Author Topic: What to do about dog aggression.......  (Read 3357 times)

Offline Perdi's Mom

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What to do about dog aggression.......
« on: December 06, 2005, 10:42:15 pm »
My new Dane Perdi is really starting to lay into my other dog Duke...she is mellow, he is hyper, so I can see that sometimes he gets on her nerves...BUT, she is attacking him for what seems like to me no reason...I'm sure she has her reasons, but it's getting rediculous and I don't see them.  Today for example, my friend came over, Duke (my Lab mix) ran in behind her and they both came back to my room.  Duke was sniffing around the room and then Perdi came in behind my friend and hurried over to Duke and jumped on him and grabbed him by the back of the neck and really started shaking him hard; this time really scared me and he was shaking like a leaf trying to crawl under the bed...this is the 5th attack in almost 3 weeks-my friend was even taken aback by the attack.  Most of the time they are not completely together because I was letting them slowly adjust over gates and also during play time outside.  She is way possessive of me I believe since she has done it when he is near me and he does not instigate the fights; normally he stays away from her.  He actually stays away from me out in the yard if she is near me and is scared of her.   She constantly raises hackles at him if he comes near and I correct her on leash with a verbal stern "no".  A few times she didn't even warn him, just BAM, grabbed him.  Now he is a very submissive dog and will cower down, but she doesn't give him a chance and he has started to try and fight back and I don't blame him.   My poor dog is scared to death and I think is getting a bit depressed since he seems to think that he can't play with us and that is a big part of his existence, to Play!  I just don't know what to do.  My biggest worry is that what if they happen to go at it and my kids are nearby and they get hurt.  I can stop her, but they can't...we just got her and she has had a bit of a traumatic life these last 3 months or so-a hurricane evacuated dog previously owned and evacuated with, but multiple moves and such has made her a bit nervous.  I also do not think that she was ever properly socialized with other dogs and we do have Saturday socialization sessions coming up this weekend with a trainer.  I want her to be a good dog, but I don't know what to do about her attitude.

Any suggestions?  I just don't want anyone hurt, but I don't want to have to rehome her either...she's been through enough already...
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Offline Perdi's Mom

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Re: What to do about dog aggression.......
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2005, 10:23:35 am »
bumpin up....
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Re: What to do about dog aggression.......
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2005, 10:47:37 am »
It sounds like the trainer that you see on Saturday is a step in the right direction, he may have more suggestions for you.
In my house, my female doberman is top dog, although she is the smallest and oldest of my crew. She has been known to get ugly with the other two upon occaision, and I do step in if things get too rough. After so many years a sharp "ENOUGH" in a loud threatening voice will send the combatants to separate corners of the room, where they grumble at each other from a distance. It boils down to the fact that she may rule the dogs, but I rule the house. you need to establish your dominence over her so that you can halt whatever behavior with a word from across the room. Do you know if she has had any obedience training?
If not I would start there. If she is jealous and not allowing you to spend time/attention on Duke, I would make sure that she can be elsewhere and that Duke has some time with you as well. It is only natural that Duke will get tired of being a whipping boy and fight back. What you want to aviod is a knock-down drag-out between the two of them, and one way to avoid that is to take control away from her.

Offline Perdi's Mom

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Re: What to do about dog aggression.......
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2005, 11:04:42 am »
She is a 'rescue' of sorts...the people did not socialize her well and I knew that, although they assured me she was good with other animals...she had not had obedience training which is what she is getting now.  I have been able to break up all the fights, but not just with verbal commands.  Duke definitely gets "Duke" time and I've had to put her up on occasion just so we can do that.  He is my little wild man and we've had him two years....he's not going anywhere and I don't want him feeling bad in his own home either.  She actually stays on leash when we are outdoors as I don't have a fenced in yard yet.  I do correct the behavior when I see hackles raising on her.  I'm sure she wants to be top dog, but she's not sure how to go about it and is attacking him instead...  I am the alpha here and have no problem asserting myself in that position.  She knows it too.  I don't give her attention right now when she begs or pushes for it, she must do a command to get a 'pet' or 'treat'.  She was allowed to think she was human for the last 3 years and I think for her it was not a good's like she doesn't know how to be a dog, how to play-although that one is getting better, how to hang out, how to be around other dogs...

When I'm training her she gets very 'nervous' after a few minutes.  She starts to want to be next to me and tucks her tail between her legs almost the whole time.  She will pretty consistently do a sit, down and a stay.  We work almost 4 times a day and of course every time we go outside, or get food, or get love, or whatever, she has to do a command for me.   I hope this starts looking up soon.  I have always rescued dogs and are willing to work with them and give them time to learn and adjust to our home, but aggression is such a hard issue to resolve I think...thanks ya'll for your replies. 
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Re: What to do about dog aggression.......
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2005, 12:40:51 pm »
It really sounds like you are on top of the situation, and it just may take time, as you are already putting forth all of the effort. Aggression can be a real toughie, good luck and let us know how it is going.

Offline greek4

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Re: What to do about dog aggression.......
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2005, 05:00:16 pm »
My female OEM, Maia has a lot of fear issues which turn into issues with new people, other animals, sometimes kids.
The advice I got from a trainer was to make sure Maia associates good things happening when put in situations she would not normally like.  Such as when Duke is around and she is nice, give treats and lots of praise.  Make sure she has a kennel, cage or other safe place to go when stressed out.  make sure she sleeps in that place.  Make sure she is never above you or Duke, such as being on furniture or the bed or standing over Duke.

All of this has helped Maia, it seems like small, dumb things but they work.

Good luck.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

Offline Perdi's Mom

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Re: What to do about dog aggression.......
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2005, 09:52:06 am »
I would love to make sure that she isn't over Duke (and she is never over me), but Duke is all of 65 pounds and is half her height.  She got him again last night, but they broke as soon as I saw her jump at him and I yelled 'enough'.  She almost jumped at the cat this morning as it walked by her food and of course I watched it closely and she crouched down a little like she was getting ready to pounce and I just sharply said, 'No' and she swung round at me and hung her head...I'm just not sure it's going to work...maybe she needs to be in an only animal home...I told my husband that I'd give it a few more weeks and see, but if it's becoming a daily occurance then there's not much I can's too dangerous around my kids.  She has her own place to sleep in the kennel, it stays open all day and she goes there a lot to relax.  This is just frustrating.  I'd love to for it to work, but I'm not all that hopeful...It's just a shame that the owners never socialized her properly.  They kept her with them all the time and never let her play with dogs...UGH! 
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Offline greek4

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Re: What to do about dog aggression.......
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2005, 10:09:03 am »
It sounds like you are doing everything you can do for her.  I agree maybe she needs to be the only animal.  Good luck and you seem to have a good head on  you so you will make whatever decision is right for you and your family.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs