Author Topic: my rottie is showing mean tendecies  (Read 3745 times)

Offline deiselsdaddy

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my rottie is showing mean tendecies
« on: January 05, 2006, 06:52:49 am »
I just got a new rottweiler german shepherd mix and he is starting to show mean tendencies....  i know that he is only 10 weeks but he is starting to growle and snap at me and other dogs...i am trying everything in the book to make him stop but it still seems the same...he sometimes will be chewing on a bone and i will reach to grab it and he growls and trys to bite....lately i have been sitting with him and petting him when he has the bone and everytinme he does growel i yell no....i just dont want to have a mean dog and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on things that i should do...maybe i should also say that i am a first time dog owner of my own dog...

Offline orion5221

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Re: my rottie is showing mean tendecies
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2006, 09:53:36 am »
The first thing i would do is that he gets no "high vaule toys" ie rawhide, marrowbone, anything real.
I would then  cut up a whole bunch of hot dogs, roast beef or cheese.
When he is chewing on something get his attention buy saying his name, then throw a piece of hotdog in his direction.  Repeat this at his food bowl also.
Do this many times a day.
Once he is comfortable ith that ( normally a couple of days), say his name then bend down ( not over him) and offer him the treat from your hand, as he lets go of the toy say "drop", "give" whatever word that you want to use. Let him go back to chewing his toy. Do this for a week or 2.
The you can start coming up to him, say the command.. if he drops it he gets a whole bunch of treats ( jackpot) ( still dont pick up the toy) Practice this for a week
Next say the command, once he drops it, jackpot, you pick up his toy and give it back to him.

I would also start cradling him at least 3 x a day.

Teach him to sit and down... he should get nothing ( ie attention, food, water, toys) unless he does something for you.
I would highly recommend that you find a puppy kindergarten class in you area ASAP.
If left unchecked this boy will walk all over you .....
LA & Gang


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Re: my rottie is showing mean tendecies
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2006, 10:01:11 am »
Males can be more aggressive.  good news is he's still young enough to learn not to be mean.  Males can grow up being quite lovable.  You may have to be more forceful.  If he growls smack him hard on the snoot.  He may have to learn the hard way.  Remember YOU are the boss. ..not him.  He will have to learn to give you things he values most like rawhides...aft er all it was yours before his and you gave it to him and can take it away.  :)  Patience...but firmness.  Control or be controlled...g ood luck.


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Re: my rottie is showing mean tendecies
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2006, 10:40:16 am »
The good news is that your pup is young, and you should be able to resolve this while he is still small, and easier to handle than say, at a year old. I would also suggest puppy and obedience classes to socialize and establish your dominence.
Along with your firm "No", I would give the "drop it" command and grasp his muzzle firmly, holding it closed, and give it a firm squeeze while picking up the item with the other hand. Hold it out of his reach and make him sit, then give it back. Once he learns the "drop it" command, you should be able to not grab him, and take things away. Being able to do this is not just a matter of your safety, but his too, as puppies will get into things that can hurt them, and you need to be able to take that irresistible chunk of baker's chocolate (or whatever) from him withut losing a finger.
 At mealtimes, enlist a friend. Put the food down, and walk away. Come back and say "back off", firmly. At the same time have the partner grasp collar or scruff, and guide the dog away from the bowl and press on hindquarters. When the dog sits, toss a couple pieces of highly prized treat (hot dog slices are great) in the bowl. Say "go see" and partner releases dog. They learn quite quickly that Back off is a positive command, and if they obey, they get something better than what they already have, and the partner is unneeded. I will still sometimes keep back a little something at mealtime occaisionally and add it in this manner. I just get the "ba..." out of my mouth and three butts, in three separate areas of the kitchen hit the floor, and they drool in anticipation waiting their turn.
Every male doberman, and my current dane/wolfhound puppy have challanged someone in the house over food/treats at some point , and we now can literally reach in their mouths safely to retrieve forbidden items. Good luck, and let us know how it goes for you.

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Re: my rottie is showing mean tendecies
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2006, 05:48:10 pm »
 >:( smacking the dog on the nose is wrong, but the words are true you need to in cases like this, so as much as i hate it, you may have to do it......

the idea with the treats is great my dobie used to growel wen i 1st got him, but i soon got the lad to a stage wer i am able to take anything away from him using the idear about the treats.... what i would do was give him his bone then get some fresh meat and say LEEEEAVEE in a deep comanding voice, as soon as he left his bone i would give him the fresh meat and pick up the bone at the same time whilst saying all the good boys as i could in a silly voice, after about a week or so i was able to take the bone from his mouth with out even using a command or other bribes...

we wish you luck

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Re: my rottie is showing mean tendecies
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2006, 06:04:44 pm »
Jilly is our rotti mix that we've had since she was a pup.  Geesh did she challenge me.
There were days I wanted to send her back.  I did many of the things mentioned here.
Puppy class is very very helpful.  I did the muzzle grab for correction.... like a mom dog does to her pup.
Also......I wouldn't look away first when she would stare at me.  Sometimes my eyes would water like mad.  Eventually she realized she wouldn't win. 
I would lay on her and hold her down.  Sounds weird but recommended by the pup class teacher and helped establish my role as alpha.   The first time my husband saw me doing that he freaked out.  Thought I was killing her.   We laugh about it now.  Those first few months (yep...months) I honestly thought she was evil.  Now she is AWESOME.
She is the best behaved dog.  She's sweet and well behaved.  Well worth everything we went through.
Good luck. 
"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline deiselsdaddy

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Re: my rottie is showing mean tendecies
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2006, 03:10:54 pm »
thank you to everyone i think that i have been trying the ideas that you have been giving me.....he actually likes the hot dog one the best....Deisel can actually sit, lie down, heel and stay, since i had last wrote....thank s to evryone