Author Topic: Frustrated :(  (Read 2148 times)


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Frustrated :(
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:21:24 am »
First let me say that I HATE people that dump animals off.  >:(  That said I have 2 cats that someone so nicely dumped off near my home. What the h*ll is wrong with these people??!!

The first kitty appeared the beginning of October, then the other the beginning of November. Both were thin and starving.. they definitely wouldn't have survived the winter on their own. I've been feeding them and fattened them up. Gave them a warm place to sleep (a large doghouse stuffed with straw) But they are both un-neutered males and they hate each other.  :-\

I've called the humane society.. they won't take them unless they are sick/injured or half dead!!! What the heck is the point of having a humane society? Are they not suppose to help animals in need? Apparently not. ??? They want me to pay to neuter and vaccinate them and adopt them out myself. Well that would be all fine and dandy if I had the money to do it. But I'm looking at $200 to do both of them.

Bringing them in my house is out of the question. I have a large male cat of my own that doesn't take kindly to other males. I would need to keep all 3 seperate..

Both are very friendly with people and the black kitty which I've named Charlie is quite friendly with Bubba. So he's been around dogs. I know they could be adopted.. I've tried posting them on various forums and posted flyers at my local vets. But noone has called me.  :(

I'm just frustrated.. I feel so badly leaving them out in the cold. I so wish I could find their previous owners and beat the living crap out of them.  >:(

That being said.. LOL Anyone looking for a kitty?  ;D

Here's a couple pics.. and yes they are grumbling at each other.. They hate each other with a passion. But they are all talk and no action.

Offline jabear

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Re: Frustrated :(
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2005, 11:19:17 am »
I love the second picture of them growling at each other. If I lived closer I would love to help out. I actually saw a cat up for adoption yesterday and thought of getting it. I'd say just keep doing what you are doing and hopefully someone will call you.

As for their owners, I would like to give them a piece of my mind too. I don't know why people think it is ok to drop of an animal when you are tired of it.  ???  Remember karma though, what goes around comes around!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline Good Hope

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Re: Frustrated :(
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 11:24:27 am »

I am too far away. But I do have a couple of suggestions. First, even if the human society won't take them, see if they can get you a reduced rate or voucher for help ewith shots and neuter. Secondly, let's see if we can take up a BPO collection to help the boys neutered, shots, etc. Thirdly, keep them till spring. I'll bet you just maybe able to find a couple of farmers to take one. Just post and talk to people at feed stores and the local farmers coffee hangouts. Everyone needs an extra barn cat in the spring. If they do there job, they'll have a forever home.

I bet if everyone thinks about it, maybe other things will come to mind.

People are very impulsive and certainly believe everything is disposable nowadays. So I am afraid these types of things are only going to increase before things will ever get better. Society as a whole will need to decide to change.

Thanks for taking them in.

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Frustrated :(
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2005, 12:05:54 pm »
Oh, Lyn! I know it's frustrating, but sometimes Humane Societies simply don't have the money or enough foster homes to take in every stray cat that comes along. It's just as difficult for them to tell you they can't do it as it is for you to be faced with wanting to do the right thing and not being able to afford it.

Here are some suggestions:

Can you afford to neuter one of them? They are territorial and hate each other because they are both un-neutered males. Neutering one may eliminate that problem. Sooner or later they are going to start fighting - especially if a female in heat comes waddling around!  Neuter one now, then save to neuter the other one. Check with all the vets and see if they have a feral cat discount program. Let them know you found these cats, you've been feeding them, but can't bring them inside. You don't want the stray population to grow, but can't afford shots and neuter.

Ask your vet if you can just get them the FIV/FeLeuk and rabies vaccination and forgo the others to save money. They will need these if they are going to be outside

Ask your vet if you can forgo the pre-anesthesia tests. Most vets do these to check blood cell count, liver and kidney levels. They add about $50 to the bill.

If your H.S. doesn't have a low-cost option, check rescue organizations in neighboring towns.

Ask your Humane Society if you can volunteer a certain number of hours in exchange for getting them neutered. They likely get a discount at the local vets so it will cost them less and they can always use help making phone calls, at events, etc. If you are willing to do something in exchange, instead of just asking for a handout, they may be more willing to help.

