Author Topic: Do any of your dogs do this???  (Read 21370 times)

Offline karen8

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2005, 03:59:47 pm »
Angel's best (worst?) eating disaster was when she was just about 1 year old.  She took a small chew toy (average size, I guess) from my mom's dog.  My son and I sternly told her to drop it and instead she took off running.  We chased her into a corner of the kitchen and rather than give it up, she swallowed it whole.  Of course, we totally freaked and called the vet.  Per vet's orders, we took her outside and using a turkey baster, shot a bit of hydrogen peroxide down her throat.  She started walking around the yard, then started making this sort of disgusting burping noise.  I swear that is the closest I've ever seen of a dog turning green in the face.  She gave us this reproachful and proceeded to barf up the toy.  She looked queasy for quite a while.  She also had a bad habit of eating socks whole...althou gh she seems to have outgrown that one. 

Offline coonie1970

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2005, 07:50:57 pm »
Im having more flashbacks.  :o Just before Christmas was about the worst for us. Judge was 9 months old. He managed to EAT a glass Christmas ornament, a whole bag of chocolates WRAPPED in tinfoil ( the only evidance was chocolate slobber all over my bed),my bed post( YES BEDPOST) the rung of a chair, the edge of the coffee table and the pogo. Im not sure if it was because we were out more or because he was teething ?? Since then he has not distroyed any furniture or eaten anything harmfull. TOUCH WOOD. OH yes we also came home to the Christmas tree at the front door. OUR PRESENT I guess. LOL Its all really funny now . Id just tell everyone that Judge NEVER chews our shoes he is such a good dog. HEEEHEEEHEEE.  ::)
Karen :) Image hosting by Photobucket

Offline Animalscry2

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2005, 08:16:23 pm »
Our Rottweiler once, while we were gone ate a whole bag of holloween chocolates. We came home & realized what he had done almosdt right away. Called our vet, who told us to just "keep an eye on him." Thanks Gawd nothing serious happened. I'm sure Prince had an upset tummy though. One time he had got a hold of a rawhide & swallowed it whole. He started choking on it. we tried the Heimlich on him & i know the rawhide moved so he could breathe. THen called the vet. He told me to give him bread with lots of butter on it. It worked!! The rawhide passed & we never bought them again.

Offline Saljen

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2005, 12:45:43 am »
Im having more flashbacks.  :o Just before Christmas was about the worst for us. Judge was 9 months old. He managed to EAT a glass Christmas ornament, a whole bag of chocolates WRAPPED in tinfoil ( the only evidance was chocolate slobber all over my bed),my bed post( YES BEDPOST) the rung of a chair, the edge of the coffee table and the pogo...

Wow, and I thot it was only my dog that did that! My Rosie got into an old bag of xmas decorations once. It was really funny - there were some old things that I had stored outside by the shed that I needed to get rid of. When Rosie got to be around 6 months old she started taking care of that for me. She had begun to snatch things from the house and take them out to shred and eat, so I would have to regularly go thru the backyard and pick up after her, esp to make sure there was nothing there she could hurt herself on. She would take such offense when I'd pick up her "lair." (which is exactly what she turned the backyard into there for awhile!) I began to realize she was getting into these bags of stuff and shredding them, eating parts, and scattering the rest all over the yard when I began to recognize things from years ago! Well, it was December and we had just started decorating for xmas. One day, my son and I are in the kitchen, and suddenly we hear sleigh bells! *ching ching ching* like santa was here! We look at each other like 'wha???" then look for the sound, realize its coming from the open window and both say 'the dogs!" We go outside to find Rosie walking around the backyard with a string of sleigh bells hanging out of her mouth and banging on the ground, and the entire yard littered with the remains of xmas decorations!!! We found half chewed tree lights, broken pieces of glass ornaments, a half eaten santa figure, plastic pointsettas everywhere and tons of other xmas things, mostly in pieces. Sure we were concerned about the potential lights and glass bits in her stomach, but more than anything, we couldn't help but laugh our heads off at the fact that she had gotten into THAT particular sack right at this time of year!!! My son said that she just wanted to help decorate! LOL And tho I was appreciative of her trying to help  :D, the decorations had to go! I swear she was upset about it too! And that certainly opened my eyes a bit, so afterwards, I finally got all the old stuff out of the yard. Now the worse she ever eats is the occasional stolen sock. She DID eat a chunk of the WALL once tho...

