Author Topic: Car Accident  (Read 3387 times)


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Car Accident
« on: January 06, 2006, 04:01:15 am »
My MIL came today and picked Alyx up to spend the night at her house, so Donnie and I thought we'd go out and have a nice quiet dinner. We got no more than 2 miles from our house and we were sitting at a stop light. A guy in a full sized truck turned right... only he didn't make the turn. (it's NOT a tight turn either) He did not just "clip" us, he hit us head on. We were completely stopped and he wasn't going fast, but he hit us HEAD ON??? So, the guy backs up to get off of the bumper of my Jeep and Donnie gets out. Donnie looked at the guy and said "we need to pull over there (motioned to the lil gas station beside where we were sitting) and call the police". The guy just kind of grunts "yeah" and starts pulling away. At first we thought he was just pulling into the gas station, but Donnie hops back in the Jeep quickly and yells "Call the police, he's driving away!" Donnie drives through the gas station parking lot and takes off after the guy. So I am on the cell phone talking to the police dispatcher telling her turn by turn where we are etc. (we were not RIGHT behind him, but we kept it where we could see him) I look up and his truck is in REVERSE. Yep, he missed a turn and just threw it in reverse to get where he wanted to go. He ended up pulling into an apartment complex (that just so happens to be right across the street from our house), and my husband pulls right up behind him. I gave the dispatcher his license plate number, etc. My husband got out of the Jeep and just leaned on it. I was about to freak out thinking "if they get out of that truck, we are all going to end up in jail or worse". The passenger got out of the truck and headed to an apartment, and was still outside when the police arrived. My husband pointed him out, but he quickly disappeared into his apartment.  The driver was still just sitting in the truck. When the officer went over to the truck, he opened the door and asked the man to get out. The guy could barely stand. They gave him a breathalyzer test, but he hadn't been drinking. He admitted to taking 2 Lortabs, and the officer said the vehicle smelled like pot. 3 more officers arrived, and they questioned the man further, tried to get the passenger out of his apartment, took our statements, got all of our information and gave us driver information, case number, etc. He went to jail on hit and run charges. When we were leaving, he was asleep in the patrol car. Niiiiice.

Thankfully, my Jeep is built like a lil tank. Just a scratch on the bumper. Minor stuff.

Thankfully no one was seriously injured. We found something to eat, came home to let the pups out, and then Donnie took me to the ER as it was becoming increasingly difficult to move my head. The right side of my neck, my right shoulder, arm, and lower right side of my back are hurting pretty bad. They took xrays at the hospital, and I have no broken bones. (I didn't think I did have) Dr said it's more than likely a lot of pulled muscles and some stretched nerves. Gave me some medicine, and instructions to ice it for the first 48 hours and then depending on if it feels more muscular or joint soreness after that... heat or ice. Said that if it hasn't shown improvement in 4 days, that I will need an MRI to rule out ruptured discs, as they can't determine that on a "flat x ray". I am okay, just VERY VERY sore and have a headache. Donnie is sore. But his wasn't in any particular place, so he wasn't concerned.

It could have been so much worse. I am so thankful that The Man Upstairs was watching over us tonight. I'm thankful that Alyx wasn't with us. I am thankful that the pups weren't with us. I am thankful no one was seriously hurt. I am thankful that we caught the driver and he is in jail tonight, so he can't do this to someone else. (at least not tonight)