Good luck!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: Frustrated :(
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2005, 01:11:25 pm »
I agree with both you Lyn and jj about the humane soc. here in Charlotte, they simply tell you that, in order for them to take in an animal, dog or cat, it has to be owned, proof of vaccination and taken in as owner surrender. Well to me that doesnt make much sense sine those dogs and cats are usually the ones in least need compared to the abandoned and stray ones. But I am also aware of the costs and how hard it is for any rescue group to deal with the extreme amount of dogs and cats.

If you know your vet well, he/she might cut you a deal since they are rescued cats. I agree with the pre op. tests, it is vulontary if you want to have them done or not.

About the shots, you can give everything but the rabies yourself, it is a fraction of the cost at the vets and you can get the same vaccine they use.

I know alllllll about the frustration with cats that are just dropped off at your doorstep, I have 7 foster cats here now, and I didnt have to look for any of them, they just dropped down on me lol

Good Luck

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Re: Frustrated :(
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2005, 02:55:13 pm »
Thanks all for the suggestions. I had thought of taking one in for everything and then the other later.. But my female kitty is due for her spay soon. She's just over 6 months old, but hasen't been in heat yet thank god. Plus I need to take Bubba in for his hip/leg x-rays. We are just stretching it thin..

You know I would have understood if the lady at the humane society had of explained there reasons. But instead she was snotty and rude as soon as I mentioned it. Although I imagine they get alot of people that lie about animals being strays and are just trying to dump off their own pets. But that's not the case here.

If they were both my cats I would borrow to take them to the vet if I had to. But my hubby isn't too keen on borrowing money for pets that are not ours. I can understand his point.. but at the same time I do kinda feel like they are mine. LOL

I did check with my vet though... they don't have a feral cat discount program. The only people that get discounts are the humane society. So I called the humane society back and asked if they could get me the discount and I would arrange payments on the balance and they hung up on me!!!!!!!!!!  >:( So I guess that's a no.  :(

I don't know what to do. I'll keep working on my hubby and see if we can't figure something out.

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Frustrated :(
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2005, 03:13:04 pm »
I have news for you, Sweetie: If you feed them and give them a place to sleep, they are yours!

I can't believe the humane society hung up on you, though! You need to open up Microsoft Word right now and write a nice little letter to the editor! Their organization undoubtedly relies on donations from the public who expect them to assist the public as best they can. If they can do nothing but hand up on you when you are trying to help find some kind of solution, then their donors need to know what kind of organization they are running. They at least owe you an explanation of how situations like these are handled and what your options are.

This should be one of their core purposes. We can't always help the public with situations like this, but we ALWAYS tell them exactly what I've told you or they have the option to take the cat to a vet in New Orleans who has a feral cat s/n program for only $35.00 (vaccinations not included) or the the LA SPCA in New Orleans. If they can go out of their way for an hour drive then they can solve their dilemma easily when we can't do it for them.

We've also offered put found cats/dogs into our foster care program and pay for their vaccs & s/n if the home that found them becomes a foster home for us and agrees to keep the pets until we can get them adopted. That way, we get a new foster home (who, most likely, becomes addicted to fostering and becomes a valuable asset) and they get the services they were looking for.

I'd still try calling around to the other vets in town and explain the situation. You may find another vet with a feral cat program or a sympathetic vet office that has some other suggestions for you.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease, girl!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: Frustrated :(
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2005, 09:43:28 am »
I've phoned the vet in my town.. Plus Bubba's vet and one other in a neighbouring town. Plus 5 vets about 45 minutes from me. None of them have any kind of spay/neuter program.

I phoned the Toronto humane society since I was hoping they would take them in. They are having a boxing week NO adoption fee event for cats and dogs. I figured that would be perfect since you still need to be aproved before you can adopt. But they are full...  :(

Also the grey striped kitty has disappeared. My neighbour has been complaining about him since he's been pooping on his property. I have serious issues with this neighbour. He was the one I caught awhile ago feeding toxic things to Bubba...  >:( If he did anything to that cat I will not think twice about kicking his a$$.  >:( Won't be the first time.  ;)