turns around and there is poop EVERYWHERE!  On the seats, in the back on the floor smeared on the roof.  It was so bad we couldn't even find the original pile.  Ugh

Then there were the Dane fosters we brought up (Drove for over 40 hours straight.)  My friend's dane Jupiter and Hobo were with us, laying right behind the front seats and the two 6 month old puppies were in the way back.  Well suddenly Hobo LEAPS into the front seat onto Michelle's lap fussing and crying, and Jupiter sticks his head in the fronts and starts to Roo.  They'd driven the previous day with no problems so we stopped to make sure everything was OK.  Nope.  One of the puppies had pooped KERMIT FROG GREEN! and his brother and him were having a MAHvelous time playing in it.  The puppies smelled, my car smelled, Hobo and Jupiter had NO intention of smelling at all, and refused to get in the back.  We ended up paying $60 to get the car decent again.  Ugh that was awful...
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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2005, 04:09:57 pm »
I can relate.

I was driving to my parent's house with friends and Keiko once.  My friend was driving and we took her van.  It was spring break, so a bit chilly in MN.  My friend cranks up the heat, which seems to eminate from beneath my seat in the middle row.  Seriously, I think I got burns on my legs.  I made a comment about it being warm in the back, which my friend doesn't listen too.

Keiko  starts to pant, which is NOT a good sign.  I comment again about the rising temps in the back of the van.  I'm now monitoring Keiko continuously, who is sitting in the back row panting away.  Soon she starts to pace.  Another bad sign.  Then it happens.  I see her hunch her back, at which point I yell out "PULL OVER!!"

Friends are clueless and are like "Why?"  The one turns around from the front.  I said, "Keiko has to go to the bathroom NOW!!"  Thank God she only went a little bit in the van, but it was the projectile diarrhea that I was dreading.  Take her outside where she spews some more for about 10 minutes.  Then since we are on the side of the road, we scrounge around for what we can use to clean it up.  Thank God we stopped at McDonald's along the way, so we had some napkins.  For water we used some ice left over from our drinks.  I'm just happy she had leather seats, or I would have had to pay a hefty cleaning bill.

After that incident, she made sure the heat was turned down.  Keiko can handle hot outside temps, but inside confined areas she overheats very easily, even in the house.

Glad to hear that Cabeza's doing better.  Butt explosions are never fun.


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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2005, 04:34:37 pm »
Dyin' here!  Just ROFL!!!

Offline shangrila

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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2005, 05:26:43 pm »
lol :D
RIP former BPO

Offline Kermit

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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2005, 05:31:08 pm »
Thankfully, I cannot relate!!! UGH!!!!!
Thank goodness for the magical upholstery cleaners nearby. Wish I had found those the countless times Nigel has puked on me and the seat in my car!!!!


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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2005, 05:35:23 pm »
HA! Kermit the Frog Green! HA! HA!

I didn't realize that overheating could cause diarrhea. Hmm..that sheds some new light on the poopy situation. Maybe the big guy was too hot! Oh, that makes me feel bad! Poor Big, Big Man!

Do any of you guys remember when I was asking about cloth vs. leather interior? Well, the best part about the whole situation was when Mark looked at me as he was scrubbing up some brown foam and said, "THe girls on Big Paws were right, leather all the way!"


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Re: A Thanksgiving that only BPOers could appreciate....
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2005, 05:50:01 pm »
I dont' know if she was hot or not, but Keiko always starts to pant before getting sick (although she could be panting b/c she is sick).  But I'm sure the heat did not make her feel any better.  And she does get hot easily in confined areas.

Speaking of seats, I have a special seat cover I bought for my backseat, mostly to capture Keiko's tremendous amounts of hair.  Anyway, I'm so glad the thing is waterproof, b/c last year when my stepkids were visiting, one got sick on the way to Disneyland and puked all over herself and the seat.  Thank God it did not get on the floor.   :P  :P  :P  Of course we are in an industry area, so no stores to be seen for another 10 miles.  Blech!!  I almost got sick and had to roll down all the windows.  Stopped at a mall that wasn't open yet, and cleaned up the mess.  Then drove to another mall that was open and bought her a totally new wardrobe, underwear and all.    :P

I'm so glad I bought that seat cover  ;D............. .......of course if the dogs get sick, which they have, they always manage to miss the cover and hurl on the floor.   :P  :P