Offline 2dobies

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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 07:21:34 am »
Wow---what a night you had! You are so lucky for so many reasons. Most of all that neither of you were seriously hurt! What is the deal with people who plow into you, then think that they can just take off and avoid the consequences??? I'm glad you were able to follow the guy and see that he was caught!   Two years ago, we went on vacation and had a rental car, and we were driving through South Carolina late at night, looking for the nearest motel to stop at, and this guy in front of us (we're on the interstate highway, by the way) missed his exit, so he stops his car dead in the middle of the highway.  Well, I stopped, too, because I had to! So what's he do? Puts his car in reverse, slams on the gas pedal, and proceeds to back up at a fast rate of speed right into me! His license plate was up on the hood of my car. practically in our faces, so my wife wrote down the number. Then he pops into forward gear, and takes off down the exit ramp onto another totally different highway! Cops were called, they showed up, bur said there was no way they could trace him because he was so close to the N,C./S.C. state line and probably was out of the state by now.  Great.  Well, when I read your story, I thought, "that fool that hit me is out and about again!" but I am glad that you werent hurt, and that your jeep is still driveable.  It's awful when you are put out of your transportation because of some dopehead that thinks they are so smart they can get away from the damage they caused.  Hope your soreness goes away.

Offline Terri

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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2006, 07:48:59 am »
So sorry you had to go thought that!! life can suck sometimes. But it sounds to me like you have whip lash. I had it once and it took a long time to get over. Hope you feel better soon.

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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 12:30:23 pm »
What an eventful evening you had. Luckily you and your huband caught the jerk and are ok.
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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2006, 03:18:36 pm »
Let's just run away and then no one will know.
Don't you just love people who think that the rules don't apply to them?
I hope you feel better quickly.
Thank God it wasn't worse. 
"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline shangrila

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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 08:50:12 pm »
What a crazy story. I am glad that you were able to catch the guy and your car is ok. I am sorry that you're in pain right now, but I can promise you from experience that it will get better. I have been in a few car accidents (no I am not a bad driver, I am an unlucky passenger), and have a permanantly damaged neck from, amoung other things, multiple whiplashes. The medicine they gave you should help relax the muscles, and if it doesn't feel back to normal in a few weeks I suggest you ask to go to physical therapy - routine PT REALLY helps the healing process.
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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2006, 01:39:22 am »
Oh how horrible.  I'm glad your husband was quick thinking enough to follow him and not get seen (although he was probably too doped up to notice, even if you had jumped in the car with him).

Sounds like whiplash to me, too.  I've also been in a few car accidents (only one was my fault......... ..and not really, they stopped for no reason right in front of me), and now have permanent back and neck problems...... ........but don't worry, it takes about 5 or 6 before it becomes really serious.......


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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2006, 05:13:06 pm »
Hey everyone!   I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth! lol  I'm just still very sore and stay pretty sleepy from the medicines right now. 

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2006, 11:21:32 am »
I hope you are feeling better today!!  I had an accident a few months ago where I was waiting with my directional on to make a left hand turn and a jeep liberty just ran into the back of my truck.  How do you not see a GMC Yukon it is a big truck but anyway she bounced off me and had major damage I also had damage but was told my truck is a tank it sure kept me safe..anyway I had the same aches, it is jarring on the body plus you had all the added stress of the situation.

Just a side note the woman wrote in my note book that it was her fault and she would pay all damages and then her hubby made her change the story and say it my fault!!  Thankfully a nice young man stopped and gave me his phone number - surprise witness - busted!!!

Anyway - I hope you are feeling better everyday!!

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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2006, 11:57:57 am »
How Horrible! You are so lucky to have a husband with such restraint! My hubby would have tried pulling the S.O.B. from the seat of his truck!
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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2006, 12:31:08 pm »
Hey everyone!   I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth! lol  I'm just still very sore and stay pretty sleepy from the medicines right now. 
I'm sorry about your accident.  It's so upsetting.  Glad you drive a mini tank though.  And glad to hear you're not seriously banged up.  Soreness is the worst.   I feel your pain!   get in the hot tub and soak for an hour or so...till you're as wrinkled as a raisen.  then spoil yourself with heating pads/ice packs and asprin.  :) 


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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2006, 01:05:55 pm »
How awful!  Good gracious!  I'm glad that everyone is okay though.  People these days, I swear.  Take care of yourself.  I think Lins is right....a nice hot soak will probably do you some good.  I find a glass of wine always relaxes the muscles nicely as well.  :)


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Re: Car Accident
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2006, 01:19:54 pm »
That's sucks! I glad no one was seriously hurt. Take care of yourself!