Offline coonie1970

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2005, 07:00:37 am »
LOl I just love all these stories. It is nice to know others have had the same FUN as we have. You just gotta love our big dogs. Nothing little here. They even chew and eat BIG. Oue SHOES are safe but.... ::) LOL
Karen :) Image hosting by Photobucket


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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2005, 07:45:36 am »
lol, so my grandma hates animals right....well she doesn't hate them, shes just not a fan.  so one day, she was baby sitting me and my older sister kelly at our house, and we had a puppy named bailey who was several months old (and was saitan!) and she was in the kitchen and bailey went into the laundry room because grandma forgot to close the door.....well, baileys favorite game was steal the clothes and run around and swallow it while you try to catch her....i was asleep upstairs as was kelly, but grandma started chasing around bailey because she had gotten a hold of a sock and she wanted to get it away from her.....bailey ran and ran around our kitchen table until the whole sock was swallowed, and when my grandma realized it, she freaked out and called my mom who told ehr to call the vet who told her to give her ipecac.  she did, and once i woke up, i came down to a VERY sick little bailey who had saliva hanging out of her mouth and who threw up the rest of the day....THE DAMN IPECAC ABOUT KILLED HER MORE THAN THE SOCK WOULD HAVE.....anywa y.....bailey is gone now, but i have two dogs of my own and while my family was here in april to visit, my grandma wouldn't come ANYWHERE NEAR the dogs LOL....she was so scared she had killed bailey that it almost killed her...and now, she refuses to go near animals. 

Offline Oingo

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2005, 07:57:24 am »
Red, my bullmastiff mix has discovered the joys of counter surfing, also.   ;D  Typical stuff, like has been mentioned.  But recently, I ran out of the kitchen for a moment (that's all it takes, right?!?) only to come back and find 3 lbs of raw ground beef missing and a very guilty dog. 
I work at a vet and ironically had a situation that day that required we induce vomiting in a springer spaniel.  So I figured that 3 lbs of RAW ground beef was a bit much and my dog would end up getting sick anyway, better under controlled circumstances than on my bed in the middle of the night.  According to the vet I work for, hydrogen peroxide does the trick everytime...bu t at 10cc's per pound of dog, we were looking at pouring the whole bottle down the dog's throat!!  Well, it worked and I have the gruesome pictures to prove it!!  Not exactly a picnic cleaning up, but as I mentioned, better outside on the driveway than in my bed or on my head!!

Kim N Crew n Tony, too

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2005, 08:58:42 am »
All of you make me feel so good! I have a golden retriever/collie mix who has a special penchant for wood. I have no bedroom door because he chewed that up once in my absence. He has also chewed up the divider doors between the dining room and the living room, the door to the garage, the wooden tv trays, chair legs, etc. But the worst thing he does is chew through the neigbor's wooden fence. Our neighbors are not dog people, but God bless them they have been extremely tolerant. When Oasis started chewing through our wooden fence to get out and run the neighborhood or visit the McDonald's across the highway (scaing the bejesus out of me), we took out a 2nd mortgage on our house to put up a 7 ft. vinyl fence. To save money, we left the neighbor's wooden fence exposed on that side. It didn't take Oasis long to figure out that he could chew through that fence, get into their backyard then chew through their gate to get out. We have repaired their fence numerous times and they are no longer anywhere near amused. They don't speak to us any more unless it's absolutely necessary. Oasis is never in the backyard unmonitored anymore either.

He also loves WAX! I remember coming home one time and seeing red all over his face and paws. I freaked out and ran over to him to find out where he was bleeding from and what had happened only to discover he had just eaten a tube of lipstick he nabbed off my dresser. And, I cannot leave candles out where he can get them or he will digest them as well. The good thing about wax is, it moves through quite easily and makes for a very festive-looking stool!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline Oingo

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2005, 09:05:12 am »
The good thing about wax is, it moves through quite easily and makes for a very festive-looking stool!

LOL LOL....ya gotta love that!!  Hey, if ya gotta pick up poop at least it can be "pretty" sometimes...LO L!!!!
Kim N Crew n Tony, too

Offline bhender254

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2005, 09:09:13 am »
My female Pyr Sugar will steal homemade bread off of the counter.  Only if it is homemade, she leaves the store bought stuff alone.

Offline coonie1970

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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2005, 10:48:57 am »
HEEHEEHEE!!! Judge LOVES crayons. Now that makes for a very colourful poop. I dont think my kids have any crayons left.Last week Katey wanted to colour, when she asked were the crayons went I told her to go look in the pail in the back yard. Off she went ;), when she realized what I meant she said "MOM!!! Thats gross!!" I said " Well next time maybe you will pick up your crayons?? Right??" She just rolled her eyes. LOL We really need a devil smily on here.
Karen :) Image hosting by Photobucket


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Re: Do any of your dogs do this???
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2005, 11:02:02 am »
oh we all have lots to look forward to...the days they spend exploring their new found biggness.  :) 
Grace has developed a new habit.  Last night I lost 2 cups of coffee and a Mt. Dew while I was out with Lady.  She gets on the couch and stuffs her big head into the cups and or cans and they spill all over.  I may have run out of furniture polish since I had to wipe the table down so much.  And since she drank 2 cups of coffee and 1 Mt. Dew she was on a caffeine rush until midnight.  I was SO mad.  And she was mad at me for being so mean.